Earl Tytos thought about it and said excitedly: "Your Majesty, this is a real dragon! We should publicize it, which will bring a huge improvement to our troops! Even many secret royalists of the previous dynasty will lean towards you."

The dragons of the Targaryen family are the foundation of their rule over the continent of Westeros. Only people with the blood of the Targaryen family can ride dragons, which adds a mysterious color to their blood.

So until now, some people still miss the previous dynasty, even the reign of the Mad King.

Now, Robb appears with a dragon, which will cause a sensation throughout the continent of Westeros!

The reputation of the entire kingdom will reach a peak again.

Robb agreed with Earl Tytos's opinion: "Mastering a dragon is indeed worth promoting, but not now."

Robb glanced at Bahamut who was still feasting. This little thing is too small. Even if it is taken out for display, it can't cause a huge psychological shock.

Prepare to wait for this little thing to grow a few more circles, at least it can carry people to fly, and then find a suitable occasion to show it, so as to achieve the best effect.

Seeing that Robb had his own arrangements, Lord Tytos shut up and stopped discussing this topic. He began to report on his work.

"Your Majesty, the repair work of Harrenhal has been almost done. Lord Roose Bolton has repainted the castle according to your request. From the outside, it looks as beautiful as the snow in winter."

Robb was also looking forward to what the new Harrenhal would look like. He was going to hold his wedding with Little Rose at Harrenhal, and he would take the opportunity of the wedding to attract a large number of people and nobles to settle in Harrenhal.

"Farmhouses have also begun to be built on the outskirts of Harrenhal. Now they are for the craftsmen and slaves who are repairing the castle to live in. Later, they will be planned as residential areas. The underground drainage system has also been designed and is expected to start construction soon."

In Robb's vision, Harrenhal will become the political and cultural center of the entire Westeros continent, like a capital, and the entire scale will also surpass all the buildings of the previous dynasty.

So Harrenhal is similar to the royal palace. Near the royal palace, other buildings will be built to expand the overall scale.

After Tytos reported on Harrenhal, Robb was satisfied with the overall progress. As long as Harrenhal could be repaired before the wedding, the expansion area would be discussed later.

"Your Majesty, there is one more thing. There seem to be many voices in the Reach who are concerned about this marriage. Many small nobles are worried that your marriage with Highgarden will infringe on their rights and interests."

Robb's brows moved slightly: "Small nobles? Their right to speak on our side is just like the right to speak on their side by ordinary people. If no one instigates this matter, they will never dare to unite."

"Your Majesty is wise. It was the Hightower family that made trouble at the Highgarden banquet..."

Earl Tytos reported every move at the Highgarden banquet to Robb. Before the Tyrell family wrote to Robb, the Wolf Guards had already collected intelligence.

After hearing this, Robb was not too surprised: "The influence of the Hightower family in the Reach was not weak to begin with. After all, the Tyrell family has only been in power for a few hundred years and has a shallow foundation, so they cannot be suppressed."

The Tyrell family was promoted to the guardian of the Reach by Aegon I when he rode a dragon to conquer the continent. Because the original owner, the Gardener family, was burned to death by the dragon, they surrendered and were promoted by Aegon to the guardian of the Reach.

Originally, they were just the stewards of the Gardener family, and their status was incomparable to that of the Hightower family, which had been passed down for thousands of years.

Therefore, although the Reach is rich, the Tyrell family cannot cover the sky with one hand.

Fortunately, Robb had previously conquered the Redwyne family of the Arbor Island. The two sides combined were slightly stronger than the Hightower family.

However, the Hightower family launched public opinion again, causing some wavering small nobles to tend to the Hightower side, and the situation became deadlocked.

In order to completely subdue the Reach, Robb still has a lot of things to do, but the first thing Robb needs to consider is to figure out the most fundamental reason for all this:

"Why would the Hightower family oppose me?"

Robb himself has two guesses in his mind: one is that the Hightower family, the Citadel, and the church have been secretly planning the disappearance of magic and dragons, so that secular forces can regain control of the continent.

And the rumor that I have magic has spread throughout the continent. Are they worried that after I gain absolute advantage, magic will become the mainstream again?

The second possibility is that the Hightower family is not satisfied with the Tyrell and Redwyne families taking the lead and gaining a foothold in my dynasty, but they have not yet established a connection with me?

Robb thinks both are possible. After all, people are complex animals, and their emotions are affected by many things.

If possible, Robb will kill them directly and burn the Citadel and the church, so that the Hightower family will lose their pride and can only kneel down and surrender.

But if this is done, the fanatics across the country will explode immediately, and the rebellion will continue until the last drop of blood is shed.

In another timeline, it is not reasonable for Cersei to blow up the church with wildfire. If she really blew up the cathedral, Cersei would immediately fall into endless pursuit.

In the heyday of the Targaryen family, with dragons flying everywhere, they dared not destroy the church directly. After fighting for several generations, they could only eliminate the armed forces of the church.

In addition, Cersei also blew up the Tyrell family together. Did the 50,000 troops stationed not far from King's Landing disappear out of thin air?

"We should be more cautious in dealing with the church, plan for the long term, and then kill them with one blow, completely destroy the Church of the Seven Gods, and don't give them a chance to react and turn the tables."

Robb would certainly not allow the church to affect his royal power, but it would take some time to deal with the church.

If the church can't be dealt with, he still needs the maesters of the Citadel to do things for him.

These two forces can't be moved, and the Hightower family is not easy to move either.

Robb quickly determined his strategic goal: "Well, first deter the Hightower family from submitting to me, and after the marriage, immediately attack the Westerly, link my territory with the Reach, and then it will be much easier to deal with the forces in the Reach."

Eat the meal one bite at a time. Now there is still a Westerly between the Reach and the Reach, and wait until the Westerly is incorporated into his territory.


After Earl Tytos withdrew, Robb was ready to ask about the situation of his army.

As the first legion under Robb, the Blood Wolf Army will become the main force to attack the Westerly.

After ringing the bell, Robb summoned the Minister of Intelligence, Earl Blackfish, the Minister of Logistics, Edmure, and two Ministers of Recruiting to his study.

Soon, the four of them came together.

The moment they pushed open the door of Robb's study, they felt that something was wrong today.

It seemed that something was extra...

They soon found Bahamut, who was full and sleeping soundly on Robb's desk.


"Is this a living dragon?"

"Gods of old and new, what did I see?!"

Earl Blackfish wiped his eyes to make sure that his eyes did not have hallucinations due to his age.

The rest of the people, like Earl Tytos, half-knelt on the ground, with excitement and disbelief: "Your Majesty... This is really..."

A small number of people knew that Robb brought back the trophy dragon egg, but no one thought that the dragon egg could actually hatch!

Isn't it said that only the blood of the Targaryen family can ride a dragon?

Robb waved his hand, signaling his men to stay calm: "This is indeed a dragon, don't be too surprised, there are three dragons on the continent of Essos."

"This is different..." Earl Blackfish felt that he had lived in vain in the first half of his life. Who would have thought that he would see so many exciting things in his later years!

His Majesty Robb has a dragon!

The impact of this incident is absolutely beyond imagination. Not to mention that the bastard Joffrey is on the throne now, even if the real Prince Rhaegar is in power, Robb has enough legal basis to usurp the throne!

Robb is not as excited as others. Perhaps in their opinion, the existence of dragons can help the kingdom reach a higher level.

But in Robb's eyes, the kingdom has been at the top with him, and there is no room for further rise.

So Robb said calmly: "Don't spread this matter widely. I called you here today to ask about the military."

Uncle Edmure stepped forward and reported: "Your Majesty, your personal wolf cavalry has been expanded to a thousand people, all of whom are armored heavy cavalry, each carrying four horses and four attendants."

A thousand wolf cavalry is Robb's ideal scale. Armored heavy cavalry is an unrivaled military force in this era.

What spearmen and sword shieldmen restrain cavalry, that is an illusion against light cavalry. In front of the absolute tonnage of armored heavy cavalry, a charge will be dispersed.

Of course, the cost of heavy cavalry is also huge.

They usually eat, drink and exercise. They have to arrange attendants to wash their underwear, and they have to serve four or five laborers. They cannot engage in production. In addition, people eat and horses chew, at least a hundred laborers can support a heavy cavalry.

"The Blood Wolf Army has been fully built. The equipment shipped from the Reach has been distributed. Almost everyone has chain mail, and all centurions and above wear plate armor."

The supplies in the North are really scarce. Most of the soldiers who followed Robb to fight before wore leather armor. After the transportation with the Reach was opened, supplies were continuously delivered, and the current equipment is considered excellent.

It can be said that Robb's soldiers have now completed a comprehensive upgrade.

It's like when playing games before, the militia recruited became senior infantry of the Empire, and their combat effectiveness was greatly improved.

In this era, a plate armor can bring about a qualitative change in soldiers.

Edmure said admiringly: "Captain Little Jon trained the Blood Wolf Army according to your Majesty's training standards. Now they can understand the orders of the battle flags, and... these 10,000 people can write their own names."

What he admired was not Little Jon's training ability, but that Little Jon could make those illiterate people write their own names!

This is simply amazing. Those soldiers may never learn to hold a pen in a normal posture in their lives, but they can write their names crookedly.

And everyone can do it.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but every time Edmure distributes equipment, I always feel that the happiness of those soldiers when they learn to write their own names is greater than when they receive weapons and equipment.

Thanks to [the sow in your backyard] for the reward.

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