After entering the villa, Lin Ye found that it was quite luxurious. It was completely different from the narrow rental house he had lived in before. The tall hall was like an exhibition hall, and the air was filled with an amazing luxury. The dazzling crystal chandelier caught the eye, which was like a crystal clear gem, shining in the gorgeous hall. Under the light, the gilded decorations and furniture reflected a charming luster. The murals on the wall, the patterns on the carpet, and the exquisite furnishings all showed unparalleled luxury and taste. The most attractive thing was undoubtedly the fireplace for warming the fire. It is located in the center of the hall. It not only looks extremely luxurious, but also gives people a warm and comfortable feeling.

Everything can be described in one word: luxury and extravagance.

In this world, you can buy any life you want with points.

If calculated according to the material level of the previous life, Lin Ye now has more than 10,000 points, which is basically equivalent to a net worth of 50 million in the previous life, which is definitely considered upper class.

However, his energy is not on this at all. At this moment, he only thinks about the copy.

In fact, to be honest, a raging sea is enough for him to eat for a lifetime in this world.

But Lin Ye is not satisfied with stopping here.

There are two other copies of the top three in the Five Constants waiting for him to create!

In addition, Lin Ye has another idea hidden in his heart.

He really wants to accumulate his level and points through one copy after another to a level that no one can match…

Then break the rules of the sky and see what is on the dome of this azure star.

He is a person who likes to get to the bottom of things. This was the case in his previous life, and it is also the case in this life.

As long as he lives under the control of the sky, he cannot get a real sense of security.

Lying on the comfortable and soft sofa, Lin Ye entered the “Creation Space” again without any hesitation.

During his absence, the blue planet called Earth Online in the Creation Space was constantly improving its details.

Lin Ye took a general look and found that the details of the Eagle Sauce Country were already quite complete.

It means that the next Raging Sea dungeon will be more real and rich.

In fact, some details of the previously launched Raging Sea have not been fully added, because Lin Ye is worried that it will take too long and waste the precious 30-day protection period.

In addition, he can basically be sure that these challengers from the Azure Star will find it difficult to conquer the second half of the dungeon.

In this way, adding a little detail every day, slowly improving, nothing will be delayed.

At the same time, on this virtual planet, the outlines of the Mao Xiong and the Dragon Country have gradually become clear.

The majestic style of the Siberian Plateau stands on the ground like a magical work of nature, and the howling wind seems to be able to hear the ancient call.

The Great Wall, this winding dragon, is even more vivid on the virtual planet. Every brick and stone carries thousands of years of history and stories, witnessing the rise and fall and changes of the Dragon Kingdom.

For the dungeon creation of “Winter is Coming” and “The Great Wall Watch”, Lin Ye is not impatient now. He only needs to hand over some basic data to the Creation Space first, and the system will slowly generate it in the background.

When the map, weapons and so on are completed, it will be easy to design the task.

Just when Lin Ye was still working hard in the Creation Space.

Tianmu’s prompt barrage suddenly appeared in front of him.

[Dear dungeon designer, after Tianmu’s review, the number of challengers in your dungeon Raging Sea has been increased from 10,000 to 20,000. This is to provide a better dungeon experience for challengers on the Azure Star. ]

[At the same time, Tianmu has re-rated your dungeon and determined that the difficulty level is still Purgatory. 】

【Your copy has been at the top of the Tianbang for 12 hours. As the time of dominating the list increases, you can get the re-election reward provided by Tianmu. Please continue to work hard. 】

After review, Tianmu doubled the number of challengers.

Lin Ye was not surprised at all about this situation.

The increase in the number of challengers shows that Tianmu believes that there is no hope of conquering the copy with the previous scale of 10,000 people, so it will forcibly increase the number of people.

This adjustment is actually also reducing the difficulty of the copy.

But for Lin Ye, this is completely irrelevant, and he thinks it is a good thing.

He did not think that with the current military technology of the Blue Star, expanding the number of people to 20,000 would have any effect on conquering the dungeon.

The technical barrier is not something that can be broken through by the human wave tactics.

On the contrary, the increase in the number of people will help Lin Ye to harvest points faster!

So, Lin Ye smiled faintly and returned to the creation space to start his work again.


At the same time.

In the settlement of the Dahe tribe, the atmosphere in the solemn and solemn residence of the emperor was solemn.

In front of the long tea table, the only two people left formed a vivid picture.

Ito Hidetaka, who used to be arrogant, knelt in front of the emperor at this moment, with an unprecedented timidity in his expression.

He lowered his head and did not dare to look up at all, as if all his pride had disappeared at this moment.

“Emperor,” Ito Hidetaka’s voice was full of self-blame, “The failure of this dungeon is indeed my fault.”

The air was filled with a breath of grief and helplessness.

Ito Hidetaka continued, “The danger of the Raging Sea dungeon is far beyond our expectations.

It is extremely difficult, like a giant beast in the deep sea, which is daunting.

And the ingenuity and complexity of its mission design are even more elusive, full of tricks, and hard to guard against. Every step may lead to a desperate situation, and every decision is like walking on the edge of a knife.”

The emperor looked at Ito Hidetaka coldly, and then sighed deeply.

“Ito-kun, get up. I don’t want to hear your reasons.”

“I just want you to know that you are a genius of my Dahe clan with many top technologies. Your role is to intimidate the world on behalf of the Dahe clan.”

“Every time you are disrespectful, it will be seen by the world. It’s not only your face that is lost, but also the face of my Dahe clan.”

Ito Hidetaka slowly got up from the ground, then gritted his teeth and said:

“Emperor, don’t worry!”

“I, Ito Hidetaka, will definitely get this lost face back myself!”

“I will definitely conquer the Raging Sea dungeon! For you, for Dahe, I will definitely wipe Lin Ye out of this world.”

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