Lin Yue put on a gas mask, but quickly took it off.

His mentality was a little too impatient, and when he thought of dealing with that giant creature, he was indeed a little less calm.

After all, the opponent was the most massive and helpless enemy he had ever encountered so far.

He took a few deep breaths and relieved his tense nerves.

The abnormality of his body that appeared in that short period of time had almost consumed most of his physical strength.

I have to say, no matter whether it is a germ or something, it is extremely deadly to him.

The physical strength can't keep up, and the combat effectiveness is greatly reduced. If you don't have physical strength, you will die if you rush out.

He took out a few pieces of lion-headed bear steak, handed a few pieces to Xiaobai, and kept one for himself and took a big bite.

Although the meat was extremely fragrant, it felt extremely greasy in his mouth at the moment.

Biting up to eat it, Lin Yue poured another can of Xiaobao herbal tea to relieve tiredness.

He put on the gas mask again, took out the ladder, climbed to the top of the shelter, and quickly reinstalled the windows from the previous shelter to the roof.

"Outside... I can't see it." Lin Yue looked outside from the window, and found nothing in this direction, let alone the shadow of giant creatures.

He got out of the window and stood on the roof of the new shelter for the first time. Lin Yue immediately stabilized his balance, crouched down, and took out his scope.

But he quickly put the scope down again.

There is no need for this thing at all, he can see clearly.

"Actually... so close?" Lin Yue soon saw a huge mass in the opposite direction from where he opened the window. shadow.

The size of the other party is far from comparable to the original creatures on the earth. With a height of dozens of meters, plus a neck of more than ten meters, this thing is shocking enough just by its size.

Moreover, the shape of the bull head, snake neck, and elephant body is also scary enough.

Xiaobai pushed open the stone gate, and fluttered his wings to fly beside him, seeming to be quite worried about him.

Lin Yue patted Xiaobai, signaling him not to be so nervous.

Although he was indeed a little nervous, who could face such a giant monster without being nervous?

At this moment, the giant creature is not even three or four hundred meters away from his shelter!

Lin Yue still remembered that the first time he saw the monster, the distance between him and it was two or three kilometers away, but this time, the distance was too close.

Three or four hundred meters... Didn't they come to attack this too obvious sanctuary? Is it because his shelter is just outside the defensive range of this giant creature?

Lin Yue felt that he didn't understand the giant creature more and more.

Does it mean that you will be attacked unless you enter its "territory"? Like a house dog on a chain?

He shook his head and continued to look at the monster.

He found that the giant creatures at the moment were lying on their stomachs on the land of this wasteland as if they were asleep.

Its size is even more outrageous under such a close look, so Lin Yue once thought that it was actually a sudden hill.

The ten-meter-long neck was on the ground at the moment, and the strange bull's head seemed to be tasting some kind of food, and was constantly shaking. And that huge body also has some ups and downs from time to time, and its breathing seems to be slower than expected. The whip-like tail is also constantly swaying, and the sharp bone spurs on it occasionally pierce the red soil and raise it.

If he hadn't seen this monster frantically swept away the mutant creatures that approached it, Lin Yue would have thought that this creature was actually like the giant six-legged monster with tentacles seen in the secret realm. , is a mild monster who is vegetarian.

And this giant creature is the culprit that can cause a high fever in a very short period of time.

Now, Lin Yue is so determined because all the evidence so far points to this.

As long as this thing gets close to anywhere, the people there will sneeze, and then there will be a high fever for a long time, and the combat effectiveness will be completely lost.

However, Lin Yue also found that after he took the antipyretic and put on the gas mask, he didn't seem to sneeze anymore.


He didn't want to take off the gas mask and try again, and could only guess.

I didn't smell anything in the house just now, and Xiaobai...

and many more.

Lin Yue suddenly discovered something that he had never thought of until now.

He looked at Xiao Bai next to him, feeling more and more strange.

Xiaobai, why don't you have a fever?

"Puch!" The little ice lizards seemed to wake up at this time. They were screaming in the shelter, and they seemed to be aware of the danger nearby.

Lin Yue looked back at them, and these little guys didn't have the same reaction as him at all.

Is this toxin-like odor only effective for humans?

The more Lin discovered and observed, the more problems there were and the more the mystery became.

Faced with what can be said to be the strongest mutant creature in another world so far, he is more excited and excited than fear and fear.

The reason is that the weapon in his hand has become a grade stronger than before.

Although he couldn't summon Ultraman and didn't drive a Gundam, Lin Yue did have many ways to think about fighting that monster.

"Xiao Bai, take me to that direction!"

Attacking the opponent, the opponent is bound to counterattack, and if the opponent finds out, the shelter may not be able to keep it.

"Quack!" Xiaobai was surprised, it didn't expect that the master really wanted to attack the giant monster, but since the master had decided, it absolutely obeyed.

Leaping down from the roof, Xiaobai held Lin Yue, who was replaced by a sniper rifle in his arms, spread his wings and rushed into the sky in a very short time!

"Aren't you too lazy to look this way?" Lin Yue directed Xiao Bai to the sky in the shelter, and then came parallel to the acid rain lake.

Take a look at the attack here?

"Xiao Bai, keep your height!"

At this high altitude, Lin Yue felt a slightly stronger air flow that was completely different from the ground, and moved his eyes to the sight.

The target of the giant creature is very big, and he doesn't have to aim at the so-called key point. This sniper is also to test the opponent's defense!

With a sharp sound ejected from the muzzle, the giant creature suddenly splashed a little spark!


A strange sound came from the direction of the giant creature, and he immediately saw that the monster raised its head lazily, glanced at them in the air like a bedbug, and continued to lower its head and eat gone with something.

"What is it eating? Besides, this thing's defense is really strong." Lin Yue suddenly remembered that giant creatures used to be able to walk normally in acid rain floods, and they were not afraid of the erosion of this acidity.

It's not easy to deal with.

Lin Yue picked up the scope and carefully observed its head.

"It's eating... flowers?"

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