The bet is not worth it.

It's obvious that he will lose.

Da Jin Ya and Boss Wang are in the same group. Even if Da Jin Ya is crazy, how could he beg Ye Qing to accept the building materials?

Unless Da Jin Ya is crazy!

Grandpa Lin pulled Ye Qing and whispered, "Qingzi, don't be impulsive."

"A Biao said this just to trick you."

"Other people are making trouble just to see you laugh."

During this period, Ye Qing returned with a full load every time he went out to sea. Everyone saw it. Although they didn't know how much money he made, it was definitely a lot.

This made some people jealous.

Especially the postal officer in Xicun, who was almost crazy with jealousy.

Last time.

He followed Ye Qing, but he didn't catch anything, and instead suffered a huge loss. As a result, when Ye Qing returned, he filled the entire fishing boat.

He was not convinced!


They were fishing together, why didn't he catch anything?

Seeing Ye Qing being controlled by A Biao, he was so happy that he shouted the loudest.

Kangzi also said: "Qingzi, you can't agree to him."

"If A Biao shouts again, you just beat him up."

"Don't give him a chance to speak."

He knew Qingzi was very powerful and could do anything, but he didn't think that Ye Qing had a chance to win such an obviously unfair bet.

Seeing Ye Qing not speaking, Ah Biao became even more arrogant and shouted at the top of his voice: "Ye Qing, no, Xiao Qing, why are you silent?"

"You don't dare to bet, do you?"

"Then you admit that you were just bragging when you said that my boss asked you to buy building materials?"

After that, he laughed.

Boss Wang also laughed and looked at Ye Qing with a playful look.

Kangzi shouted: "What's wrong with bragging? Is bragging against the law?"

"A Biao, if you don't want to be beaten, get out of here."


Ye Qing stopped him.

Kangzi looked worried.

Ye Qing signaled him to be patient. Of course, he would not agree to this bet. He was determined to get the cheap building materials shipped by Boss Wang.

Just making Da Jin Ya kneel down and humiliating Da Jin Ya, what good would it do him?

Absolutely nothing.

What the hell is the bet?

Unless the bet was that Da Jin Ya gave him the building materials for free, that would be fine.

But it's impossible to think about it.

What is A Biao?

It's a vicious dog raised by Da Jin Ya.


Now the idea comes.

Ye Qing laughed and said, "How can you, a lackey, help the master with arrangements?"

"Does Da Jin Ya know?"

"You should report to your master first."



Putting aside the fact of the bet, you don't even have the qualifications to bet.

It's really a dimensionality reduction attack.

A Biao, who was originally smiling evilly, suddenly lost his smile and twisted his face with anger.

He actually called him a lackey!

The most annoying thing is that Ye Qing didn't call him wrong.

Damn it!

If he can beat him, he will definitely fight Ye Qing to death.

Ye Qing continued to stab his chest and said, "You are a lackey, you can't control the bet."

"You can make a bet, let Da Jin Ya make it with me personally."

"I'll negotiate the bet with him."

A Biao roared in grief and anger: "Ah!"

Family members.

Who can understand!

Every word of Ye Qing hit his pain point, and he couldn't find a reason to refute!

He took out his mobile phone.

He called Da Jin Ya, but found that the signal was not good.

He called one after another.

The sea was too rough and affected the communication signal.

How did the situation reverse?

The crowd watching the excitement was a little confused. Just now, everyone was making a fuss to make Ye Qing lose face, but the next moment, A Biao became a joke.

He couldn't even seize the opportunity.

The crowd watching the excitement was very disappointed and complained about whether A Biao could do it.

A Biao was so angry that he threw the second-hand mobile phone he just bought on the ground. With a "snap", it broke into pieces, and everyone was afraid to make a fuss.

If he said he was beaten, he couldn't even find anyone to reason with him.

They couldn't afford to offend A Biao.

Ye Qing didn't tolerate him and asked, "Xiao Gou, is it okay?"

A Biao broke down and shouted hysterically, "Wait for me!"

After that.

He didn't care that it was still raining outside, he left Boss Wang and ran out.

Boss Wang was dumbfounded.

He fled in a hurry?

What should he do?

At the door.

A Biao met his subordinates who had just run in the rain.

These poor subordinates finally saw the face

Charter a car, just as we were about to get in, Ah Biao drove away.


We haven't gotten in the car yet!

The men collapsed and knelt on the ground, tears in their eyes.


In the tavern.

Guan You looked at him with a look of disappointment, and slammed the table in anger.

Cai Ya was relieved, and seeing his uncle's reaction, he persuaded him: "Uncle, there's no need to be like this."

"I used to envy Qingzai."

"But now, I don't."

Guan You asked: "Why?"

Cai Ya said with a hint of admiration: "When I was a child, I thought I could be as good as Qingzai if I worked hard."

"But now, Qingzai is too good."

"No matter how hard I try, I can't be better than him."

"Then why envy?"

He thought it over.

From childhood to adulthood, he was basically the one who took the initiative to cause trouble, and Ye Qing rarely took advantage of him. Last time, Ye Qing helped him.

He now wanted to follow Ye Qing.

But Ye Qing didn't want him.


Half an hour later.

The rain stopped.

Pushing the door and walking out of the tavern, looking out, the sky was blue and the sea was blue, with no clouds in the sky, and the seabirds were still circling, making light calls.

The sky and the earth were clear and clean.


Kangzi exclaimed.

Ye Qing looked in the direction of his finger, and a rainbow in the sky was very obvious in the sun, and Ye Qing's mood was inexplicably much lighter.

Grandpa Lin also came out and said, "The rain has stopped."

"It looks like the next few days will be good weather."

"Come to get the hooks in the evening."

Ye Qing nodded and thanked him, and took Kangzi to see the stalls that had just been set up.

There were not many stalls.

They were all scattered and the quantity was not large.

They were unwilling to sell to vendors, and the price could be higher if they sold them in retail.

"Rat grouper!"

"Just caught a rat grouper!"

"Everyone come and take a look."

Hearing the rat grouper, many fishermen came over. Rat grouper is the absolute noble among groupers. It is expensive. The cheapest one costs more than 500 yuan per catty.

The expensive ones cost more than 1,000 yuan per catty.

Ye Qing and Kangzi also walked over and squeezed to the front of the crowd. The stall was set up by a fisherman from the neighboring village. He didn't have a fishing boat at home, so he made money by fishing on the rocks.

He fished for a lifetime and occasionally caught a big catch.

Looking at the rat grouper in the live fish box, it was not big. It looked like only three or four pounds. It was brightly colored, light brown, and covered with black spots.

It swam leisurely in the live fish box. At first glance, it really looked like a big rat.

This is a good thing.

Not only does it look good, it tastes good.

Someone asked the price.

"Old Jiang, how much do you want?"

The fisherman called Old Jiang made a 6 gesture and said, "This is the most expensive fish I have caught in more than a year. For good luck, 666 per catty."

The person who asked the price was silent.

This fish costs more than 2,000 yuan, and he can't afford it.

Some of the people around him walked away. Since they can't afford it, what's the point of looking at it.

Seeing that no one bid, Old Jiang was a little depressed. He didn't want to sell it to the vendors. It was only more than 500 yuan. Although this price was fair, it was several hundred yuan different from selling it himself.

At this time.

Ye Qing said, "Give it to me."

Old Jiang's eyes lit up: "You want it?"

Ye Qing nodded and took the weight directly. Three catties and six ounces, Ye Qing made 2,400 yuan directly.

Old Jiang was overjoyed.

Kangzi swallowed his saliva: "I haven't eaten grouper yet."

Ye Qing looked at Lao Jiangtou and said: "If I catch another precious fish species like grouper, I will buy more."

Lao Jiangtou didn't know Ye Qing and asked: "Are you a vendor?"

Ye Qing shook his head: "I eat it myself."

Lao Jiangtou was surprised. How could he be so rich at such a young age?

The fishermen watching the excitement around him all looked at Ye Qing with envy.

It's different when you make money.

These groupers worth thousands of dollars, he bought them without blinking an eye.

Fill the plastic bottom with water, throw the groupers worth more than two thousand into it, Kangzi hurriedly followed Ye Qing with it.

Ye Qing saw the mantis shrimp, not many, only six pounds, and bought them all.

Continue shopping.

A box of tiger prawns?

What a good thing.

In the morning, Uncle Ba couldn't bear to eat them himself, so he gave them to him and Kangzi. This time, he simply bought more so that everyone could enjoy it.

Ye Qing discussed with the fisherman who was selling tiger prawns and paid two thousand yuan to have the fisherman deliver the tiger prawns directly to his home.

He also bought ten kilograms of oysters.

Soon, after visiting the dock, there was nothing else worth buying.

Ye Qing wanted to buy some conchs, clams, clams, etc., but they were not for sale. It had been raining all day, and it was estimated that the fishermen who went to the sea yesterday did not come to sell them.


Qing shook his head: "It seems that we can only wait until the tide goes out to get it from the sea."

Kangzi said: "Let's go home and deal with the rat spots first."

The two hurried home and called Zhang Jun on the way, asking him to buy some hand-made meatballs for his family of three passing by the central town.

Have a good meal in the evening.

Tomorrow we have to go fishing again, and we can't eat such a rich meal at sea.

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