Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 135 Goldman (1/2)

In the sight, a group of green-skinned orcs surrounded a sturdy and larger orc and walked into the forest.

According to what Virgil learned from Li, he judged that the sturdier one walking in the center of the orc patrol team should be a leader, most likely the captain of this patrol team. Just as Li said, it is not difficult to distinguish between ordinary orcs and orcs with official positions. It is simply clear at a glance. Compared with the ordinary orcs around the orc captain, the captain's equipment is obviously one level higher, and his body is obviously stronger. Of course, just in terms of equipment that is one level higher, the weapons of this orc leader still look like assembled garbage. There are eleven orcs in the whole team, and all of them hold guns that look very tattered and pieced together, rather than the large machetes that orcs usually prefer. It looks like a team of guns that like to shoot from behind.

The orcs are huge in number, and most of them are the snipers with machetes. They are the bottom soldiers of the orcs, responsible for various tasks such as charging on the battlefield, slashing people, boosting morale, and sending cannon fodder to death.

Some orcs are not as brave as the snipers, but they are accurate in shooting, so these orcs naturally join the gun team and become the snipers. When the snipers charge, the snipers can hide behind the snipers and start shooting.

Eleven snipers, Goldman glanced at Virgil, the meaning was very clear, what to do?

After observing for a while, Virgil responded to Goldman's question in sign language. In a few breaths, Virgil made a decision and arranged tactics for Goldman.

The meaning is very clear, sniper position No. 3, attack after the signal, move to sniper position No. 5 after three to six bullets, cover shooting, pay attention to the silencer, and leave the leader to me.

So Goldman withdrew from the hiding place and crawled to the scheduled sniper position No. 3 that had been arranged long ago.

It seems that Virgil really likes the story of waiting for the rabbit to come to him. As Goldman slowly crawled on the grass, various ideas kept popping up in his mind. Looking at this "stump", he didn't know how Virgil found such a place. This is a natural and excellent ambush point. Virgil and Goldman set up six sniper points in advance, dug shallow pits, and arranged camouflage. From the outside, they looked like ordinary bushes and were almost indistinguishable. Even if someone walked past the sniper point, they would not find a secret shooting bunker with a good view under the branches and leaves without paying attention. Moreover, the sniper point faces a deep valley. Due to the terrain, once the enemy enters, it will be very troublesome to withdraw. They can either retreat along the curved path, so that they will become conspicuous targets, enough for Goldman to use up all the bullets he carries with him. Or the enemy will choose to climb up the hill and flee over the mountain. It is a slope with a pile of gravel on the slope, where there is a natural bunker. But climbing uphill immediately after being attacked is not a good choice. When climbing to a higher place, the greenskins will inevitably slow down their movement, which still gives Goldman a long time to shoot.

It's a good stake, but how can Virgil be sure that these stupid green "rabbits" will bump into him? Does the Emperor really like this insidious black knight?

Forget it, let's think about his own business. He looked at the electronic clock. Time should be sufficient for Goldman. Goldman thought to himself, three to six bullets, then six, six exploded green heads.

During the crawling, Goldman had time to look back at the shelter. He naturally couldn't see anything. The shelter was also perfectly camouflaged, but Goldman knew that Virgil had left there and he was also entering the combat position.

After arriving at the sniper point, Goldman lifted a wooden board and then rolled lightly into a pit. The pit was a bit narrow. He crawled forward for a distance and arrived at the sniper point.

Goldman carefully put his right eye with electronic glasses close to the gap between the leaves. Through the electronic screen and the gap between the leaves, he saw the greenskins who were slowly moving forward. These greenskins were in high spirits and seemed to be happy about what was about to happen.

So happy? What were they going to do? Hunting, or rushing to a battle? Goldman was a little curious, and he decided to ask Virgil later.

So Goldman took the sniper rifle from his back, installed the silencer, fixed the sniper rifle on the triangular stock that had been installed in the sniper point, pushed a box of sniper bolt bullets, turned on the safety, read the wind direction from the sniper scope, made a slight adjustment, and then gently tapped twice on the communicator at his mouth with his fingers.

The signal of "ready to go" has been issued.

About five minutes later, continuous and continuous knocking came from the headset, three rings each time, three times in a row.

This is the signal to attack.

Goldman was very happy to see a laughing greenskin in the scope. The orc was so happy that he covered his green belly with both hands, as if he couldn't breathe. 'What is happiness leading to sorrow? I'm afraid you don't understand such a profound word in your green head? It doesn't matter, I will teach you. ' Thinking of this, Goldman put the laughing greenskin's head in the center of the crosshairs and pulled the trigger calmly and steadily.

As the gun body shook, there was a strange low muffled sound at the same time. It was the function of the silencer, which not only reduced the sound of the gun to a level that could be ignored, but also concealed the muzzle fire.

Then he quickly placed the sight of the sight on the head of the second greenskin, and after quickly pulling the trigger four times on the third and fourth greenskin, Goldman stopped.

It wasn't until Goldman pulled the trigger for the second time that the Happy Orc's laughter suddenly stopped. The Orc's head seemed to have been suddenly pushed hard, and his neck seemed to be broken. He leaned back in a strange posture. He took several steps back and held his head with both hands before he could barely stand his head up again. When he stood up, there were already three orcs in the team doing it. What he did just now.

In the blink of an eye, four orcs' heads were pushed hard by Goldman's sniper bullets.

There is no doubt that the sniper bolt shot into the head of this happy guy, but for a moment the green skin didn't feel anything special. He didn't even have time to feel the pain. The green skin could only feel a numbness on his scalp. , a huge force pushed him hard.

The bullet penetrated the green skin's head, but it could not cause fatal damage to the green skin.

What happens next is fatal.

Until this moment, there was still a smile on the Happy Orc's face that could only disappear. Then with a dull explosion, the Orc's head suddenly exploded like a watermelon, and red liquid splashed in all directions.

Then came the second, third, and fourth, and the heads of the green-skinned orcs exploded one by one. The advancing greenskins were stunned by this sudden change, and they stood as stunned as wooden stakes. Likewise, they watched with wide eyes as their companions' brains exploded, and some green-skinned legs began to tremble.

These stupid green orcs don't even know where the attack is coming from!

Eleven minus four, there are still seven enemies, and two orcs belong to you. Do you want to continue? Regardless of four bullets or six bullets, just kill all these orcs. Yes, their morale is on the verge of collapse. As long as they keep up their efforts, it will be easy to kill them all. This thought only flashed in Goldman's mind and then disappeared. There's no way he could do that. Discipline is discipline. The battlefield is not a fun place, and you can't just do whatever you please.

And Vergil is also very interesting. After all, there are only eleven orcs who hit the stump this time, but the Black Knight directly gave him six. Vergil only has five, although one of his five is the leader. But doesn’t he also have one more head? Goldman doesn't want to go too far.

Just when Tutuzi was panicking, the leader of the group of orcs, or their boss, began to shout something loudly. The strong orc miraculously stretched out his hand and pointed in the direction of Goldman. , these green-skinned warriors armed with inferior and strange weapons suddenly felt like a battlefield. They quickly found any place where they could hide, and then quickly hid themselves, and then started to attack Goldman with fierce firepower. shooting.

Damn, how could this happen?

For a moment, Goldman wanted to curse loudly. The orc's counterattack was too fast and too fierce. How did the green-skinned boss know that he was hiding here? trajectory? Yes, it is a ballistic trajectory. Individuals fall in the same direction. It is easy to determine which direction the attack comes from, but it should not stop there. The ballistic trajectory will only reveal its approximate position. If you want to escape from a bush, Finding yourself is not an easy thing, let alone being so far apart! These orcs shouldn't just ignore our careful disguise and launch a fierce attack here.

And more than that, how could the firepower of these greenskins be so ferocious? Are the weapons they hold in their hands really inferior weapons that they modified themselves? For that kind of tattered firearm that was put together, this firepower seemed a bit too outrageous.

The soil on the side of the hillside facing the green skin was scattered by Tutuzi's bullets, and the green grass and soil flew everywhere with the gunshots that echoed in the valley. These Tutuzi, who had just faced a morale crisis not long ago, happily faced each other. The suspected enemy area fired wildly for a while, and then their morale miraculously recovered. Amidst the gunfire and the smoke, these greenskins seemed to have found the feeling of fighting. They were furious and fired their fangs. The chicken [chicken] on the chief's crotch swears to find out the despicable and shameless shrimp that just attacked his team, and then crush the shrimp into pieces and feed Tiaotiao with its entrails!

The orc boss of this team was moved by the brave and passionate spirit of his men, so he quickly issued an order, "You, you, you! You three, rush over and take a look, and by the way, take the damn despicable and insidious The shrimps will be trampled to death!”

"Ah, me? We? Just the three of us? Not so good?" The faces of the three orcs who were named all turned green. Of course, their faces had always been green, but now they have turned into a dark green that is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish. .

Unlike most normal, excellent, and brave orcs, the tutuzi are mostly cowards. They will be happy to let them hide behind the bunker and shoot black guns, but let them withstand the enemy's fierce firepower or the unknown. If you rush forward in danger, it will be a bit difficult for a strong beast.

Besides, most Tutuzi are really not good at hand-to-hand combat.

The boss naturally knew what kind of people his men were, so he encouraged them, saying, "Go ahead, it's useless! We'll cover you from behind!"

The orcs who were not named smiled happily and echoed, "Go quickly, leave the back to us!"

"Go quickly and come back quickly, we will continue to keep up the firepower!"

Then the faces of the three orcs turned greener than dark green, almost black.

Is there anything worse than having to charge when there is an enemy with accurate shooting skills in front of you? Yes, that is, there is a group of companions with poor shooting skills behind you who are very enthusiastic to provide you with firepower cover (no, it cannot be said that Tu Tuzi's shooting skills are bad, it should be that their shooting skills are more accurate.) Compared with having your head blown off by the enemy, the possibility of being swept into slag by the firepower from behind seems to be a little higher.

But the boss was impatient. He kicked one away, then grabbed two more with one hand each and threw them out of the bunker. One of the orcs flying in the air was still howling, "Boss, you made a mistake. I'm not the one you want to charge at!"

But he had already rushed out of the bunker and wanted to go back. When he looked back, he saw the vicious eyes and black muzzles of the greenskin brothers behind him. The three unlucky greenskins could only stagger forward with tears in their eyes and dodge.

Of course, this charge was much safer than what the two poor orcs, plus an unlucky orc, a total of three cowardly greenskins imagined. The main threat still came from the firepower cover behind them. Because at this time, Goldman had already moved to the No. 5 sniper position according to the plan, and the position suspected of hiding the sinister shrimp was already empty.

At this moment, when three orcs dodged and rushed to the empty No. 3 sniper position, while the four orcs behind them were excitedly plowing the soil with bullets, Virgil had already come behind these orcs.

The so-called truth is always covered by false illusions. That's it. The three orcs who were in charge of the cannon fodder mission who looked extremely dangerous were actually safe, and the orcs who seemed safe hiding behind the bunker and shooting happily were really dangerous, but they didn't notice it at all.

Virgil sneered at the orcs who had their backs to him not far away. At this point, the outcome of the matter had become a foregone conclusion.

Eleven orcs were attacked, and four were killed in the first round, leaving seven.

Then the orcs launched a magical counterattack. They found out where the attack came from with almost no effort, and then began to suppress the shooting. The orc boss made a decision in an instant. The three unlucky greenskins pressed towards the No. 3 sniper position, and the remaining four provided continuous fire support to the No. 3 sniper position.

The rabbit had already hit the tree stump, and then the rabbit died, and now it was just twitching before the rabbit died. Virgil slowly put the dagger in his hand back into the scabbard in front of his chest, and then pulled out a long sword across his waist with his left hand.

Even though he decided to embark on the path of the Shadow Knight, Virgil did not give up his swordsmanship. The Black Knight's swordsmanship was exquisite, like a ghost. In the entire Knights Templar, there was only one person who could match Virgil in swordsmanship, and that was the former White Knight Lancelot. Of course, Captain Li, who was as powerful as a demon god, could not be counted among them.

So even though the long sword is not the standard equipment of the Shadow Knight, even if it is inconvenient to carry a long sword on the waist when going on a mission, the standard dagger is often more useful than the long sword, and when the long sword is needed, it is either a very easy situation, such as now, the orcs are just waiting for Virgil to slaughter, and it doesn’t matter what weapon is used; or it is very dangerous. In that case, it doesn’t matter what weapon is used.

But Virgil just likes swords. He is proficient in swordsmanship and loves swordsmanship. He also likes the long sword in his hand very much. This is the long sword that Li gave to Virgil when he swore allegiance to the Knights Templar, the Emperor and the Empire. At that time, in the sacred chapel, the Black Knight made a vow that he must abide by for life, and then Li gently tapped Virgil's shoulder with the long sword, and finally handed the long sword to Virgil.

From the style point of view, this sword is a beautiful and even gorgeous ceremonial sword. The sword guard is a pair of outstretched angel wings. On one side of the sword body, "Protect the Faith" is engraved in high Gothic with beautiful fonts, and on the other side it is "Save the Suffering". Moreover, the blade of this sword is slightly narrower than the standard knight's sword. From a common perspective, this sword is more gorgeous than practical. The thin blade will make it difficult for the sword to withstand slashing, and it will most likely suffer a loss in a duel with the enemy. The engravings on the blade will only make the already thin blade even more fragile.

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