The land was not measured yet, and a torrential rain suddenly fell.

Boss Wang cursed and got on the van in a hurry.

A Biao also jumped on the car in a hurry, but was stopped by Ye Qing when he was about to leave. Then the village chief Li Fu was pushed into the car by Ye Qing.

A Biao didn't say anything, let his men solve it by themselves, and drove away from the open space in the west.

Kangzi knew that it might rain at any time, so he prepared an umbrella in advance, and he and Qingzi left the open space in the west with their arms around each other.

Original place.

A Biao's men cursed and cried, and only their injured world was reached.

The rain was on and off. Just now it looked like a sudden downpour. He said, “It will probably stop soon.”

Ye Qing nodded and said, “Let’s go to the dock.”

“It stopped raining just now. I guess some fishermen will come to sell seafood.”

“Let’s have hotpot in the evening.”

“Sweat a little more. We’re going out to sea tomorrow. You can’t have any problems with your health.”

Kangzi nodded repeatedly. What he liked to eat the most was hotpot, especially in winter. The whole family would eat around the stove, talking and laughing. It was so comfortable.

And everyone would stand around the stove to eat.

This is also the origin of hotpot.


The tables and stoves are all specially made, so you don’t need to stand to eat.

It’s almost the same as hotpot, but it doesn’t have as many ingredients as hotpot, and it’s not as heavy.

To be honest, you only need a little cooking oil and soy sauce, and a pot of water.

As for the taste of the soup, it is completely determined by the ingredients. Therefore, the hot pot in Longwei Island is always served with meat first and then vegetables.

Needless to say, the most common meat dish is seafood, followed by hand-made meatballs.

After eating these, the soup of the hot pot is already very delicious and rich.

After rinsing the vegetables, drink a bowl of soup, the taste is so delicious.

The two talked about wanting to buy something and soon came to the pier.

It was raining, and the wind and waves were not small. Under the impact of the waves, some parts of the pier were already shaky.

Kangzi couldn't help but sigh: "The pier on our island is older than both of us."

Ye Qing said: "This should be repaired by the central town."

Kangzi pouted and said: "Don't even think about it. The central town will only let our village solve it."

Ye Qing was speechless.

No wonder the village chief is frowning all day long. Anyone would have to scratch their head.

Although the wharf is in Nancun, the village did not charge a penny more for using the wharf, but the whole island shared this wharf.

Ye Qing said: "Since the wharf was repaired by our village, then the wharf should be operated by our village in the future. At least we have to charge fishing boats from other villages when they dock at the wharf."

Kangzi shook his head: "It's easy to say, but it's hard to do."

"Especially if the central town doesn't take care of it, if other villages cause trouble for our Nancun, it will be a big deal."

"Besides, given the current situation on our island, apart from the fishing boats on the island, there are also fishing boats of vendors, and there is no money to be made from operating."

Ye Qing nodded and said nothing more.

There is no need to operate it now, but in the future, Longwei Island will welcome tourists, so the operation of the wharf will be very necessary.

There is no need to say so much now, and these plans are only in his imagination.

The idea is very full, but the reality is very skinny.

To put it bluntly, he still doesn't have enough money in his pocket now, and he can't afford such a big project.

Even though he still has two million in his pocket, this amount of money can't stand the brunt of the trouble.

He has to go fishing as soon as possible to make money.

That way he can start his plan step by step, make more money, and then lie down and enjoy it.

Going fishing is the simplest and most direct way to make money.

Of course, the sea is rich in resources, and there are other ways to make money besides fishing.

But he has no way to get it for the time being. Not to mention looking for treasures from sunken ships on the seabed, there are just a lot of seafood on the seabed, abalone, sea cucumbers, sea urchins, clams, etc. Through the electric eel, he can easily determine the location and quantity.

But how can he catch them?

And how can he not arouse suspicion from others?

He can't just jump to the bottom of the sea to fish in front of Zhang Jun and Kangzi.

In that case, even Zhang Jun and Kangzi will definitely wonder how he determined that there are these seafood on the seabed.

Then doubt.

Even discover his secret.

It's too hard to explain.

Ye Qing thought a lot and found

There was no good solution, so I just suppressed these thoughts for the time being.

For the time being, I could only go out to sea to fish, and attribute everything to good luck.

The boat will naturally straighten itself when it reaches the bridge.

Ye Qing firmly believed that there would be a solution in the future.

There was no one on the dock. Some of the sellers hid in their cars, and some hid in Grandpa Lin’s tavern.

Ye Qing and Kangzi also walked over. Grandpa Lin was pouring old liquor behind the bar. He didn’t look very willing, and he should be forced to open the business.

Before the two of them went in, they saw A Biao and Boss Wang were there.

A Biao was still muttering that Old Man Lin was ungrateful, and urged him to bring the wine quickly. Ye Qing’s face darkened when he heard it.

He walked to the bar, greeted Grandpa Lin, and helped Grandpa Ye pour old liquor.

Ye Qing asked, "Grandpa Lin, did A Biao force you to sell the tavern?"

Grandpa Lin nodded, "Well, I didn't sell it."

"That guy just cursed me a few times, and didn't dare to do anything to me."

"Don't worry."

Ye Qing said nothing, poured a bowl of old liquor, and put it on A Biao's table with a bang.

A Biao jumped up in fright.

Ye Qing said coldly, "Don't think about the tavern!"

A Biao shouted, "Does it have anything to do with you?"

Ye Qing didn't say anything, and crushed the glass directly.

A Biao admitted his defeat: "I don't have any intentions on the tavern."

He rolled his eyes and continued to shout: "Ye Qing, I heard that you are going to build a new house. Do you need cheap building materials?"

"The man next to me is a big boss who opened a building materials factory. He has reached a cooperation with my boss. As long as you ask for it, my boss will definitely give you some cheap building materials."

Ye Qing smiled coldly: "Yes, of course, but I have to wait for Da Jin Ya to beg me for it."

A Biao cursed immediately after hearing this: "Damn it."

"You don't ask my boss, but you want my boss to ask you."

"Dream on your own."

Boss Wang also sneered: "Young people don't think when they talk."

A Biao became more excited after hearing this, and slapped the table and shouted: "Ye Qing, since you said so, do you dare to make a bet with me?"

"If you ask my boss in the end, you kneel down to my boss."

"If my boss asks you, my boss kneels down for you, how about that?"

Ye Qing looked back at him.

Ah Biao panicked a little, but he still stiffened his neck and looked at Ye Qing.

At this time.

Whoever gave in would lose.

The people hiding from the rain in the tavern saw the excitement and started to make a noise, especially Guan You, who was standing next to Cai Ya, who shouted the loudest.

"Promise him!"

"If you are a man, you will agree."

"Don't be a coward."

He shouted like that, obviously with bad intentions.

Cai Ya didn't shout, but just frowned at Ye Qing. He felt that Ye Qing was a little too pretentious. Now that Ah Biao had caught the opportunity, it would be difficult for him to step down.

Kangzi and Grandpa Lin also looked at Ye Qing, with some worry in their eyes.

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