Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 892: Different from what you think

Looking at what they saw in front of them, Ji Changsheng and Tie Nu couldn't help but be surprised.

I saw a strange-looking corpse displayed in the cabinet, as big as a cow.

The corpse was shaped like a group of broken coral. It didn't look like a living thing, but it had a layer of gray scales attached to the surface and an eyeball as big as a fist.

The appearance of this thing is different from any other creature in the world. Even an echinoderm that looks unrecognizable to its relatives can be considered quite satisfactory compared with this thing.

It's like a three-year-old child casually pinching it out of plasticine and having no idea what it is.

When God created this thing, he was either drunk or going crazy.

Tie Nu looked at the corpse in shock and asked.

"Do you know what this is?"

Ji Changsheng shook his head. He was not a biologist like Jack and had no clue.

"I don't know, I've never seen it."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pressed it on the body, trying to fuse it.

"Start merging!"

After a moment.

No reaction, no vitality, not even ghost energy.

Ji Changsheng was not surprised by this result. This was a mummy that had been dead for who knows how many years. It was almost turned into a fossil. Even a god-level fusion system could not squeeze out a drop of oil.

Although he didn't know what it was, he knew that its origin was definitely unusual.

The Hentian clan and the Zhang family built this Pantheon not on a whim, but with some intention!

"Look elsewhere."

After Ji Changsheng took a look, he turned and walked towards the door.

Tie Nu quickly followed and asked.

"Where to go?"

Ji Changsheng said calmly.

"The remaining seven gates of hell, of course."

All the gates to hell have been opened, and he must ensure that no demons and monsters come out to cause harm to the world.

If so, execute him on the spot!

Tie Nu said with fear.

"The exit of the central dome is about to open, so it's better not to cause any complications."

Ji Changsheng glanced at him and said.

"If you lead the way for me, I will help you get revenge. This is a good deal, right?"

Tie Nu couldn't help but feel something in his heart. Although he and Ji Changsheng didn't decide the winner, he clearly knew that this man was stronger than him!

With the help of this master, his revenge plan would be more certain.

After all, the great wizard and the king are not vegetarians. He is really not 100% sure of killing them alone.


For Tie Slave, revenge is the only reason for his life. In order to achieve this goal, he can give up everything!

It doesn't matter what monsters or monsters he has or the end of the world, it has nothing to do with him.

There is only one thing he wants to do, to send his enemies to hell with his own hands!

The two immediately set off and rushed to the other gates of hell.

The Pantheon is a complex structure and a huge maze.

With Tie Nu leading the way, Ji Changsheng quickly found the others.

After everyone saw Ji Changsheng, they felt relieved and quickly stepped forward to inquire about the situation.

Ji Changsheng briefly explained the situation.

"From now on, don't disperse, everyone, follow me."

After listening to his story, Lao Zhou's expression flickered, and the subtle changes in his expression were immediately caught by Lin Shuangyue.

Lin Shuangyue asked immediately.

"Do you know anything?"

The corpse sealed in the cabinet does not look like a creature from this world, and ultimately it comes from another world.

Maybe it really knows the details of this corpse.

Lao Zhou shook his head.

"I haven't seen it with my own eyes, so I'm not sure."

Ji Changsheng then remembered something. The reason why the incarnation of the snake god came to Hentian Ancient Tomb was to find the ultimate weakness.

This ancient tomb must contain the ultimate secret.

But so far, the clues they have found seem to have nothing to do with the ultimate!

Thinking of this, he immediately said.

"At this point, you should have spoken out. What does this place have to do with you?"

After thinking for a moment, Lao Zhou said.

"Don't worry, I will tell you when the time comes, but not now."

"Let's go check out the other gates to hell first. I also want to know what's inside."

Ji Changsheng suddenly felt a little strange. Lao Zhou didn't look like he was lying.

It seems that there are not only ultimate secrets in this ancient tomb, but also even more secret secrets that even the ultimate does not know!

Ji Changsheng did not continue to ask questions, but just let Tie Slave lead the way, and everyone headed towards the remaining gate of hell.

Ten minutes later, we arrived at the second gate of hell.

Just like the first bronze door, it opened automatically under Ji Changsheng's ghostly death energy.

Behind the door is a small space, only more than 100 square meters.

Compared with the first Hell Gate, this space is pitifully small.

In the center of the space stands a square transparent cabinet, only one meter long, wide and high. It is a standard cube.

The material of the cabinet is like crystal, but it is more crystal clear than crystal.

There was a dark red object in the cabinet, oval in shape, about the size of a basketball.

Everyone came up and took a closer look.

Under the light of the flashlight, this thing glowed with a faint red light, like the luster of jade.

But the strange thing is that this thing doesn't look like a stone. The surface is covered with wrinkles and muscle texture, like a ball of meat.

Hong Beihai said quickly.

"This looks like a kind of Tai Sui!"

There are many kinds of Tai Sui, most of which are in the shape of meat balls with smooth surfaces, which are very similar to this thing.

Zhang Yingchuan shook his head and said.

"This is not Tai Sui, but a very primitive creature that has not evolved complex organs. It looks like... a parasite!"

"But this thing has been jadeified, and it is at least more than 10,000 years old."

The oldest parasite fossil discovered so far is about 17,000 years old, which is consistent with the age, but this basketball-like thing doesn't look like a parasite at all.


While everyone was still thinking about it, Ji Changsheng raised his hand and smashed the cabinet with a palm, and pressed a hand on it.

Everyone else was shocked and looked at him in disbelief.

After a moment.

Just like before, there was no reaction.

This thing has been dead for a long time and is almost fossilized. It would be strange if it could squeeze out oil and water.

Ji Changsheng felt a little disappointed and strange at the same time.

Could it be that the eight gates of hell are all used to suppress corpses?

Although these things are very strange, they have long been dead, so there is no need to go to great lengths to suppress them.

Others have the same doubts. What are these strange corpses?

Ji Changsheng looked at Lao Zhou and asked.

"Do you know this thing?"

Lao Zhou looked at it for a long time and finally nodded.

"I have seen it, but... maybe it is not what you think."

"This thing is not from the imaginary space, but a native creature of this world!"

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