【Testing completed】

[The quality of saltpeter ore is: S grade! 】

[Higher quality ore can be further processed with less loss and higher effect! 】

"Yo, it's true that I found a treasure."

When attacking the saltpeter mine at that time, Lin Yue didn't think about it, he really just wanted a saltpeter mine at that time.

Of course, eliminating the lizards and beggars here is really easy.

Moreover, it is really the kind that is easy and effortless at all.

From the storage space, he took out the "Systempad", and Lin Yue found that there was a new file on it.

"Related to the saltpeter mine in the wasteland east?"

Lin Yue was quite surprised that there was a reaction in the system so quickly.

Still, it's a little uncomfortable to keep calling this thing a "systempad".

"It's better to call it a system tablet. Anyway, my name is useless."

Lin Yue clicked on the document "Related to the Saltpeter Mine in the Wasteland East" and found that it contained the approximate location of the saltpeter mine in the wasteland, the reserves of various ores related to the saltpeter mine, the age of mining, and the quality of the saltpeter mine. It's all recorded above.

He even made a comprehensive evaluation of his current defensive strength.

Of course, the rating is S, which is the highest of the five SABCD scales.

After closing the system tablet, Lin Yue felt that there was one more thing he had to do before he left.

The living place of the little ice lizards is also the sub-base of this saltpeter mine!

With the experience of building a shelter with a swimming pool at the Oil River Base, Lin Yue quickly designed the exact same doomsday bunker as there.

Of course, the one with the large swimming pool.

The location was selected on the outside of the city wall fortress on the side of the gap at the entrance, but the entrance and exit were inside the city wall.

In this way, it will not occupy the space of the saltpeter mine, and it can also build a more comfortable and easier to operate underground fortress on the relatively flat outer side.

Lin Yue learned from the experience there, and this time, he completely built the swimming pool in the large space merged by the design drawings of the six shelters, instead of getting a big cover like the last time.

After the underground swimming pool was built, Lin Yue saw that he had put less than half of the water in the storage space into it, and then filled the large swimming pool.

After thinking for a while, he built a large warehouse next to the large warehouse design, and then ran to the underground warehouse of the saltpeter mine to find the remaining alloys in it, and got a dozen large water storage tanks in that large warehouse.

But this still failed to put all the water in, and Lin Yue had no other way, and ran into the grass directly outside.

After doing this, and after arranging the doomsday bunker a little, the new solar panels were placed on the nearby city wall, and the electricity generated was dedicated to the doomsday bunker.

The amount of electricity needed in the Doomsday Bunker is not much, just five fresh-keeping freezers, plus electric lights.

After setting up sheepskin cushions, beds, etc., the freezer was activated, and after placing a large amount of food in it, Lin Yue also returned to the ground.

Now, there is nothing else in the storage space other than the necessary weapons and some food.

This time, Lin Yue went straight to the large warehouse that was placed here before, and put all the alloys, parts, and various electrical appliances stored in it into the storage space.

Even so, the huge storage space still has considerable surplus.

He came to the ground again, and after putting away the mineral resource reserve detector, he put some saltpeter ore, gold ore, and a large amount of stone into the storage space. A little something.

"Black Spot, Green Claw, you have to stay here for a few more days, but Green Claw, you can fly directly to the main sanctuary, I can prepare some food for you, and you can also bring it here, do you understand?"

"Gah!" "Gah!" Although the two little guys also wanted to go back to the shelter, the task given by the master was obviously more important.

They nodded, then turned to look at the twenty little ice lizards who were lined up neatly, waiting for the order, majestic!

"Pfft!" The little ice lizards shouted neatly and loudly.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you here. For the next period of time, you all have to guard this saltpeter mine here. This place is very important to our main base, understand?"

Lin Yue looked at the little ice lizards who were standing upright and nodding forcefully, and felt a little relieved.

With a medium-sized electric sentry machine gun stand and robot dog, as well as the support of the little ice lizards headed by Black Spot and Green Claw, this saltpeter mine can be said to have basically no weaknesses.

After walking up the fence and replenishing the bullets on the sentry machine gun stations, Lin Yue looked into the distance again.

An incomparably vast grassland was reflected in front of him, like a huge carpet that was not very clean, completely covering the entire wasteland.

Only the saltpeter mine stood like an isolated island in the ocean, exuding a desolate atmosphere.

The huge walled fortress made of stone also completely blocked those wild grasses, so that they could not burrow into it.

And in the ore pit, there are no figures of them.

These weeds make the oxygen concentration in the air a lot thicker.

Lin Yue was indeed a little worried.

Recently, this temperature has also reflected some.

The expected disaster, it seems, is really about to appear.

However, I didn't expect that the system actually made a fuss about disasters, and it became more and more complicated and cumbersome.

Moreover, more difficulties are often caused by a disaster.

Just like this time.

The grassland is vast.

What kind of scene would the whole other world be like?

Lin Yue picked up the system tablet again and looked at the last conjecture of the document written by Du Ping.

[The area where all mankind is currently located seems to have a layer of enchantment. 】

Enchantment, what to do?

The gap between each other? limit? Or……

Lin Yue remembered those fantasy races, and suddenly had a rather wild idea.

And this idea has a very important evidence.

"It seems, from the beginning, there was a little bit of concern."

Lin Yue thought about it, and his brain worked frantically.

"Since there are groups and the world channel, it seems that everyone spends the same day."

Say it's dark, it's all dark.

One day has been said, and one day has passed, and even the time is perfectly unified.

Day and night are the same day and night.

There is hardly any difference.

It's as if the seven billion people in the world are placed in only two or three time zones.

Within the two time zones, there will not be much difference between day and night.

How much is that?

According to the earth, 15° longitude is a time zone.

Although it is said that there is a large area like the Tang Dynasty that shares a time zone, it is true that generally speaking, 15° longitude will be judged as a time zone.

According to the earth, how much land area is there in a time zone?

What other extreme cold regions such as the North and South Pole have to be ruled out?

Not much, or rather, not much.

The areas of the two time zones add up to only 30°.

The surface area of ​​the earth, if I remember correctly, should be 510 million square kilometers.

Take the maximum value of 30° in 360°, then, even if this 30° is the land area, the final number obtained is

510000000 square kilometers ÷ 360X30.

The final figure is 42.5 million square kilometers.

Sounds big.

But the premise is that there is no deduction for the ocean, nor for the north and south poles.

If all are deducted, one-third of the remaining, that is, 10 million square kilometers is not bad.

And on this ten million square kilometers of land, if there are seven billion people gathered...

At least, the distance between each other should not be so empty.

But assuming the world is in the same one-to-one ratio as the Earth...

Well, the fact that the land area is so poor is a bit unreasonable.

Less than one-third of the Earth's surface area is land.

You know, the total land surface area of ​​the earth is as much as 150 million square kilometers.

Here comes the problem.

If it is said that it is one to one on the other side of the earth...

So what about the other 140 million square kilometers of land?

What Du Ping said, "There seems to be a layer of enchantment in the area where all human beings are currently located." Could it be...

Is there a layer of enchantment with the outside world in the area of ​​10 million square kilometers where human beings currently live?

Lin Yue remembered the regional map.

The outline of the land end of the regional map is exactly the same as Pizza Country!

"It's cold." He descended to the ground and restarted the tactical ATV's engine.

What will the future look like, what will disasters look like?

Lin Yue thought about these things, and drove his car straight to the main base in the west.


A huge white lion-headed bear skin was spread on the innermost heavy wooden chair in this spacious room.

The wooden chair was wide enough for two people to sit, but at the moment it was occupied by one person.

The tall woman with ink-like waist-length hair was dressed in a dark suit like a military uniform, with a dark brown cloak covering the outside enough to cover her tall figure.

In this room with the air-conditioning temperature adjusted to 17 degrees, she leaned back on the chair, held the folded long fan in her left hand, and slowly patted it on her right hand.

With her right leg on top of her left leg, she does not sit like a "leader", but there is no doubt that she is the leader of this huge refuge village.

Lily Callahao.

Her appearance is not beautiful, even with some male roughness, the sharp and fierce eyes under the sword eyebrows are like eagles.

"Chief, Du Ping and Sun Shuyi have failed, and they are all dead now, and..."

Just when the bearded bald man said "and", the sound of the fan back hitting the back of his hand suddenly stopped.

The bald man bent over and lowered his head, not daring to let out the air, let alone saying anything more.

At this moment, nearly a hundred people in this room kept the same action as him.

The air suddenly quieted down, and even the sound of sweat dripping onto the floor could be clearly heard.


Lily Callahao stood up.

She is not inferior to the height of more than 1.8 meters of ordinary men. After standing up, she also raised her head slightly, and she also showed a condescending aura.

"A bunch of trash, rice buckets."

"Yes, yes!" The bald man replied quickly, he was covered in cold sweat at the moment.

Du Ping's borrowing of soldiers was his special responsibility, and in order to destroy Lin Yue, he even promised to dispatch so many lizards and survivors all at once.

However, these were all easily wiped out by Lin Yue in the battle not long ago!

Even Du Ping himself, along with Sun Shuyi, were wiped out!

"Rolling dice has nothing to do with strength, it's luck!"

Lily Karahao walked towards the bald man slowly, step by step, with a low voice, but with great power.

"Today, Lin Yue was able to kill more than 90,000 people, and he was lucky. But some people were not so lucky, and they directly cast a little... Do you think so, Berenzo."

"Yes, yes!!" The bald man felt that he was about to suffocate.

It doesn't matter whether Du Ping and Sun Shu are dead or not, but for these nearly 20,000 survivors, it's really not good if they die!

Berenzo didn't dare to look up. He tried hard to organize some language from his mouth to explain this matter and to push the responsibility of this matter to others.

However, despite the rapid operation of the brain, it is completely unable to come up with any method.

Punishment... Punishment is not afraid of him, he is afraid of death!

If you die, you will be gone, nothing will be left.

"Berenzo?" Lily Callahao's voice suddenly sounded again.


"You lost completely this time. The opponent rolled the highest point, and your point... Needless to say, what time is it? You're out of luck!"

"Yes! Chief!"

Berenzo has almost fainted at this moment, he is dead, his family will be killed by this leader, how about this cruel leader?

Death may be the fastest, but if you live to torture...

"Lin Yue has a large-scale hot weapon that we can't imagine. There is no way to do this. If you want to blame, it's Du Ping's tactics that are too stupid, and Sun Shuyi is really confused, and he let that idiot go. Hu Lai. Ha, I thought I had thought of some excellent method, but wasn't it completely wiped out?"

Lily Karahao opened the fan in her left hand and quickly closed it again.

"Lizardmen, it's good to eliminate some of them by the way. They have been too obsessed with breaking rocks recently. After this battle, it is meaningless to make these four-legged snakes who are always jumping around annoyingly stop some.

As for a Du Ping who died when he died, old grandson... After all, this person is an old friend who has experienced the last survival with us. It is indeed a pity to die like this, come here. "

"Leader!" Among the rest, two young men stood up.

"Go and take over the team that Lao Sun left behind and didn't take away, and by the way, grab all the things in his old nest for me! I want people, and I want materials too!"

"Yes!" The two quickly exited the room, and after the door opened, it closed again.

At this moment, Lily Karahao suddenly discovered that there was a new prompt on the system's private chat panel.

From, on this world channel, the leader of the fourth largest refuge village - Xing Lingfeng!

She looked at the message sent by the other party, and suddenly snorted.

"It's not all bad. Berenzo, you ten executors go to the wasteland! Go now!"

Berenzo suddenly heard this sentence, and the burden on his body suddenly disappeared!

Has the leader not held accountable?

"Yes!!" He answered loudly, this order is even more beautiful than the sounds of nature!

Lily Karahao suddenly burst into laughter!

Crazy laughter, also kept echoing in this hall!

She sat back in the chair again, and suddenly, muttered to herself.

"I said let's not waste time, and I don't like to fill in any more chips in such a win-win game. I rolled the dice to the maximum!"

She laughed wildly again.

"Lin Yue!! It's impossible for you to beat me."

As a reason to exonerate yourself,

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