The roaring heavy truck, carrying a fighting team of 300 people, galloped from the northern avenue!

The strong man driving the car is looking ahead at this moment. Although his expression has not changed, he is quite excited at the moment!

"Boss, you are so scary." You Siyuan was in the co-pilot, looking at Fei Yue, who was holding the steering wheel in his hand, but his eyes seemed to be spewing fire, and he couldn't help complaining.

"It's even scarier after a while! Hahaha." Fei Yue still looked straight ahead, but the smile on the corner of his mouth could no longer be hidden.

At noon, the crowd was still excited, and everyone vowed to let Lin see how strong they were sooner.

But what they didn't expect was that Lin Yue gave them the chance so quickly. After only a few hours, they had practiced target shooting for less than two rounds, and Lin Yue gave them a chance to perform!

After everyone went back, they had a big meal, slept a lot, woke up and practiced two rounds of target shooting. After that, Fei Yue's mobilization order!

And everyone is also rushing to sign up, and everyone wants to let Fei Yue see his own momentum!

Of course, they all took a sigh of relief. This time, I wanted to show Lin Yue that their combat power was no joke!

"Boss, you are exaggerating, and it's scary. Are you saying that you shoot ten rings and miss the target every time?" You Siyuan joked.

"Hey, there's always something that people are not good at. Look, I'm pretty accurate with the steel crossbow, right? This thing needs to be practiced, and it may not be able to be mastered in a while. When Lin Yue gave us the steel crossbow, we That day, when there were enough lizardmen attacking the refuge village, they were killed. Then guess what? When everyone was shooting again the next day, they all went out to the Eight Houses!"

"Huh, do you mean that this thing also has to be practiced?" You Siyuan took out the M19 pistol in his hand, deflected it skillfully, and disassembled it, as if he was making a toy, "You just saw it, right? , are the three of us considered sharpshooters?"

"Okay, I know what you guys were doing in the past. Before you came here, you were still playing this thing in the compound, the stakes are great." Fei Yue laughed, "Xing Lingfeng really treats you as cadres, with such a powerful fighting ability, he is the only one He has the final say? Can he beat you?"

You Siyuan pouted: "Our three brothers are in a relationship, and we all knew each other. After we came here, we found that we were all in the same group, and then we all got together as soon as we got together. It's good to get together and live together, but before the result, I saw Xing Lingfeng recruiting people."

"Oh? Is that so?" Fei Yue heard about this for the first time.

"We all know that old thing, is it an internationally renowned survival expert, and then we ran to follow him... By the way, do you know that old thing? I don't know where to get a lot of that old thing. of gasoline and diesel, as well as various oil products, as well as a lot of nitrocellulose, which is known as nitrocellulose, which is used for bullets. When we see that there is a door, we will have a gun in the future, don’t we have to Going sideways? Just follow him. Later, you also know that if you don't get there, the brothers will break up with him. "

Fei Yue was stunned: "What did you just say? Nitrocellulose?"

"Yeah, primer, you don't know about it, do you? If we don't make bullets in the future, we can only use saltpeter sulfur and charcoal to blacken gunpowder, but how powerful is it..."

Fei Yue suddenly laughed loudly and did not speak.

You Siyuan didn't quite understand: "Boss?"

"To tell you the truth, I was thinking about the issue of bullets in the future. I don't know how to make this thing... As a result, you said just now, is it nitrocellulose?"

"Ang, yes, nitrocellulose, brass cupronickel, it's actually not difficult to make bullets, but without a machine tool, we can only rely on the design drawings, after all, we can't do it ourselves, although this is what Lin Yue gave. There are more than 70 rounds, and the magazine is also terribly long. It seems that it has been modified a lot, but it is gone after shooting..."

"I have." Fei Yue said mysteriously.

"What do you have? Blueprints?"

"No, nitrocellulose!" Fei Yue took a deep breath, "That thing is flammable and explosive. After I opened the treasure chest, I kept it in my storage space, and it didn't take up much space anyway. ...then thought it couldn't work and threw it or gave it to Lin Yue, but didn't expect it to be a bullet?"

"Damn it, boss, are you kidding me? You don't know what nitrocellulose does? Did you make a mistake?"

"Fuck, I was only a long-distance driver before, who knew that thing could make bullets?" Fei Yue scolded with a smile.

"Then can I ask you, how much do you have in your hand? If this thing doesn't have a gun, it's worthless. If you have a gun, it's more expensive than gold... No, now it should be said, it's more expensive than wine?"

"My dear, I have 270 kilograms here, can you believe it? How many bullets can I make?" Fei Yue swallowed. He really wanted to open the storage space and check again, but he was still driving, and it was extremely fast!

It was almost enough to knock a mutant sheep that passed by by chance!


With another cry, the unknown mutant creature that had just hit the road was hit by the heavy truck directly into the grass on the side of the road, and it seemed to have been knocked into pieces.

On one side, You Siyuan's face turned pale with fright.

Not because of the impact, but because Feiyue actually had 270 kilograms of nitrocellulose!

"Brother, my own brother, do you know what that means and what it means?" He swallowed, and cold sweat fell from his forehead, "No one is allowed to tell me about you except the two of us!"

"Ah?" Fei Yue was stunned for a moment, "But our brothers in the shelter, I haven't had time to say anything except the three of you. Everyone knows it."

"Cough, cough, cough..." You Siyuan felt his saliva stuck in his throat, pounding his chest hard, his face flushed red, twisting and looking at Fei Yue, as if he were looking at a big fool.

"Brother, my brother, how did you become the leader? I want to know, you died so easily, I'll tell you."

"How did you become the leader... This is a long story. When I first came to another world, I saw an old man not too far away. Guess who he is? It's us Meng..."

"Stop, my brother, you listen to me first, what the fuck, what should I tell you? Then... by the way, uh, it's our refuge village, no, apart from our refuge village and Lin Yue , you don't tell anyone else, you know?"

You Siyuan felt like he was going to faint. Fei Yue was too honest. How could he lead everyone to face disasters and survive together in the future? I'll go.

However, it seems that this product actually leads well?

The people in the refuge village seemed to be very convinced of him, even a little "worship"?

Moreover, with the passing of the disaster, it seems that the scale of the refuge village on Feiyue's side is constantly getting bigger and bigger, and the number of people is also increasing...

Is this a great leader?

Originally, when the three of them came to defect, it was actually for Lin Yuelai.

It's a pity that Lin Yue is a "lone wolf" type player that everyone knows, and he won't have any direct relationship with any survivors.

That way, Lin Yue thought they were here to attack the city, so he gave them three shots.

And in this world, who is the closest to Lin Yue?

That is naturally Feiyue and his refuge village!

This is no longer a secret.

If Levec came to attack Linyue Refuge Village that time, under the leadership of Xing Lingfeng, they called on other refugee villages to support Lin Yue, Xing Lingfeng and Lin Yue were the closest.

Then after that time, Fei Yue had obviously come from behind.

At the beginning, Xing Lingfeng also laughed at Fei Yue for condescending to hug Lin Yue's legs, and he kept saying that he wanted Lin Yue to be the dominant person. He was stubborn and an idiot.

But that doesn't appear to be the case now.

After coming to this refuge village, they could all see that Fei Yue's leadership, appeal, decisiveness, and combat power were far inferior to Xing Lingfeng's.

And not only that.

They originally thought that Fei Yue would rely on Lin Yue, use begging means, or act like the leader of a really dominated refuge village.

But when they came here, what they saw was a real leader of the sanctuary who was constantly improving himself and chasing after Lin Yue's shadow!

Moreover, he still has the most precious thing in this different world.

"Haha, you just told me that you can make bullets, and I immediately told Lin Yue. He has to use it in every way, right? I remember that he often has to use a sniper rifle." Fei Yue scratched his head and laughed.

"Be careful!!"


With another bang, a mutant sheep was knocked flying.

Fei Yue didn't think so, and continued to grin.

You Siyuan wiped the cold sweat from his face.

This guy, really.

No wonder Lin Yue approached him without ignoring anyone.

In this different world, the most precious thing is not strength, not fighting power, not having more materials than someone else, and not being smarter than someone else.



There are no laws, no one sets the rules, and no one manages them.

Human nature has been subjected to unimaginable tests in just 30 days.

Many people, many people who originally looked good, have been completely transformed in this environment.

Some people are violent, some people are greedy, some people like to kill, and some people are lewd.

It seems that the innocence, beauty, self-discipline and dignity in human nature have all been wiped out after coming to this different world.

Only the bad things are left.

Just like Xing Lingfeng.

You Siyuan and the others have made great contributions to the expansion of his refuge village.

But so far, they don't know what exactly is in Xing Lingfeng's storage space. This old thing sometimes says to himself what "the first time, the second time" means, and they don't know why Xing Lingfeng is so defensive about Lin Yue, but he was so wary of Lily Callahao.

They seem to be just Xing Lingfeng's tool people. They are used when they are useful and placed there when they are not.

trust? trust?

Never seems to have been.

In the end, they could only tell them proudly after watching Xing Lingfeng arbitrarily design Lin Yue and Lily Karahao.

If they hadn't left at that time, maybe now they really have to be forced to join the woman's refuge village with the old thing?


No, it should be said, lucky.

They correctly chose Fei Yue.

Moreover, here, too, I saw all the beauty in human nature that seems to have been lost for a long time, but has never been lost here.

Trust, loyalty, honesty, self-confidence, passion, self-love.

In particular, the extremely strong alliance between Feiyue and Lin Yue made them see the beauty of transcending the rules of another world.

The last time Feiyue was attacked by the lizardmen beggars at the shelter at night, Lin Yue did not rely on his powerful force to eliminate all the lizardmen beggars and leave in one wave.

Instead, he brought weapons and experience to Feiyue, and handed over half of the enemies to them. At that time, he greatly trained Feiyue and the refuge village.

When he heard that Lin Yue was in trouble last night, Feiyue also immediately led the whole village to set off in the starry night. The night marched for more than 100 kilometers and came to Lin Yue's refuge village for support.

Although he didn't help, he only served as a bystander once, but this heart also moved Lin Yue and gave them more powerful weapons as a thank you.

Between the two, although Lin Yue seems to be stronger at present, Fei Yue is still much weaker.

But after that, You Siyuan felt that the distance would be getting closer and closer!


"Brother, why do I think it's you who will become the savior in the future?"

At this time, You Siyuan suddenly said.

"Fuck, what nonsense! I can barely keep up with you guys! I'm not the savior, if there is, it's the lone wolf brother who gave us the opportunity to show his strength this time!"

Fei Yue said, and suddenly shouted in surprise: "It's almost here! I can see the city wall!"

In the front, Lin Yue's Refuge can already be seen. Although it is not high, it is a rather conspicuous city wall of the Refuge in this wasteland that has become a grassland.

There is also an invincible fortress!

When they came here this morning, they were only shocked, but now, they have returned here with a violent fighting spirit!

This time, they want Lin Yue to see that they are qualified as allies!

The truck roared and rushed towards Lin Yue's shelter, and the city wall of the shelter was getting closer and clearer!

You Siyuan stared, looking at the densely packed machine gun platforms with two barrels stretched out on the city wall, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Lin Yue is this a city wall?

This machine gun... all 100,000 lizardmen have to put it here.

"Do you see it, machine gun turret? Lin Yue can deal with those lizardmen himself, but he didn't, but let us come. This is not to look down on us, on the contrary, he wants to see how much combat power we have, right?" Yue Da mouth grinned again.

"Haha, I think Lin Yue wants to give us an oversized experience pack this time! Brother, ah, no, boss, you..."

"Just call me brother." Fei Yue didn't care.

"Haha, cheer up, brother, we have a big appetite this time, you can talk to Lin Yue, the copper treasure chest, the silver treasure chest, the treasure chest, etc., are all ours, so he won't get a piece of the pie?" You Siyuan suddenly felt goosebumps all over his body.

At this moment, the fighting spirit poured into his body, as if he in that company had come back!


Yu Siyuan closed his eyes.

He felt that the companions in the carriage probably felt the same way.

war! !

"Brother, I want to roar now!" You Siyuan opened his eyes and roared!

Fei Yue laughed and said, "Then we have to wait until we stop."

You Siyuan: "Huh?"

"There are thousands of roads, safety first..."

"Fart! There's only one road, we have a car! Boss, brother! Step on the accelerator to the end and rush into the stinky lizards over there, I'll hit ten!"

At this time, the whole car also roared!

And the truck, like flying from the road, rushed in the direction of the army of lizardmen in the distance!

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