"Why, are you sneezing again?" Lin Yue wiped with a tissue, and suddenly had an ominous premonition.

The last time I sneezed, something terrible happened.

The time I came out of the ancient gate of the secret realm, I ended up near the refuge village of Xia Feihong and the others. After that, a cold wind blew in the stone coffin inexplicably, and then there was a high fever caused by a sneeze!

Speaking of which, have you sent private messages to two people before asking about high fever?

There were so many things that I forgot about it in the end.

Lin Yue retreated to the living room and opened the group again. As long as he remembered some things, he had to do it right away, let alone this kind of thing.

He opened a private message that he hadn't read for a long time, and many people kept sending him messages. Lin Yue glanced at them one by one, and found the two people by searching for keywords.

Fortunately, the two are still alive.

"Lin Yue? I went, but I was called by the boss and took the initiative to contact me, ah, I asked about my fever last time? You forgot, the last time we met, our boss Liu Kai, do you remember? ?"

Um? Is the world so small?

He clicked on someone else's.

"Aha, a little cold is nothing at all. You want my information, a bottle of wine, isn't that much?"

Good guy, it's a business.

But if there is only such a person, he may give it directly, after all, information is the most valuable now.

He immediately contacted the first person named "Guo Le" and sent a new question.

"When you had a high fever, was it at night?"

However, after waiting for a while, the person still did not reply.

Lin Yue immediately sent a message to Xia Feihong.

If one person fails, find another one, anyway, this group of people are together.

"Lin Yue? Are you looking for Guo Le? He's guarding on the wall, I'll let him reply you right away." Xia Feihong replied to his message immediately, Lin Yue always felt that this guy seemed to be staring at the system panel all the time. As long as he is looking for it, the goods are there.

"I'm here, Lin Yue, ah, you said the last time I had a cold, the last time I caught a cold was the day you left our refuge village, not only me, but many of us had a fever that day, but the strange thing is that all of us had a fever. It recovered within a day. At that time, Brother Liu asked other people who didn't catch a cold to separate more than 30 of us in a shelter, and guess what, the 30 or so of us had a high fever in the morning, and it burned at noon and afternoon. If you retreat, you can leave at night, which is strange."

Lin Yue groaned in his heart.

how? The day I last left the Refuge Village? Wasn't that the day I had a high fever too?

Did they catch a cold too? Or more than 30 people together?

Strange, why all that day?

Did anything happen that day?

"Is your initial symptoms sneezing?" He felt that he had to find a common ground, after all, he would also have a high fever there.

"Yes, that night, because of your presence, no one dared to sleep, so we let Xia Feihong, Guo Lei and the others take the old people and children to sleep first. More than 30 of us were in the shelter closest to the city wall. We were crowded, but in the middle of the night, I heard a thumping noise outside, and it was difficult to survive until morning, leaving Xia Feihong, the elderly and children, and a group of people to see how you were, and found that you shot at us. Arrow, and then we realized you were alerting us to the giant creature, and we hurried back to the shelter."

giant creatures...

Giant creatures!

There is one more similarity between that night and today's situation!

However, have giant creatures come this way?

"What about the giant creature after that?"

"After that, the giant creature just stayed for a while, as if it went to the direction of the grove, and did not attack our refuge village. However, after we received your warning and rushed back to the refuge village, we all had a high fever, but It'll be all right again soon."

The giant creature stayed for a while and went to the grove?

The woods, isn't that where he will stay? Why do giant creatures stay there?

One after another, new questions arose in his heart, but what was certain was that after the giant creature appeared, he and the more than thirty people who came out of the refuge village had a fever, and the fever came and went quickly. .

Are fevers related to giant creatures?

It seems to be almost equal...

"Ah!" Lin Yue sneezed again, and along with the sneeze, there was a feeling as if a part of his body had been drawn out.

Immediately afterwards, he found that the temperature on his body seemed to have risen a little, and sweat poured out of his forehead and limbs without him exercising at all.

fever? again!

He immediately took out the medium-sized emergency medical kit, and sweat dripped from his forehead. He didn't even bother to wipe it, and took out a piece of the quick-acting antipyretic medicine and stuffed it into his mouth.

A bottle of mineral water was poured into his mouth, and Lin Yi was sweating profusely, but he also found that the effect of the medicine was faster than expected, and the temperature on his body no longer rose.

But in just a few minutes, he felt that his body's strength had been hollowed out in half!

What the hell is going on here, a high fever unique to another world?

Although there is no fear of life at present, and there are no symptoms such as runny nose and sore throat, this can almost make him lose his combat effectiveness at once!

Lin Yue struggled to get up, took out a Snickers bar, and ate it.

Although this thing is sweet and sweet, it can really replenish some of the physical strength lost due to profuse sweating.

"Quack!" Xiaobai's palm stretched out and touched Lin Yue's forehead. After realizing that it was still a little hot, he immediately sprayed a little bit of ice mist into the air.

Lin Yue felt that the surrounding temperature had dropped slightly, and at the same time felt a lot more comfortable.

"No matter how you look at it, it's all about the giant creature. If it's always here, wouldn't I have repeated fevers all the time?"

How to think how wrong.

"Xiao Bai, are the giant creatures nearby?"

"Quack!" Xiaobai nodded, and the master finally asked.

Lin Yue nodded.

He understood what to do.

Hunt giant creatures!

Originally, he had such an idea before, but because of various things to do, he has been delayed.

Now that this product is coming directly to the door, you can just try it and see if you can knock it down!

Lin Yue took a deep breath.

The weapon at hand and Xiaobai around him are already much stronger.

He had previously assumed that the "random resource" mentioned by the system was guarded by this giant creature, so the giant creature would not come out of the guard's range, but wandered nearby.

Now he guesses that this random resource has probably changed places, so the giant creature has also approached his sanctuary, which was not in its range...

It seems that, regardless of the internal and external factors, it is time to slay this giant creature.

He took a deep breath, and forced himself to equip himself with an exoskeleton, and at the same time equipped himself with an alloy explosion-proof shield and put on a helmet.

M19 pistol, sniper rifle, M880 shotgun, equipped with alloy crossbow.

Don't care if you can beat it, you have to try it first.

If he kept it all the time, he didn't know when he would be confused by this weird fever.

He checked the various outfits on his body, suddenly remembered something, and took out the gas mask he had taken from the treasure chest.

With this, at least we can manage something.

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