Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 891: The End of the Road

Everyone's heart sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant. If it was true as Wuxie said, Ji Changsheng failed to stop the natural disaster.

Then the world is about to be destroyed!

Xiaowu fell to the ground with a plop, and said with a dead face.

"We have worked hard for thousands of years, but it ended up in destruction!"

The fat man said in a deep voice with a sullen face.

"It's not time to despair now, aren't we still here!"

"As long as there is a glimmer of hope, we can't give up!"

Everyone looked up at him, and a glimmer of hope ignited in their eyes.

If anyone can stop this natural disaster, it can only be them!

At this time, the little brother shook his head and said.

"It's not an earthquake."

The fat man asked hurriedly.

"What is it?"

The little brother frowned slightly and looked up.

"Maybe the explosion destroyed the structure of the spiritual tower. This tower... is going to collapse!"

As soon as this was said, everyone was shocked again.

Although it was not a world-destroying natural disaster, it was almost the same for them.

This secret room is under the psychic tower. If the whole tower collapses, they will all be buried underneath!

Wang Kaixuan said anxiously.

"Why didn't you say it earlier? Why are you still standing there? Find the exit quickly!"

One of the four doors is an exit. As long as they find the exit, they can escape this disaster!

But Si Tianyu can't be used yet, and even the direction can't be identified. How can they know which one is the exit?

The fat man's face turned fierce, and he took out a coin and said.

"Since you can't find it, don't look for it."

"Toss a coin, whether you live or die, let God decide!"

I'm afraid only a tough man like him can be so decisive and courageous at the critical moment of life and death.

Ordinary people may not even have the courage to toss a coin. If they choose the wrong one, it will be a dead end!

Everyone looked at each other, and the ground was shaking more and more violently. Do they really have to pin everyone's fate on a coin?

Wu Xie saw that the little brother was still calm, and he was also anxious.

"Say something, this is not the time to be cool, my little brother!"

The little brother's eyes were like lightning. After carefully looking at the walls around him, he pointed to one of the passages.

"That's the exit, follow me!"

After saying that, he rushed into the passage as fast as the wind.

There were already rubble rolling down from above, and the wall had several large cracks. The situation was very critical.

The others saw that he had already gone in, and they didn't have time to think about it, and immediately chased him.

There were constant rumbling noises behind him, and even the ground cracked!

The fat man looked back and saw a burst of smoke and dust coming, which was very scary.

"Damn, run!"

Fortunately, they have all been upgraded in physique, and their physical strength is far beyond that of ordinary people.

At the critical moment of life and death, they all burst out amazing energy, faster than the Olympic champion of the 100-meter race!

Boom! !

After just a dozen seconds.

The ground shook violently, accompanied by a loud noise that shook the earth.

The more than 200-meter-high spiritual tower collapsed!

Dust and rubble swept in from behind at a very fast speed.

Seeing this, the young man immediately stopped and said.

"Keep running, don't stop!"

Everyone didn't know what he was going to do, and didn't dare to stop for a moment, and ran past him one after another.

After everyone passed, the young man waved his palms and slapped everyone's backs.

A huge force hit everyone through the air, and an invisible big hand sent them hundreds of meters away!

At the same time, the young man turned around and pulled out the black crystal battle blade.

When the rubble was about to rush to him.

The blade light surged ten feet!

A knife broke through the air!

The walls on both sides were shattered by the blade light and immediately collapsed, blocking the passage behind.

After doing all this, the young man put away the knife and chased after everyone.

In an instant, the dust and rolling stones were left far behind.

When the young man saw that everyone in front was safe and sound, he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He thought to himself, if Mr. Ji hadn't helped him upgrade his physique and made his strength soar, perhaps they would all have died here today!

Everyone was relieved to see that he was fine.

Wuxie immediately stepped forward and said.

"Brother, since you already knew the correct exit, why didn't you tell me earlier? It was so thrilling and exciting. I almost had a heart attack."

The brother smiled slightly.

"It's not that I don't want to tell you, but I didn't know at the time."

It turned out that he didn't know which exit was the correct one at first. After the earthquake, he thought of a way.

As long as you observe the cracks in the wall, you can find the correct exit!

The other three passages all lead to the interior of the Spirit Tower and are closely connected to the structure of the tower. Once the Spirit Tower collapses, these three walls will collapse faster and the cracks will be larger.

Only the passage leading to the outside is the least affected, so the cracks are the smallest.

Although this method is correct, it requires extremely keen observation, and ordinary people can't see the difference at all.

Fortunately, the young man has a hundred times more observation ability than ordinary people, so he can catch clues and find the correct exit!

But this method is extremely dangerous and can only be used at the moment before the collapse.

After listening to his explanation, everyone suddenly realized it and broke out in a cold sweat.

The young man had to come up with this risky move, seeking victory in danger and fighting to the death.

They all walked through the gates of hell!

The fat man wiped the sweat off his face and grinned.

"Although it was thrilling, I finally escaped. Thank you, little brother."

The younger brother nodded slightly and walked forward with long strides.

"Don't relax, Mr. Ji is still waiting for us."

Everyone hurriedly chased after him and thanked the little brother one after another. This was a life-saving grace.

Wang Kaixuan said with a guilty look on his face.

"It's all my fault. If I hadn't come up with the bad idea of ​​using explosives, the ziggurat would not have collapsed."

The younger brother said calmly.

"It's not your fault."

Wuxie quickly comforted him.

"If you hadn't blown up this tower, we wouldn't have been able to get out."

If Wang Kaixuan had not thought of using explosives, he and Shirley Yang might still be trapped in the tower, and others would have to go back to find them, and everyone would still be trapped in the tower.

The only way to break this deadlock is to fight tooth and nail.

No destruction, no establishment, no destruction, no establishment!

This may be what the Buddhists say, one drink after another is a predetermined decision.

Wang Kaixuan and Shirley Yang felt relieved after hearing this.

After walking forward for a while, the fat man asked.

"Where do you think this road leads? Is it outside the ancient tomb?"

The situation just now was too thrilling, and everyone was still frightened and had no time to think about it.

The fat man's question made people think of this issue.

Where does this exit lead to?

The end of the road.

Is it a way out or a trap? !

Wuxie frowned and said in confusion.

"This question is really difficult to answer. Why build a secret passage in the ancient tomb?"

"Is it an escape tunnel built by workers back then?"

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