Global Wasteland: I Unboxed Top Vaults (The World Is A Wasteland: I Obtained A Top Tier Shelter)

Chapter 423 My life in another world, the future can be expected!

When I got back, it went well.

No mutant sheep were encountered, and no other mutant creatures came to attack.

Without the company of Xiaobai Xiaomeng and other little ice lizards, this seems to be the first time.

However, Lin Yue did not drive so fast, and he always had a spray gun and MP5 submachine gun on hand.

Of course, the backpack-type flame jet aircraft was always ready and carried on its back.

If there is any sudden attack, he can rush to the sky at the fastest speed to avoid it.

Seeing the towering city wall not far away, Lin Yue also breathed a sigh of relief.

He came to the large warehouse behind the sanctuary. He put everything in the storage space except saltpeter and stone in it, and then went to the four medium-sized warehouses built next to the city wall. Put the saltpeter.

"What are you going to do next... By the way, let the little ice lizards collect the vegetables, and take a look at how the vegetables and fruits in the greenhouse are growing."

Before going to the oil river, Lin Yue decided to take a look at the growth of vegetables and fruits in the greenhouse.

In other words, this glass greenhouse is really only entered once a day. If it is to be placed at the beginning, he may wish to live in it directly.

Open the door and lift the curtain, Lin Yue walked in.

It was still pretty cool inside, even a little cold.

This is no other reason, but really because the temperature outside has also dropped.

Lin Yue closed the fan curtain and opened the sunshade net, and the temperature inside slowly started to climb from 16 degrees Celsius.

Looking at the planting table, it is already green.

"Yes, chicken feathers and leeks can be harvested in a while, tomatoes, beans and bell pepper lettuce, etc., it seems to be almost the same tomorrow. As for potatoes... eh? They are all blooming? It doesn't seem to grow much!"

Potatoes have bloomed and are not too far from maturity.

The world's outrageous crop planting rules have reduced the months-long growth time to a few days.

In the past few days, even a crop with a long growth period, such as potatoes, has been reduced to almost three days!

It seems that tomorrow at the earliest, the day after tomorrow at the latest, he will be able to eat fragrant french fries!

"The future is promising." Lin Yue said nonsense and turned to look at the planting box where the fruit was planted.

Seventy pots of tropical fruit planting boxes are no longer as bare as the day before yesterday.

At this moment, they have grown from seeds to seedlings!

"Huh, a pineapple can grow so big in one day? And the seedlings in each pot are split in five directions? The bananas are about one meter five long, good guy. What kind of tree is this? By the way, yes Red Heart Guava, next to this is the lotus mist? Both of them are growing very tall at once! Lychees and mangoes are also growing well, can they be harvested in a week? Wait, this thing is coconut? Two days What's the situation when you run for more than three meters?"

When he came to the tropical fruit growing area, Lin Yue felt that he was constantly surprised.

I have to say that this time, each of these tropical fruit plants is growing amazingly.

However, relatively speaking, this pot is indeed too small.

For their healthy growth, should you really consider bigger and deeper pots?

"Well, according to the general understanding of these trees, do we have to get them a pot that is at least two meters high? No, isn't the pot a bit inappropriate..."

Lin Yue glanced at the planting platform over there. He had some ideas, but shook his head.

If each pot has enough room for 20 square meters of growth, then 70 pots need 1,400 square meters.

It does take up some space.

After all, this greenhouse is only 3,600 square meters.

And now almost a quarter of the area is still occupied by the planting platform.

If these tropical fruits are full, if nothing else, the amount of soil used is also quite a large number.

It seems that, for the time being, some streamlining is needed before a second greenhouse can be built.

After exchanging some vegetables and fish for a large amount of wood, Lin Yue immediately started the transformation of the new planting box.

"Then, according to the idea just now, try to make it bigger."

After thinking about it, Lin Yue immediately used two-meter wooden boards to connect and stack each other to create a four-meter-long and wide square frame, and the height was directly obtained to two meters.

Next, wrap it around with wire and fix it!

【You have obtained the design drawing of a super large planting box! 】

Well, the design drawing is obtained!


After using the design drawings, with the disappearance of materials, a planting box that is much more beautiful and thicker and more beautiful than what he made was born!

"The one made by the system is stronger, and it looks better than what I made." Lin Yue actually thanked the system for this.

Without this convenient function, it would take a considerable amount of energy and time for him to create these flower utensils.

And now, what he lacks the most is these two.

There are too many things to do in front of you.

After finishing this, I will go to see the chickens and fish, and then I will explain to Xiaobai and them, and then I will go to the oil river sub-base to have a look...

That's just the part for today.

I haven't been to the natural sulfur ore mountain for a long time, and not only that, the underground ruins and secret realms have also been left untouched.

Video cold fresh processing plants also have to work, and generators have to come out...

The most arduous task is to open the treasure chest!

Although he does not need to open the copper treasure chest, the three platinum treasure chests still need to be opened...

Cowboys are busy.

How can there be so much time...

Lin Yue shook his head. After making 70 super-large planting boxes in a row, he spent all the nearly 100,000 survival points on his body and sold all the humus nutrient soil.

The next step is to put the soil into the planting box, and then plant these tropical fruits that are almost turning into trees.

And this work does not require him to do it himself.


Xiaobai got into the glass greenhouse. After seeing the owner, he was quite happy, wagging his tail vigorously, and shaking all the dust off his body.

"Xiaobai, you've worked hard. I'll put some food here later, don't forget to call them to eat."

"Ga woo?" Xiaobai nodded, but he seemed quite curious when he saw the planting boxes beside Lin Yue and the bags of humus nutrient soil piled up like a hill behind him.

"You said this... That's right. Xiaobai, you will eat them first, and then take out some little ice lizards, together with Xiaomeng and you, and plant the plants here, and I will show you a demonstration. ."

Lin Yue said, put on the exoskeleton, and put his left and right hands on the robotic arms.

He walked to one of the coconut trees and smashed the planting box directly.

The extremely developed root system of the coconut tree has completely fixed the soil.

"Well, that's it. First open the bags of soil and pour them inside. After reaching a certain height, put the plants in, and then bury the soil next to it, understand?"

After Lin Yue taught Xiaobai the steps of knocking pots, pouring soil, placing plants and planting, he let him replant again.

I have to say that this little guy's learning ability is not inferior to him, but he does it quite well just once.

"Very good, then..."

"Quack quack!" At this time, Xiaobai suddenly grabbed his arm and pulled him out!

Lin Yue didn't understand, what was this for?

what's the situation?

Lin Yue ran a few steps to keep up with Xiao Bai, but after leaving the greenhouse, he went straight into the medium-sized farm, and as soon as he entered, Lin Yue discovered that there was an almost pure white chicken in front of him!

This chicken has a majestic appearance, and it walks with dignity, and the cockscomb on the top of its head is also very bright red!

big cock? No, isn't it only three days?

In more than three days, can you go from a little chicken to a big rooster?

Although the system had shocked him more than once in this regard, Lin Yue couldn't help but be amazed when he saw those fluffy chicks in three days, and immediately reached the stage of maturity.

Man, this is really surprising.

Looking at the activity area again, they are all full-grown roosters and hens.

Another world is scary.

"Quack!" Xiaobai seemed to be quite liked by them, one hundred and four chickens, all standing in line, like soldiers waiting to be inspected.

"Xiao Bai, can you let the hens enter the egg-laying cage?" Lin Yue asked Xiao Bai, who seemed to be omnipotent.

"Quack!" Xiaobai nodded vigorously.

Lin Yue saw that it just waved casually, and the hens in the team took a step back, walked out of the team, and then walked towards the area where the egg breeding cage was located.

Lin Yue followed them and walked there, and saw that the hens flew into the cages at a height of about one meter five, and walked in one by one.

After Lin Yue placed feed and water in the automatic feed supply box and the automatic water supply box, as the power was turned on, the cages were closed one by one, and the feed and water were placed in the breeding box with hens through the metal tank.

"This... can only be said to be too strong." Lin Yue felt that this was the dawn of scientific chicken raising... No, it should be "sci-fi chicken raising"?

These hens are walking around in the relatively wide cages, as if to see the meaning, they will be able to lay eggs tomorrow.

"Xiao Bai, look back and look here, and let them out when there are eggs in the morning."

Xiaobai nodded obediently, and Lin Yue was still very relieved about it.

As for the roosters outside...they're still a little useless at the moment.

Crows are not necessary, but they are necessary for hens to lay eggs that will hatch into chicks.

If there are some weak ones, then there is really no need to show mercy.

After all, without his feed and breeding, these chickens will be boiled eggs, or poached eggs, scrambled eggs, etc. materials at the beginning.

Having said that, should I get a scrambled egg with tomatoes and eat it? Anyway, there are some eggs, and there are tomatoes.

Thinking of this, Lin Yue felt his stomach began to growl.

After eating a little instant noodles, I didn't eat anything, and the grilled meat and fried meat were a little bit enough.

Why don't you actually fry this?

Walking out of the farm with Xiaobai, Xiaobai ran directly outside.

It's useless to fly, this little guy still doesn't seem to be completely well.

The strain will at least accompany this little guy for a while. When he is fine at night, he and Xiaomeng must be sprayed with cloud white medicine, and the plaster will be changed again.


Having said that, does Xiaomeng seem to have never shed his skin?

So far, it seems that only Xiaobai has shed his skin.

Is it only Xiaobai who can molt?

You know, the strength before and after molting is completely heaven and earth.

Lin Yue walked back to the main shelter, came to the kitchen, and took out five large tomatoes from the refrigerator.

These tomatoes are the last ones he planted in the plastic greenhouse era. If they don't eat them, they will really be ripe and rotten.

These tomatoes, each a lot bigger than a fist, were scalded in hot water, and then they were prepared into slices.

Then he found another small basin and took out ten eggs from the refrigerator.

These eggs are also unable to hatch into chicks, so they are just right for food.

Using chopsticks to break up the eggs, Lin Yue simultaneously raised the pot and poured oil. After the oil was hot and smoking, he quickly slid the eggs in, and when it became an omelette, he immediately added tomatoes that almost melted in your mouth.

Soon, under the fire, the pulp of the tomatoes turned into soup. Lin Yue then used a shovel to cut the eggs into suitable small pieces. After adding salt and some sugar, he closed the lid and grumbled for a while. .

It's a pity that there are no shallots. If you put some chopped onions before they are cooked, you can also add some flavor.

All of these were learned when he went to the orphanage's canteen to "visit" and watched the chefs in the back cook a small stove.

Although they can usually eat these, it seems that they are not as delicious as those made by the masters themselves.

Later, he "graduated" from the orphanage. This dish is also his most common dish. After all, it is delicious and nutritious, and the method is quite simple.

Finally, Lin Yue added some water starch to make the whole soup thicker, then turned off the heat and served the pot, and it was done!

He took out some rice from the storage space and put it on a plate. Lin Yue took out a big spoon again, put some scrambled tomatoes with scrambled eggs and put it on top of the rice. Lin Yue took out the spoon.

I originally wanted to enjoy it with Xiaobai, but it seems that Xiaobai and the others can only come and eat by themselves later.

However, the really appealing!

"Am I the first in this other world to eat scrambled eggs with tomatoes?"

Lin Yue smelled the fragrant smell and couldn't help but picked up the spoon.


The wind blows the clouds!

Lin Yue felt that this was the fastest time he had eaten in this different world.

Looking at the piles left in the pot, Lin Yue thought about it and put them in the storage space.

It's delicious when it's hot, isn't it?

Lin Yue, who decided to open a small stove for Xiaobai and Xiaomeng, walked into the greenhouse again and put a lot of food in it.

There are so many things to be busy with.

However, going to the Oil River base seems to be the first step.

Even if the generator is built now, he doesn't have as much diesel to run it successfully.

In addition to oil, there are...

Lin Yue walked out of the greenhouse, looked at the melting furnace that seemed to have been a decoration for too long, and nodded.

What is this called?

The future is promising.

It seems to be another nonsense?

With an expression of anticipation, Lin Yue started the tactical vehicle and drove straight out of the shelter.

Almost in the next second, a brand-new stone road of ten kilometers also appeared in the wasteland, heading straight for the oil river base.

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