Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 136 Ambush (1/2)

Of course, this was indeed the case in my hometown in the Middle Ages where the foundry industry was very backward, but this sword was given by Li.

Even though it is a ceremonial sword, the power of this sword should not be underestimated. The sword body has been specially processed and presents a faint black color. Even if it is exposed to the sun, there is no reflection. Its purpose has been It's very obvious - it will be very convenient to use this sword to sneak attack from the darkness, and the sword body is forged with high-strength carbon alloy, its toughness is far beyond ordinary people's imagination. You must know the strength of Li's Silver Wings moon-class cruiser. This alloy is used in the outer armor. The blade of the sword has been processed with a single molecular edge, and its sharpness once frightened Virgil. The Black Knight first tried the sword with a stone. This ceremonial sword cut the stone as easily as cutting tofu. After one sword strike, the stone's surface turned out to be like Mirror-like smooth.

The black knight held the sword in his left hand, and slowly pulled out a bolt pistol from the back of his waist with his right hand. The silencer was already installed on the muzzle of the gun. With the optical camouflage uniform turned on, Virgil was like a transparent ghost, without a shadow even under the sunlight. At this time, Virgil was only ten steps away from the orcs. He slowly approached the orcs with gentle steps. At the same time, he raised his right hand and continuously pulled the trigger. The Bolt Pistol began to make short and small sounds, black and white. As soon as the knight's attack started, it was as fierce as a storm.

The moment the attack started, Virgil turned off the optical camouflage, and he suddenly appeared behind the orcs as if he walked out of the void.

Virgil fired continuously. First, the orc who was about ten steps away from him took three explosive bullets. The poor Tutu boy was turning over the soil with his gun in concentration, joy and excitement. Before the green skin could understand, When he came over, the explosive missiles exploded in his body. The three fierce explosions that erupted from his body directly opened several large holes in the orc's body. In an instant, the orc was finished. After that, Virgil kept firing all the remaining bullets in the pistol into the body of the second green skin, and the explosive bullets began to explode in the green skin's body normally. Come on, amidst the continuous banging sounds, the green skin turned its back to Virgil, shaking its body violently like a swing dance, and then collapsed to the ground like a rag.

The third greenskin reacted, and the insidious enemy launched an attack from behind. The quick-reacting Tutu boy quickly turned around, pointed his gun at Vergil, and began to attack.

But Virgil moved faster than Tutu Boy. He just waved his left hand diagonally, and the long sword sliced ​​off Tutu Boy's hands. Tutu Boy's two hands flew into the air with its weapons. The long sword slashed back, and the orc's head rolled to the ground along with the bloody corpse.

In the blink of an eye, all the Tutu boys who provided fire support were destroyed. Only one boss was left standing alone. The orc boss was looking at the black knight who suddenly appeared in front of him with his mouth wide open.

Almost at the same time, Goldman, who had moved to the fifth sniper position, launched another attack. The heads of the three charging boys also bloomed like red flowers in full bloom.

The team with eleven Tutu Boys was completely destroyed in less than five minutes after being attacked by the Black Bread Team.

"You are the only one left," Virgil stared at the orc boss fiercely, like a hungry wolf staring at its prey. The Black Knight smiled, and then he walked slowly, flipping the sword in his hand with his left hand in a fancy way, and put the Bolt Pistol in his right hand back into the holster on his waist. "I know you are very unconvinced. Now, let us two act like real warriors and compete openly and openly to see who is better."

The orc boss bared his fangs and blew out a fierce breath from his big nostrils, "Hmph! Little Xiami is the most insidious, and little Xiami has no shame. He actually has the nerve to say anything fair? I will chop you into pieces, boss!" "With such a shout, the boss of Kuangxai dropped the big gun in his hand and pulled out a huge and heavy machete on his back. "I'm not afraid of the little shrimps at all when I chop and chop wildly!!"

It was a huge, thick, standard orc machete. It was thick, rough, and could easily use the typical orc fighting style of "even if it can't chop you to death, it will shoot you to death."

"That's great," Virgil smiled sincerely, "God-Emperor bless me, I'm so lucky. Not only can you understand what I say, but you can also speak Gothic?"

"Crazy slashing is very smart, crazy slashing is very wise!"

This is not bragging, nor is it modesty. Kuangkankan is not an ordinary orc. He is an excellent and strong orc who stands out (or survives?) in the cannon fodder of the Kankan team. Kuangkankan not only has a talent for language, but also has a strong fighting instinct. Just now, when he just heard the human monkey say that he wanted to fight openly and aboveboard, he sneered from the bottom of his heart. Bullshit, is Kuangkankan's head jumping? At that time, he adjusted the muzzle of the gun and prepared to sweep the monkey into slag. Kuangkankan saw the heads of the three charging orcs exploded, and then Kuangkankan felt a numbness on the temples of his head. In an instant, Kuangkankan understood that there was still a damn shrimp hiding in the corner and shooting! This was aiming at the head of the boss Kuangkankan! Suddenly, the boss Kuangkankan felt that he should also be heroic, and the monkey was already very close, and it was inconvenient to use a big gun at this distance.

Virgil took careful steps and moved cautiously. At this moment, the Black Knight's heart, which was always able to remain calm, could not help but burn. This was his first time to face an alien creature face to face. The universe was so vast that only the God Emperor knew what he would encounter in the future. Now, how strong would this sturdy orc be?

The orc quickly gave Virgil an answer. He roared: "WAAAGH!!" and rushed towards Virgil with a machete madly. There was no routine, no moves, just like the moves of gangsters in street fights, but it was ten times crazier and ten times more powerful.

This is the classic move of Kuangkankan. It is called classic because it has been relied on since Kuangkankan was born. When Kuangkankan was still a boy, he relied on this move to chop down countless small shrimps, so many that he couldn't count them with his fingers and toes.

The key to this move is momentum!

When a small shrimp sees the powerful slashing, he is always scared to death. Even ordinary guys are often scared by the fierce and powerful slashing. This is the reason for his name, this is a crazy slashing boy!

But such a classic move is ineffective against Virgil. The black knight just stepped back and dodged the fierce and violent slash. The heavy machete is so powerful that it hits the ground with a bang, leaving a clear knife mark on the ground.

Virgil did not stop, and took a step forward and turned around, and the long sword rotated and pulled horizontally close to his body. This was a move that Li taught everyone in the first lesson of combat skills when he was still a teacher. It was called "Side Step and Spin". The move itself was not complicated, but just a basic step. However, if it was combined with the sword skills, it could do the following steps at the same time. First, it could easily dodge the enemy's attack. Secondly, it could launch a very insidious and hidden attack while dodging. Finally, it could put itself in a more powerful combat position, and you would be on the side and rear of the enemy.

While twisting his waist and spinning, the blade of Virgil's long sword was against the orc's belly. With just a turn, blood splashed out. Virgil cut a clear wound under the green skin's belly, and he was already standing on the side and rear of the orc. At this time, the black knight had raised his long sword with both hands. The next step would be a downward slash, easily removing one of the orc's arms.

But at this moment, the orc's machete had already slashed towards Virgil at an unreasonable and extremely fast speed. As a last resort, Virgil had to hold his sword upright to block, while exerting force with his feet, and leaped back in the direction of the machete.

The swords collided instantly, and with a clang! Virgil was knocked out.

"Chop you into pieces!" Kuangkankan roared, and rushed towards Virgil again. The black knight exhaled lightly, adjusted his breathing, shook his numb wrist, and rushed forward with the long sword.

The two of them fought fiercely with cold weapons like ancient fighters. Kuangkankan was a very good slasher boy, otherwise he would not have stood out from many slashers and become a small leader. His hands were strong, and he swung the heavy machete as fast as a wheel; he was physically strong, and Kuangkankan launched crazy attacks non-stop at the beginning of the fierce battle, but he did not look exhausted at all, as if his body was a perpetual motion machine that could always maintain such high-intensity attacks; he was determined? Well, maybe it was because of his simple mind. No matter what, Kuang Kankan had already fallen into a state of fanaticism. The orc turned a blind eye to the wounds on his body and didn't care that he was covered in blood. Instead, he looked even more imposing.

Virgil was in a relatively dangerous situation. Even though his steps were as nimble as a cat and his figure was constantly moving like a ghost, he still couldn't change the fact that Kuang Kankan's strength was too great and his machete was too heavy. Virgil couldn't take on such a fierce attack. He could only choose to dodge, but if he was accidentally hit by the orc, Virgil would probably be finished on the spot. Even though the black sword in the black knight's hand was like the tongue of a poisonous snake, appearing and disappearing from time to time, it could always appear suddenly from various places cleverly, even weirdly, and then leave scars on Kuang Kankan's body. But he could never give Kuang Kankan a heavy enough injury.

Before the battle began, Virgil was already at a disadvantage. The orcs could slash Virgil without scruples, because the greenskins only wanted to chop the humans in front of them into meat paste, but Virgil could not ignore it and fight back with all his strength, because Virgil's goal was not to kill the orcs, but to capture them alive.

In this situation, Virgil's sword inevitably seemed a little restrained. The neck, heart, and head of the greenskins, which should have been the main attack points, became places that needed to be deliberately avoided.

So now Virgil could not do much. On the one hand, he carefully dodged the violent attacks of the orcs, and on the other hand, he seized every opportunity to create wounds on the orcs, hoping that the continuous blood loss would weaken the orcs and make it easier to capture them.

The battle between the machete and the long sword lasted for more than two hours, from noon to afternoon. Goldman, who was lying on the sniper position, watched the whole battle through the scope. He was already yawning out of boredom. Goldman muttered dissatisfiedly: "I should have brought the MP9 earlier." For him, this battle was not only long, but also not very good-looking. From beginning to end, the orcs chased Virgil and hacked him without any aesthetic sense, while the black knight flashed around like a monkey, occasionally leaving a few marks on the orcs.

It looked quite thrilling at first. There were several times when Virgil was in danger, Goldman almost couldn't help but pull the trigger. But after this process lasted for an hour, Goldman understood. Will Virgil be hacked to death by the orcs? It seems unlikely. The guy who is more flexible than a monkey doesn't seem to be dead for a while. So will the orcs be killed by Virgil? This is even more impossible. If the Black Knight wanted to kill the orc boss, he would have put a machine gun on the back of the orc's head. Why did Virgil risk his life to fight this orc? Wasn't it to capture him alive? Of course, Virgil might regret it now, but since he has been working hard for a whole hour, why not continue to persevere?

So how will things change? How else can it change? Without external intervention, it is estimated that it will continue like this until one side can't hold on first.

Instinctively, Goldman wanted to come forward to solve this dead loop like a bug. It was not a difficult period. He just needed to walk out and shoot the orc's leg at close range. Then a question appeared in Goldman's head. Who of the two of them would fail first?

There is also a more interesting question. What will the Black Knight look like when he is tired like a dead dog? Will he stick out his tongue and breathe heavily?

Well, this should be interesting, no, it will definitely be interesting.

Fortunately, the location of the tree stump was so good that no other people or orcs would come to disturb the duel between the two for at least two days.

So the battle continued.

After the two fought for two hours, Virgil had already begun to stick out his tongue and pant as Goldman expected.

"Give up!" Virgil used his favorite long sword as a crutch. He used the sword to stick to the ground, and said while taking the time to rest: "You can't hit me, and your blood is almost dry, why don't we sit down, rest for a while, and have a good talk?"

"Little, little shrimp is really useless, and, what about being fair and square, but in the end you can only jump around, dodge, and don't move if you have the ability, just stand there and let me cut you!"

"Am I stupid, I can't stand still and let you cut? If you have the ability, why don't you do it yourself Kill yourself with a knife? If you really kill yourself with a knife, I will admire your ability. "

"Kuangkankan is very smart. This simple trap is simply an insult to your own wisdom!"

"This is not a trap. Forget it, orc. You are called Kuangkankan. I see that you have almost bled out. You are almost dying. Anyway, you can't hit me. If you continue, you will lose. Why don't you just admit defeat?"

"Hahaha," Kuangkankan laughed weakly with forced breath, and then looked smug: "Little shrimp , you fell into my trap. In fact, I only used one tenth of my strength. As for bleeding, it's nothing. It's completely normal! I'm the same as you humans! I bleed every month! If I don't bleed once a month, I feel uncomfortable all over. You helped me this time. I'm so comfortable now. I can continue for three days and three nights! "

"Who the hell said that humans bleed once a month? Damn, I don't have this habit!" Virgil seemed to be hit by this sentence. If he had to bleed once a month, he threw this assumption out of his head at the speed of light. Then he thought that creatures like orcs actually have their periods. He felt that the world was too wonderful, the greenskins were too magical, the universe was too dark, and the Creator was too cruel. In an instant, he felt his legs weak, and the Black Knight's body shook slightly. After a while, he regained his balance and said hatefully: "You dead greenskin, you're talking nonsense! You still bleed every month? You're bragging! You're lying!"

Kuangkankan straightened his bent waist in an instant, and the green skin seemed to have been greatly insulted, and shouted loudly: "Kuangkankan never brags, Kuangkankan never lies, Brother Gao, Brother Mao testifies, Kuangkankan comes once a month!" While Kuangkankan shouted with grievance on his face, he secretly said this to Brother Mao in his heart, Brother Mao, don't blame me, I really didn't lie, I pick my nose until it bleeds more than once a month. Human shrimps are too stupid, they want to be fooled, I am not using the names of Brother Gao, Brother Mao and you to deceive people.

"As for you, you human shrimp!" Kuang Kankan said in a friendly manner, "I see you can't even stand steadily. If you continue to fight, I will definitely chop you into pieces! Why don't you surrender to me, Kankan? I think you are quite capable of chopping. Although your arms are a little thin, your strength is a little weak, and you are a little sinister, I, Boss Kankan, don't despise you. Why don't you join me and become a Kankan boy! Boss Kankan will take you to eat more [juicy] and jump, and Boss Kankan will make you grow meat and become strong!"

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