After all, even if he could use this Flame Vortex now, what could he do to block all attacks?

After all, it is still pressed and beaten, and it can only be hard to defend, in this case, as long as the other party is not stupid and bites and pulls desperately, it will make this battle fall into the most bitter war of attrition.

And humans and cannibals to compare consumption, this is the most ridiculous thing!

Even if the cannibal is not an unlimited perpetual motion machine in the true sense, it needs to recover its physical strength by eating people and resting.

However, in terms of the output of physical strength alone, even if a random imp comes, I am afraid that it is a few points stronger than the top swordsmen of these ghost killing teams.

Of course, it is also possible to fight a war of attrition, that is, by letting the ghost get injured, so that the other party frantically consumes its own physical strength.

But to achieve such a point, you must ensure that you are not injured, and this “six seven zero” requires a certain strength generational gap, it is clear that there is no such gap between Purgatory Kyoshiro and Yuwoza, or this gap is negative!

Thinking only for a moment, Purgatory Kyojuro thought of the next battle mode in the blink of an eye, and the power burst out, holding the flame long knife in his hand, and flicked the side to knock down the incoming attacks one by one.

However, the danger has not been lifted, looking at the high up Qiwo seat, Purgatory Kyoshiro’s eyes are full of vigilance:

“This attack speed is too fast, you can’t keep such a distance like this, otherwise it’s not good to cut his neck…”


Finally passed a wave of offensive, Purgatory Kyoshiro frowned tightly, stepped on the ground, and in an instant, he turned into a hovering flame light and rushed straight ahead.

Brush brush brush brush –

Under the blessing of Yan Zhi’s breath, Purgatory Kyojuro’s speed can be said to have reached the extreme, and in the blink of an eye, there is only a naked eye, an afterimage that is difficult to capture, and the blade has arrived next to the Yuwo seat after all.

“Just get close to him! Ha!! ”

Purgatory Kyojuro thought in his heart, the extreme speed blew up the hair of the Qiuza seat, and without saying a word, the flame in his hand slashed violently.

However, even if they did this and made a calculated all-out shot, the gap in strength between the two was too big.

With only a slight tilt of his head, he dodged the fatal blow to his neck, and even his expression did not change, but he laughed:

“Well, what an excellent reaction speed!”

This scene mainly stunned the audience of the heavens and realms, and at this time, they finally realized the strength gap between the pillar of the ghost killing team and the winding ghosts in the twelve ghost moons.

The upper and lower strings, really the difference between clouds and mud!

No matter how powerful Purgatory Kyoshiro was, at this moment, he was completely suppressed.

After all, if you open the distance, you will be violently attacked, and it is difficult to bear it at will.

But in close combat, the gap between the two is here, and the other party can easily avoid his kill.

This is simply an all-round suppression, coupled with the inherent difference in physical strength between people and ghosts, fighting for a while, completely falling into a dangerous situation.

After all, just look at the expression of the Qiwoza, and now he doesn’t seem to be engaged in a life-and-death battle with the person in front of him.

On the contrary, it is just a joke, as if he is tweaking his juniors, proudly commenting, and does not put the other party in his eyes at all!

“Damn, is the winding ghost in the twelve ghost moons so powerful?”

Many people looked at this unequal battle with some depression, and they also felt more and more irritable.

The gap between the upper and lower strings is also too big, how can those winding ghosts be called one of the twelve ghost moons with these terrifying existences?!


In fact, let alone the audience of the heavens and realms, even those ghosts in the ghost destruction world were trembling when they saw this scene, and they couldn’t believe it for a while.

What the hell is this?

The speed and strength shown by the two people in the battlefield in front of them, even if it was Purgatory Kyoshiro who had been suppressed, this strength was definitely not an existence they could resist.

Not to mention the more powerful winding ghosts!

As long as those ghosts who originally tried to launch a challenge, they were directly scared. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It’s good that I didn’t die…

Especially the nightmare of the first ghost in the lower string, after seeing his miserable situation before, plus this scene in front of him, his ambition was completely dispelled.

These ghosts are simply not existences that mortals can resist!!


The picture returned to the video, and without saying a word, the two once again opened the fiercest and most direct hand-to-hand combat………….


Bang bang!!

The fiery red blade slashed across the dark night sky, but the arc that he should have been unstoppable was blocked by the blue fist every time.

One hundred percent empty-handed white blade skill appeared, but this time, it was not the next blade with two hands combined, but a direct hard bar.

After all, for the Qiwo Za, unless it is a sudden attack by the other party to gather good strength, this ordinary Pinga’s own arm is enough to resist it, and he does not bother to dodge at all.

However, as the battle continued, it was clear that he had the upper hand and did not lag behind, but it made the Yuwoza even more angry:

“What an excellent sword skill, such an excellent move, it will also disappear with you!” Kyoshiro, aren’t you sad?! ”

Obviously, Yu Woza really wants to pull the other party into the camp of ghosts, and what he said before is completely without lies, it is a real sincerity.

As a battle maniac, he really can’t stand it, such a brilliant existence will disappear directly because of the passage of time…

But it’s a pity that what he is facing is Purgatory Kyoshiro, a real big brother, how can he agree to the request of the other party. 3.3

Bang bang …

The fierce battle continued, and amid the crackling sound of blades and arms, Purgatory Kyojuro replied in a serious tone:

“Who’s like that? As a human being, it should be! ”

The righteous and righteous eldest brother is like a stable mountain, resisting all the opponent’s attacks like a violent storm, even if he tries his best, he will never take a step back.

Seeing this gesture, even the audience of the Heavens and Worlds were shocked and felt an extremely sufficient sense of security, not to mention Tanjiro, who was protected on the side.

Seeing his eldest brother fall into the downwind, Tanjiro completely ignored the injuries of his body, struggled to get up and pull out the knife, and wanted to go over to help.


However, the eldest brother who saw this scene was angry with his companions for the first time.

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