Lin Ye got into Zhao Jianyu’s car directly. Zhao Jianyu didn’t say anything more and drove away before the people downstairs noticed him. Then Zhao Jianyu threw a pair of sunglasses in front of Lin Ye. “If you don’t want to be recognized, put them on quickly.” Lin Ye shook his head helplessly and could only put on the sunglasses. “You are so bold. You dare to go out casually. Aren’t you afraid of being surrounded by people and unable to go home?” Zhao Jianyu said coldly. “I didn’t think so much.” Lin Ye said calmly. “I just called your cell phone, but you didn’t answer. Otherwise, I would have told you not to go out casually and wait for me to find you.” Zhao Jianyu said while twisting the steering wheel skillfully.

“Sorry, I was running just now and left my phone at home.”

Zhao Jianyu looked at Lin Ye’s sweaty polo shirt and knew that he didn’t need to lie, so he continued:

“Your copy caused an uproar on Azure Star. Now all the networks are broadcasting your Raging Sea…”

Speaking, Zhao Jianyu handed his cell phone to Lin Ye.

Lin Ye glanced at it and saw that it was indeed full of news about Raging Sea.

[Raging Sea, may become the most difficult copy in the history of Azure Star! ]

[Erase 6,500 people! Raging Sea is worthy of being a copy meat grinder! ! ! ]

[Genius Ito Hidetaka returned in defeat, and no one survived Raging Sea. ]

[How difficult is the Purgatory-level copy! 】

【Lin Ye, a rare genius of the Great Xia Clan in a century! 】

There are all kinds of things on the Internet, but the main purpose is basically to shock people at the difficulty of the Raging Sea dungeon.

Lin Ye didn’t feel anything about these flattering remarks.

This is just the beginning.

Some people who have experienced the Raging Sea have tried to publish strategies about the Raging Sea online.

The content of the strategy is nothing more than one, that is, to choose to surrender to the Eagle Sauce at the beginning, so that only 20 points will be deducted.

Seeing this, Lin Ye really didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

The Raging Sea dungeon, the current dungeon completion rate is only 1%, and the so-called strategy is actually meaningless.

And even if everyone chooses to surrender at the beginning, he, as the dungeon designer, will make the most money.

After turning a few pages, Lin Ye was not interested in turning it any further, and he directly returned the phone to Zhao Jianyu.

“With your current momentum, many people will come to you and ask you to live in their gathering place.”

“Some people will also come to please you desperately in order to obtain the technology in your copy. This is how the world is. If you provide a little bit of copy strategy, it will save lives for many ordinary people.”

Zhao Jianyu sighed and said.

Lin Ye understood Zhao Jianyu’s words very well.

This world is destined to form such a social outlook because of the existence of Tianmu.

It can be said that all excellent copy designers are the biggest stars in this world and are destined to be sought after.

“Mr. Zhao, actually I came here this time…”

“I know you are here to invite me to join your institute. I will still reply the same as before.” Lin Ye stopped Zhao Jianyu directly before she finished speaking.

“When I think I can join your institute, I will naturally contact you.”

Zhao Jianyu’s face was a little embarrassed after being rejected by Lin Ye again.

But then he remembered Ding Chang’s previous instructions.

Whether or not Lin Ye can be invited this time is not the most important thing. The most important thing is to ensure that Lin Ye will not go to other gathering places.

“Mr. Lin Ye, I respect your ideas, and all this is your freedom.”

“I just hope… you don’t leave the Longteng gathering place in Daxia.” Zhao Jianyu himself felt that this request was a bit excessive, so he was quite nervous when he said it.

In this world, it is personal freedom to live in any settlement, because the Azure Star is a planet without national boundaries.

If there are other settlements willing to give Lin Ye high points, it is understandable that Lin Ye is willing to move there. After all, in this world, points mean wealth, status, and even life.

On the other hand, the current First Research Institute has its own research funds, and it is impossible to give Lin Ye enough points to attract talents.

“Leave?” Lin Ye didn’t care at all and shook his head directly.

“Why should I leave,

Isn’t this very troublesome?”

“Besides, in this world, it should be the same no matter where you live. After all, there is always a sky above your head, and there is no real freedom.”

Zhao Jianyu didn’t expect Lin Ye to agree so readily, and she was a little overwhelmed for a while.

Especially Lin Ye’s last sentence, there is a sky above your head, and there is no real freedom.

It made her puzzled.

“You… Mr. Lin, you agreed? !” Zhao Jianyu’s face bloomed with a long-lost smile, and her cold face actually added a little girl’s gentleness.

“Yeah.” Lin Ye yawned impatiently.

“Miss Zhao, since you came to see me this time, please do me a favor.”

“I need a private residence, preferably without being disturbed by anyone. I believe you should know such a place. ”

Zhao Jianyu nodded. Such a request was easy for her to handle as she was working in the research institute.

In any settlement area on the Azure Star, there would be a rich area.

If Lin Ye wanted privacy, the best way would be to choose a mountain villa.

This kind of villa is usually isolated from the world, and there would be strict guards in the mountains to prevent outsiders from entering.

Soon, Zhao Jianyu brought Lin Ye to a two-story villa in the mountains.

This villa is very unique. It looks like it grew in the cracks of the rocks and is hidden in the cliffs.

If there is no guidance, ordinary people would never think of the cliff. There will be a villa.

Lin Ye was very satisfied with this new residence, which perfectly met his current needs.

So he spent 2,000 points to buy it, and also asked Zhao Jianyu to get him a car.

2,000 points is definitely a sky-high price in this world, but Lin Ye doesn’t care at all.

Anyway, the Angry Sea and Wild Waves dungeon will be opened tomorrow, and there will be a lot of points to harvest.

On the contrary, now there is a quiet and comfortable environment, which is the top priority.

The Angry Sea and Wild Waves is just the beginning, and Lin Ye still has a lot of important things to do next.

“Miss Zhao, thank you for your help.”

“But I hope that the location of this villa, except you and me, no third person knows.” Lin Ye said politely.

Zhao Jianyu nodded repeatedly.

“That’s natural.”

“Hiding your various whereabouts is actually a task given to me by the research institute.”

“This place is not far from the city, but it is hidden. As long as you pay attention, it should not be easy to be discovered if you go to the city to buy something occasionally. ”

“Of course, if you need your help with purchasing, I am always at your service.”

After saying that, Zhao Jianyu did not stay any longer and drove directly to leave Lin Ye’s villa.

Her mission today has been completed. The next thing to do is to leave as soon as possible, otherwise she will be targeted by people with ulterior motives.

Looking at Zhao Jianyu’s car going away, Lin Ye smiled faintly and suddenly said:

“Miss Zhao, the core of aircraft carrier manufacturing actually lies in the selection of deck materials and the design of carrier-based aircraft. This is the reward for your help to me today.”

“Mr. Lin, you…”

Zhao Jianyu’s eyes widened and he did not react for a while.

When he came back to his senses, Lin Ye had already walked into the villa.

Lin Ye pointed out a direction for the research of aircraft carriers in the institute. As for whether the institute can research its own aircraft carrier in the future, it depends on their own luck.

This process may take decades, or even a hundred years.

But no matter what, Lin Ye would never tell anyone the technical principles in his copy.

Because that would only cause the world to collapse rapidly, and it would not be of any benefit to him.

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