Wanmin Hall.

The sky is blue, and there are thousands of paper cranes outside the window.

This line of lyrics fits Bai Ye's current mood very well.

Bai Ye sat helplessly in his seat, looking at Guoba lying on the ground.

Guoba's eyes were dull, staring blankly at the ceiling, and his short limbs twitched from time to time, as if he was poisoned.

"Bai Ye, I got the antidote you wanted."

Shen He ran downstairs in a hurry with a box and handed the box to Bai Ye.

"Thank you."

Bai Ye took the box, thanked Shen He, and opened the box immediately, but the things in the box made Bai Ye dumbfounded.

There were dozens of small white medicine bottles in the box, and the most important thing was that there was nothing marked on the small medicine bottles.

Bai Ye opened a few bottles casually and frowned slightly, because he found that the medicines inside were different.

He originally thought that these were all the same medicine, just packaged in medicine bottles.

This would be a big problem.

"What kind of medicine did Xiangling use when I fainted last time?"

"That... Shenhe, don't pinch its nose, it will be unable to breathe."

Bai Ye looked up at Shenhe who was pinching Guoba's nose, and said anxiously.

Guoba's body structure is different from that of humans, and it must not be treated in the same way as humans. If it suddenly breaks, then the problem will be big.

"Xiangling didn't feed you medicine at that time..."

Shenhe took back the hand that was pinching Guoba's nose with an embarrassed look, and recalled it in his mind.

Bai Ye pressed his temple.

Xiangling was too confident that she didn't even use the antidote for herself.

But then again, he didn't dare to use these antidotes on Guoba casually.


Just when Bai Ye was frowning, he heard a loud noise behind him.

Bai Ye turned his head to look.

The Eightfold God Child fell on the table, which immediately shocked Bai Ye.

Guoba hadn't taken the medicine yet, and the Eightfold God Child fell down again. It was really a double whammy.

Bai Ye frowned slightly, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

It must be said that the dishes cooked by General Lei Dian and Lei Dianying were really poisonous.

Not only did they poison Guoba, the ancient demon god who had lost his power, but they also poisoned the fox.

Bai Ye is now in the realm of the demon god.

He has the demon god's divine nature in his body. After eating the dishes they cooked last time, he also fainted on the spot.

Lei Dianying is indeed worthy of the physique that is known as "no matter what he cooks, it is very unpalatable, and it may even be fatal."

Even the General Lei Dian, who was made according to the one-to-one imitation of Lei Dianying, has this physique.

What the hell should I do?

Bai Ye looked at the rice crust lying on the ground, and the Eightfold God Child lying on the table, and then looked at the countless unmarked medicine bottles in the box, and fell into deep thought.

Either let each of them taste half of the medicine, they can't just leave it here.

If so, at least one of them can be saved, but this method also has accidents...

If things go wrong, they all take the wrong medicine, and both of them will die on the spot.

General Lei Dian and Lei Dianying huddled against the wall, lowered their heads slightly and said nothing. They both knew clearly in their hearts that they had caused a big disaster.

"If Xiangling is not here in the future, you two should not let people taste the food casually in the future, otherwise someone will die..."

Bai Ye looked up at the two masters and sighed heavily.

"Then, what should we do now?"

Lei Dianying raised his head when he heard the words, his face full of helplessness.

Usually Xiangling was there, and there was no big problem. Now Xiangling went out to collect ingredients, and this caused a big problem.

"I just took a look, they shouldn't have a big problem, wait for Xiangling, if Xiangling doesn't come back, then we can only leave it to fate and let them try the medicine one by one..."

Bai Ye looked up, glanced at the door, divided the medicine in the box into two, and murmured.

Shen He lowered his eyebrows, glanced at the Eightfold God Son, then looked at Guoba, and clenched his jade fist involuntarily.


Zhidong Country.

The snow was white and the cold wind was howling.

"Madam, what are you looking for me in such a hurry for?"

The Queen of Zhidong stood on the top of Zhidong with her hands behind her back, looking in the direction of Liyue.

"My Lady Queen, the dark power seems to have become active again recently. Several observation points set up by our Fatui have clearly sensed the dark breath. Are they going to take action again in the near future?"

The lady stuck out her tongue,Licking her dry lips, she said respectfully.

"Oh? The power of darkness?"

"Where do they appear most frequently?"

Hearing the word "darkness", the calm eyes of the Queen of Winter finally showed a ripple.

"The most frequent reports come from the observation point in Liyue, followed by the observation point in Xumi. However, the abnormalities reported by the observation point in Xumi are only one-tenth of those in the Liyue area. Should we take this opportunity to carry out our plan in Liyue?"

The lady's eyes moved, and she took elegant steps and moved closer to the Queen of Winter.

In this country of winter covered by heavy snow all year round, the whiteness that flashed across her legs seemed even more dazzling.


PS: It's time for the monthly summary again. Today is the last day of July, and your summer vacation is already halfway over.

The current word count is 591,000. I did not take a leave in July. In addition to June, I have updated for 62 consecutive days. The progress of this novel has entered the middle stage. It is estimated that if there is no accident, it will be completed in more than 1 million words.

Finally, please rest assured that as long as there is one person reading this book, the author will persist until it is completed. It is said that I may have to open two books in September because the income from this book is not enough to support the author's life. Finally, I would like to ask what topics do you want to read?

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