Lin Yue, who put on earmuffs and was fully armed, looked at the army of lizardmen whose heads had been blown off by sporadic bullets.

Contrary to what they had imagined, they had traveled a long distance and followed from the Youhe River base all the way, and the troops that finally gathered did not seem to have as many as they had in the morning.

"Thirty thousand, no, there are still forty thousand. However, they don't seem to be in a hurry to attack?"

Lin Yue found that after the robot dogs exploded the heads of dozens of lizardmen, they also retreated very quickly, as if they were constantly testing the maximum range of the robot dogs.

This is also in Lin Yue's calculations.

The sniper rifle on the robot dogs is a complete replica of his L115A3 sniper rifle. It can precisely strike targets at a distance of 1.6 kilometers, and the longest range can reach two kilometers.

At present, Lin Yue has tried this gun, which can aim at a range of up to two and a half kilometers, but he set a relatively subtle number of 1.5 kilometers for the robot dogs.

After entering 1.5 kilometers, the robot dogs will shoot.

And 1.5 kilometers away, the robot dogs will follow Lin Yue's settings and will not shoot.

But if the enemy really thinks the range is only 1.5 kilometers...

Then, please look forward to the torrential rain shooting with an attack range of up to 2.5 kilometers!

Trap, you have to let the enemy relax their vigilance on the hook to be called a trap.

As for the trap on the second floor...

Of course there are.

The range of the medium electric sentry machine gun is 5 to 200 meters, which is a very interesting shooting distance.

It won't launch at a distance of 200 meters, but once it's within range, it'll be torn to shreds by a frenzied web of bullets.

It's really nothing if you use it alone. But what if the closest shooting distance is set for the robot dogs?

The closest shooting distance set by Lin Yue is...

400 meters.

Once the lizard people have evaded the shortest distance from the sniper rifle through repeated experiments by drilling holes in the ground, they will enter his traps on the second floor.

Lizardmen will gather in this area within 400 meters, and then, when they want to charge further to 200 meters, they will be torn into pieces by the sentry machine gun stand.

And when they fled 400 meters away in a panic...

Sniper rifles will also be at this time, from 400 meters to 1.5 kilometers, they will be defeated!

And when they finally assembled 1.5 kilometers away, he would adjust these robot dogs and let them turn on the 2.5 kilometers mode!

1 km, but it's a lot worse...

At that time, the lizard people will really be welcomed to hell.

This new tactic was not a flash of inspiration just now, but a more effective way to kill the enemy after the battle in the morning.

Now, there are as many as 50 robot dogs in the main shelter, plus 40 new ones, basically there is no problem with the number.

The robot dogs have 200 rounds of ammunition per head. In all, if every round hits, 18,000 lizardmen can go back and forth.

"If more robot dogs can be made, there are ways to strike the enemy more effectively."

Speaking of another way, Lin Yue suddenly thought of something.

He took out the system tablet, found Fei Yue, clicked to take a photo in the chat box, and sent: "Look, there is work."

Feiyue replied quickly: "See you in an hour."

Although he was fully capable of handling such a thing, out of a consideration, he felt the need to call on allies.

He really wanted to know how much combat power this ally had.

As for another reason...

Fei Yue had already given the answer that he felt was the most perfect.

Looking at the system tablet, it will be a little more than three hours before darkness arrives.

This day is really long.

In the scope, the lizard people have retreated 1.5 kilometers away, and it seems that they are preparing to wait for more large troops to gather, or prepare to wait until the evening before taking action.

However, sooner or later, they will wait for an opportunity to be pressed by a soldier, or drill a hole to break through the shooting of the robot dogs, and then reach the "net" between 400 meters and 200 meters.

But at this moment, Lin Yue decided to take a risk.

After Feiyue and the others came, see how they behaved, and then talk about it.

As time passed by, the lizard people still did not move any more.

Lin Yue looked at the top for a while and found that there was basically nothing to do, and then came down to do something else.

He instructed the little ice lizards to rest for a while, and Lin Yue asked Xiaobai, Xiaomeng and Xiaoliuzi to eat something to replenish their stamina.

"Later, you two are preparing to fight with the little ice lizards, Xiaobai, you didn't participate much in the last battle, do you think it was not enjoyable?"

"Ga woo!" Xiaobai nodded heavily. In the morning, because of Lin Yue's order, although it was almost healed, it still didn't take the risk to fight. After seeing Xiao Meng easily kill the poisonous Tianlong, it Also quite itchy.

At this moment, wearing a combat suit, it stood upright, like a small general, and was now asking Lin Yue to fight!

"Okay, I'll wait for Feiyue and the others to come. If you can't hold on to anything, you are responsible for cleaning the remaining lizardmen!"


Xiaobai wagged his tail happily, looking forward to the next battle.

The little ice lizards and Xiaomeng buried their heads to eat, and Xiaobai followed him to the glass greenhouse.

At that time, Xiaobai seemed to be full in the greenhouse, so he did not continue to eat with them.

"I'm going to check your results."

Lin Yue patted the little guy's arm, and suddenly found that his arm seemed to be bigger than before, and his entire height seemed to be stretched a bit.


This seems to be some distance away from the last molt.

Can Xiaobai still grow again?

You must know that this little guy with a height of three meters is five or six meters long including his tail. Moreover, Lin Yue also found that on the top of Xiaobai's head, there seemed to be some protrusions on the left and right sides.

No way……

He shook his head.

"Quack!" Xiaobai ran to the large planting box in a flash, shaking his big claws vigorously, as if he was showing and showing off to Lin Yue.

"Oh? Good guy, good planting!"

Lin Yue saw that seventy tropical fruit seedlings and small trees were planted in the new large planting box in a neat and upright manner, and each one was quite good-looking.

Although the pineapple one seems to be a bit too big, the others don't seem to be inconsistent, and they are quite suitable.

Lin Yue looked around, Xiao Bai and the others even cleaned up all the dirt. Although they had done a big project, they could be so neat and tidy, which Lin Yue didn't expect.

"Okay, you guys." Lin Yue took the remaining humus nutrient soil into the storage space and found that almost half of the remaining amount was left.

It can be covered with a few more planting platforms.

It's possible to let the little ice lizards warm up, and they can't always fight, or just fight.

The battle has to be fought, and nothing else can be left behind.

Produce, collect, explore.

These, no matter what they are, are the guarantee of survival in this different world!

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