“Hey, hey, there are ghosts in this world, what other science do you talk about, are there ghosts in your family’s science?”

“It is well known that the end of science is theology—”

“Upstairs, I don’t say this to you now, what is the comment, I want to ask you to the end of science?” Have you seen anything between the sciences of your world?

In this case, how can you be embarrassed to say such words, ~ but just follow the trend…”

The audience of the heavens and realms discussed a lot, and the building was a little crooked when they said it.

But the comments are probably depressed, and this recovery ability is too cheating.

If someone with this strength comes to fight with the eldest brother, the outcome will definitely be no surprise, and the eldest brother will definitely win.

But it’s a pity that the eldest brother encountered a ghost this time!

This perverted level of resilience, perverted vitality, is simply incomparable, and it can completely exchange injuries for injuries with opponents, or even say that life is exchanged for injuries.

After all, as long as the neck is not cut, simply being stabbed a few times is nothing at all for such a tough creature as a ghost.

It is precisely under this circumstance that this battle directly produces a one-sided situation, making the situation more and more dangerous.

The eldest brother is very strong, whether it is the sense of battle or the moves and strength, it is undoubtedly strong, but unfortunately, the opposite side is open and hanging…


The footage returns to the video, and the battle is still raging.

Purgatory Kyoshiro violently swung a knife with flames, successfully forcing the Nest Seat into the air, causing it to lose its borrowing point.

However, it is unimaginable that the Nest Seat actually took an extremely strange pose in mid-air, and then stopped his figure like this.

This operation, directly to the person who was still saying what violated the law of energy just now, dumbfounded, this this, Newton’s coffin board can not be suppressed at all.

But what these viewers don’t know is that the Newtons in their world at this time have long kicked the coffin board open, and again and again, and now they have put countless nails, indicating that they will never come out to see the world again.


The picture returns to the video, and the operation of the Qiuza is far more than that, he is facing down, hanging upside down in the air, and directly launches his own blood ghost technique.

“Sabotage kill, empty style!!”

In an instant, an extremely violent force condensed in his hand, and blue fluctuations flashed impressively.

Next lesson, punch out violently!!

Everyone watched this scene nervously, and it was very clear that this cannibal had condensed all the power of blood ghost art on the ultimate destructive power.

When this move appears, it must be a shocking blow!

However, what everyone didn’t expect was that after shaking his fist, there was no fluctuation in consciousness on the scene.

But just when everyone thought that this cannibal was not a failed move, the mutation suddenly appeared!

A violent force, at an unimaginable speed, directly rushed towards Purgatory Kyoshiro!


Bang –

The threat of death constantly harassed Purgatory Kyojuro’s fighting instincts, and although he did not notice this move, he still subconsciously put on a defensive posture.

Unfortunately, even if he used his sword to defend in advance and blocked this attack with his sword blade, the strong force, which roared violently, still knocked Purgatory Kyoshiro backwards, and his eyes showed a painful look.

Obviously, the pain of wanting to defend against this explosive sense of power is really not small!

Seeing this, many people expressed their puzzlement, and some did not understand how this move was.

At this time, finally a big guy answered for this, this cannibal’s blood ghost technique is indeed as strong as before, and there is no strange effect.

The reason why the attack just now could become a long-range attack was entirely because under this circumstance, his physical fitness had been greatly enhanced, and his energy had become more and more condensed.

Then, at an extremely fast speed, six combos were fired towards the void, directly breaking the air with invisible force, turning into the most violent attack.

And the reason why everyone can’t see it is only because the air and force that hit it, and there is no energy, plus this speed has reached the point that it is difficult to capture with the naked eye, and the previous terrifying scene appeared.

This Nest Seat, the strength is really powerful!!


However, at this moment, the attack of the Qiwo Seat was far from complete, and he rushed towards Purgatory Kyoshiro in mid-air, and at the same time, the arm that condensed his power was constantly waving. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Bang bang bang!!!

It was again rushed straight by invisible light waves, which connected with the blade and made an explosive sound.

Purgatory Kyojuro frowned tightly, struggling to save up this attack after attack, and his heart was finally clear.

Although there is no God’s perspective and a person who can see through everything, Purgatory Kyojuro, who has experienced countless battles with ghosts for a long time, also noticed the approximateness of this attack.

Speaking of this, Purgatory Kyoshiro did not hesitate at all, followed his fighting instinct, and used all the Yanzhi Breathing Method in a concentrated manner.

“Breath of flame, wanton type…”

“Sheng Yan Vortex!!”

In an instant, fierce flames erupted from the blade and spread around the corners of Purgatory Kyojuro.

And the next moment, this blade made of fire was continuously swung by Purgatory Kyoshiro, and the flames swirled and condensed, forming a huge flame vortex in front of him.

The vortex swirled and washed, directly playing the role of a shield, firmly resisting in front of Purgatory Kyoshiro, blocking all attacks.

That’s right, it was Purgatory Kyojuro’s instinct that saved him, although he couldn’t see these attacks and couldn’t detect when they were coming.

Then, he directly and indiscriminately made a shield of resistance, so as to resist.

And Kyojuro’s operation was obviously correct, and it really allowed him to do it.

This thrilling confrontation made everyone look at the pain, the smooth battle, the decisive and crisp change of moves, similar to the strong survival instinct of a beast.

Scene by scene, it is really enjoyable!

It’s just that when the picture returns to the video, Purgatory Kyojuro at this time is not in any proud, but more and more solemn.

“This guy, he punched the void, can really still attack me?”

Purgatory Kyojuro’s heart was heavy, because this view meant that this ghost’s attack was strong to a certain extent, and it could cause such a strong force just by crossing the void.

Wouldn’t it be miserable if he was really hit by the other party?

And even if the other party can’t perform this trick after getting close, it doesn’t mean that the battlefield can turn around.

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