Jade Pavilion.

"You just said... you haven't seen which of your junior sisters yet?"

Ningguang picked up the jade pipe and took a puff, with a hint of surprise on her face.

"Liyue has a lot of affairs all year round, and I have to deal with all kinds of messy small matters in the General Affairs Office."

"Things in recent years have been even more troublesome. First, the emperor was assassinated, then the abyss demon god Osel, and then the reconstruction of the Jade Pavilion. I have been busy working overtime and have no time to go back to Aozang Mountain to visit my master. As for my junior sister, she has lived in Aozang Mountain for many years, so I have no chance to see her."

Ganyu moved back calmly, stretched out her slender white fingers and pinched her nose.

She has the blood of humans and fairy beasts Qilin flowing in her body, and is more sensitive to smells. Although she is naturally gentle and quiet, she is more disgusted with the pungent smell of cigarettes.

"Your junior sister Shenhe has gone down the mountain."

Ningguang saw that Ganyu was uncomfortable all over, extinguished the pipe in her hand, and said softly.

"What? Junior sister went down the mountain?"

Gan Yu's pupils shrank, and her face was full of disbelief.

Ningguang nodded, crossed her legs, and said calmly: "According to the information I received, your junior sister did go down the mountain. Of course, the premise of all this is that she is indeed your junior sister Shen He."

Gan Yu's face was full of surprise, and she stood there without saying a word, and the whole person fell into deep thought.

Although she had not seen her master, Master Liuyun Jiefeng, for a long time, she often kept in touch with her master through letters.

In the letters, she learned that her junior sister was indifferent by nature, not good at talking to people, and usually lived in seclusion in the mountains to cultivate her body and mind.

Although she was nominally a disciple of Master Liuyun Jiefeng, she was deeply loved by several other immortals because of her excellent roots and understanding, and she learned many immortal arts from other immortals one after another.

According to the description in the letter, the junior sister should have lived in the mountains for a long time.

How could Ganyu not be surprised when Ningguang said that her junior sister had gone down the mountain?


"Where is my junior sister now?"

After a long time, Ganyu came back to her senses, looked up at Ningguang, and asked.

Ningguang raised her head slightly, glanced at the information, and said, "She is doing odd jobs in Wanmin Hall."

Ganyu looked at the question mark, and said in disbelief, "You said...she is doing odd jobs in Wanmin Hall?"

Ningguang nodded, opened her red lips and said, "If the information is correct, she is doing odd jobs in Wanmin Hall now."

Ganyu was stunned, she suspected that she had heard it wrong.

No matter what, her junior sister Shen He was the disciple of the immortal, how could she go to Wanmin Hall to do odd jobs?

Could it be that the junior sister who was not very experienced in the world was deceived?

Thinking of these,

Gan Yu, who was always gentle and quiet, couldn't help but get anxious. She said, "I'll go back to the General Affairs Office to handle these matters first, and then I'll go to Wanmin Hall to take a look."

After that, Gan Yu didn't wait for Ningguang to reply, and hurried out of the room.

"Everyone is very yearning for the life in Yujingtai, and they all think that the seven stars of Liyue control the lifeblood of the entire Liyue, but they don't know that all this is based on the efforts of countless people."

"Especially Gan Yu, as the secretary of Yuehai Pavilion and Liyue Seven Stars, she has undertaken many jobs that the world can't see."

"Well, this secretary is good in everything, but she likes to work overtime too much, as if she doesn't know fatigue. It's true that the blood of the fairy beast Qilin flows in her body..."

Ningguang picked up the tea, put it to her lips and took a sip. Looking at Gan Yu's hurried departure, she couldn't help but sigh.


Wanmin Hall

Shen He hid aside and secretly watched Yae Shenzi eating the dark cuisine, with doubts in her beautiful eyes.

Besides Xiangling, who knew the cooking skills of General Lei Dian and Lei Dianying, Shen He was the only one who knew.

Because Shen He often cleaned the kitchen that was messed up by these two.

Especially when washing the pot, the smell in the pot almost made her vomit.

The smell can make people have such a big physiological reaction, not to mention eating it.

This is also the reason why she was confused when she saw that Yae Shenzi's expression did not change at all.

Could it be that...these two really learned it?

Compared with Shen He, Guoba beside her was even more confused. As a former kitchen god, it knew the level of General Lei Dian and Lei Dianying very well.

Especially after seeing that Yae Shenzi had no abnormality after eating, it became interested.

It slowly got up and quietly walked to the dining table.

Seeing Guoba's behavior, Shen He scratched his head in a silly way and said to himself: "Hey, Guoba is so difficult!"Are you going to taste the food?"

Thinking of this, Shen He looked up and looked carefully.

As she expected, Guoba picked up a pair of chopsticks and came to the table in the blink of an eye.

Bai Ye noticed Guoba's arrival, looked up at Guoba and said, "Guoba, do you want to eat too?"

Guoba nodded cutely and turned to look at Yae Shenzi beside him. The meaning was self-evident.

However, Guoba did not notice that Yae Shenzi's mouth twitched slightly, and his toes on the table were digging into the ground.

Guoba picked up the chopsticks, picked up a mouthful of food, put it to the tip of his nose and smelled it, and his eyes became a little strange.

A hint of anxiety flashed in Yae Shenzi's eyes, and his toes dug into the ground more seriously.

Bai Ye keenly noticed that something was wrong, frowned slightly, and looked down.

When he saw Yae Shenzi After Shen Zi's legs trembled a little, he snorted in his heart and understood what was going on.

This scumbag fox pretended to be able to eat, trying to trick him into eating it.

This scumbag fox wanted to trade with him at his limit.

"Guoba, don't eat it, she is lying to you..."

After figuring it out, Bai Ye quickly stopped Guoba from eating it, but it was too late.

Before Bai Ye finished speaking, he saw Guoba stuffing the food into his mouth.

"yue~~~~! "

A glimmer of joy flashed across Yae Shenzi's eyes. She could no longer hold it in and bent over to vomit.

Although she failed to trick Bai Ye into eating it, she was already satisfied with having the rice crust as a scapegoat.

The rice crust was in a worse situation.

After chewing it for a few times, it rolled its eyes and fell directly under the table.

Shen He, who was watching from a distance, was horrified.

Just now, she wanted to taste the level of Lei Dianying and General Lei Dian herself.

Just when Shen He had this plan in mind, Then she saw Guoba lying on the ground, and Yae Godson vomiting.

But this also made her feel extremely lucky that she didn't go over to taste it.

Seeing Guoba lying on the ground, Bai Ye was shocked and ran to Guoba and checked Guoba carefully.

After confirming that Guoba just fainted, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Before Xiangling left, she left a variety of antidotes to treat people who accidentally ate the food of these two masters.

"Shenhe, bring the antidotes that Xiangling left. "

Bai Ye ordered Shen He, then touched his chin and sighed helplessly.

Xiang Ling made a wrong decision to let these two masters learn cooking.

However, General Lei Dian and Lei Dianying are indeed making progress every day.

The toxicity in the food they make is getting weaker and weaker. It is estimated that after a while, the food will be completely free of toxicity.

Of course.

There is another possibility, that is, everyone's poison resistance has been maxed out after tasting the food...

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