"Can it spit dragon's breath right after it is born?"

Robb's face showed joy. It was worth his time and energy. This little dragon could show such extraordinary performance right after it was born.

"It should also be related to the revival of magic. It is said that the dragon skeletons in the Red Castle are smaller and smaller, until no more dragons can be hatched. Although it is also related to the Targaryen family's self-destruction, it can also prove that it was in the last days of the law."

"Now that magic is revived, plus I buffed this egg crazily, so this little dragon can spit dragon's breath right after it is born."

Robb secretly guessed in his heart, while extending his finger, a golden thunder broke through the air and directly collided with the dragon's breath.

Under the absolute magic crush, the golden thunder directly penetrated the dragon's breath and hit the little dragon.


The little dragon was trembling all over and numb from the electric shock. He couldn't maintain his balance and fell to the ground.

Robb smiled and stretched out his finger, pressing the dragon's head: "You dare to breathe on me? You don't know who is the big and small king when you are just born, right?"

The dragon's head was pressed back and forth on the ground by Robb, and the black vertical pupils in the golden eyes were accumulating anger.

I am a sacred dragon!

You actually pressed me on the ground and rubbed me?

Human, you are so bold!

When the paralysis on the body gradually subsided, the dragon roared and broke free from Robb's fingers, howling.

But Robb just thought it was cute.

When your cat stretched out its cat fist to hit you, even if it was really angry, you would not care about it, because it was too weak.

In the face of an absolute gap in strength, even if it is angry, the strong will only think you are cute.

Seeing that Robb did not take himself, the noble dragon clan, seriously at all, the dragon became even more angry and blew out another breath of dragon.

Robb lightly tapped his fingers, and a breath of ice sprayed out, directly freezing the dragon and its dragon breath.

The little dragon that was frozen into an ice sculpture: ...

After a while, the ice sculpture melted and the little dragon regained its mobility.

The little dragon was already surprisingly angry: How dare you...


A magical pyroxene breath hit it.

The confused little dragon: How dare you...


Robb cast the gravity magic, and the little dragon tasted the taste of flying for the first time, but it was a bit uncomfortable. It was forcibly dragged up and down, left and right by the invisible force.

The little dragon's legs were a little soft when it landed: Teasing the great...


A small magic sword appeared behind Robb, and under Robb's command, it chased the little dragon and shot it.


The little dragon flapped its wings and ran away. It has not mastered the flying skills yet. This cannot be blamed on it. It is just a baby dragon that has been born for a few minutes.

After being chased by the magic sword for three minutes, under Robb's deliberate teasing, when the little dragon was gasping for breath, an ancient secret technique was performed.

The magic sword version of the thousand-year killing!

Hiss, hiss, hiss!

The severely injured little dragon suddenly soared into the air. The huge stimulation made it flap its wings instinctively, and it actually stayed in the air for more than ten seconds!

"I still have at least nine methods, nine methods, come on, continue to play with me." Robb said with a smile, thinking that magical creatures like dragons are playable, if they were ordinary animals, they would have been buried in the ground long ago.

The little dragon dragged its tired body and came to Robb.

Its face was extremely angry, and it wanted to spit out a breath of dragon to show Robb some color.

But looking at Robb's smiling expression, it lowered its head...

When it raised its head again, the little dragon's face was full of smiles.

Robb was surprised: it was the first time he saw a smile on the face of a creature like a dragon. The world is so big and there are all kinds of wonders.

The little dragon came to Robb's feet flatteringly, kissing this, smelling that, jumping around Robb, as if it regarded Robb as its closest partner.

The little dragon rubbed its head against Robb's heel, with a sincere expression on its face.

Robb found it a little funny, so he squatted down and touched its head.

The little dragon was very sensible now, and it tilted its head to rub Robb's palm, looking very happy.

Robb laughed out loud: "Not only can it spit dragon breath, but its wisdom is much stronger than that of ordinary dragons, and it also knows that people have to bow their heads under the eaves."

The little dragon seemed to have no idea what Robb was saying, and turned over to show its belly to Robb.

"Who said that only the Targaryen family and the legendary dragon taming magic can command dragons? Can't my great personality charisma also tame dragons?"

Robb laughed loudly, and the little dragon also performed hard on the ground. It learned the most important lesson in dragon life in the tenth minute after it was born: there are dragons outside dragons, and there are heavens outside heavens. As a dragon, you should be low-key.

Looking at the scene of the Lord's kindness and filial piety in front of them, it seemed that everyone was happy, but no one saw that in the woods, a figure looked a little lonely.

Grey Wind knew that in this drama of three creatures, it was the only one without a name. It left silently with tears in its eyes: Why, I was here first...

Robb had played enough and lifted the little dragon up to take a good look at his first dragon.

The little dragon was very well-behaved and let Robb hold it in his hands.

"It is indeed different from ordinary dragons. The scales on the surface look black, but the skin inside is light gold. Hmm, black gold quality."

"It's not light, it should be about the same size as the dragons of the magic age, but after all, it has absorbed the breath of my dragon king so many times, it will definitely be much bigger than ordinary dragons in the future, at least it will be bigger than the dragon mother's several little dragons."

"I just don't know how fast it will grow, when can I be a dragon rider?"

Putting the little dragon on the ground, Robb fell into deep thought again: he hasn't named it yet.

The dire wolf is called Grey Wind because of its gray fur and swift movements.

So what should this little dragon be called?

You can't just call it Little Dragon Little Dragon all the time, it would be wrong if it really becomes a filial son like the demon little dragon in the future.

Thinking for a moment, Robb came up with a good name: "Since you are the dragon I hatched, you must be the most powerful existence in the world, so I'll give you a name of a powerful existence."

"From today on, you will be called Bahamut."


Robb put Bahamut in his pocket, cast a spell and returned to the study in Riverrun.

Little Bahamut was very curious when he came to the new environment. He jumped back and forth in the study and observed everything around him.

But it was a newly born little dragon after all. In addition, Robb had just tossed it so much that its body had already consumed all its energy and needed to eat.

It came to Robb's feet and whined.

Robb looked at Bahamut and remembered that the little thing had not eaten anything yet.

After ringing the bell, Robb ordered the servants outside: "Send a plate of raw meat."

"Aww!" Bahamut protested in a low voice.

Robb was surprised that this little thing was so smart: "Forget it, send five plates."

In fact, Bahamut didn't know how much a plate was. It only knew that it had to eat more and grow up quickly.

It wanted to grow to its maximum step by step, and it would never be bullied by others again!


Outside the door, the Minister of Purge, Earl Tytos, was holding a document, ready to report to Robb the news sent back by the Wolf Guards from all over Westeros.

The servants walked past him quickly, holding pots of raw bloody meat in their hands.

Earl Tytos thought thoughtfully: "Your Majesty, has your Majesty put Grey Wind in the study again? Your Majesty really loves Grey Wind."

When he thought of the spiritual dire wolf, Earl Tytos felt very magical. There was actually such an animal that was so proficient in human nature!

And it happened to be the symbol of the Stark family!

Every time they talked about this magical animal, the nobles were very envious and hoped that their family could also have a spiritual creature that symbolized the family.

Arriving at the door of Robb's study, Earl Tytos knocked on the door: "Your Majesty, I'm here to do the monthly report."

"Come in."

When he opened the door, the first thing Earl Tytos smelled was a strong smell of blood and the sound of the beast swallowing food.

He thought it was Grey Wind, but the next moment, he was stunned.

What did he see?

What... was that?

Although no one in Westeros had ever seen a dragon since the Targaryen family lost their dragon.

But when he saw Bahamut for the first time, Earl Tytos swore in his heart that if this thing was not a dragon, he would be willing to be skinned on the spot!


The symbol of the Targaryen family!

The foundation for ruling Westeros for hundreds of years!

To this day, there are still many royalists in Westeros who miss the old dynasty. Why? Isn't it because the Targaryen family can command dragons, which makes people worship them?

Now... Earl Tytos wiped his eyes to make sure he was not hallucinating.

He found a dragon in His Majesty's study... a baby dragon!

Earl Tytos fell to his knees with a thud: "Your Majesty... Your Majesty, this... This is..."

Robb smiled faintly: "This is my new pet, Bahamut. As you can see, it is a newly born dragon."

Bahamut glanced at Earl Tytos and didn't take him seriously at all. He bit off a piece of meat and threw it into the sky, opened his mouth wide to catch it, and swallowed it without chewing.

The great Bahamut would not do such a waste of time chewing. He would eat quickly until he was full, then rest and digest, and then eat again!

Earl Tytos looked at Bahamut, his heart was extremely excited, and asked a key question: "Your Majesty, can you drive it?"

Robb nodded: "Bahamut, roll over."

Bahamut was very unhappy to be interrupted while eating, but there was no strange expression on his face. He bit off a piece of meat and rolled over while eating.

Then, he turned his back to Robb and glared at Earl Tytos fiercely.

I will remember you.

Count Tytos vaguely saw the threat in the eyes of a young dragon, and suddenly felt a chill on his back. This holy object would not bear grudges like this...

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