Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 167: Confession

"Why should I listen to your traitor's nonsense!" Captain Giles raised his gun, aimed at Leroy's head and said, "I can shoot you right now, you bastard who should be damned forever. !”

"Tsk tsk, why are you so excited? Aren't you curious before you figure out the truth of the matter?" Leroy said with a smile: "Maybe there will be some clues in my words that will enable you to survive. (_Bubble\u0026Book\u0026Bar)”

"I just want you to die immediately!" Giles roared and pulled the trigger, but there was no gunshot as he expected. His pistol remained silent and unresponsive, like a piece of scrap metal.

"What, what's going on?" Giles frowned and kept pulling the trigger, but no matter how hard he tried to pull the trigger, no bullet was fired. Then he only heard a crisp "pop" sound. The trigger of the pistol was pulled by Giles, and the company captain stopped the useless shooting and looked at his pistol. The pistol that had been carefully maintained was now stained with rust. The gun was still Giles's, but it looked as if hundreds of years had passed. "W-what is going on? What did you do to my weapon? How could it become like this?"

"This is just the ability given to me by my loving father. Let me use this power to protect myself from being harmed by barbarians like you. It is just 'corruption'," Leroy said lightly: "Jal Si, you don’t need to panic, you should feel lucky that it is not your body that is corrupted, but your weapon.”

"What kind of witchcraft is this?"

"Ignorant people, this is psychic power!" Leroy asked: "So, my company captain, are you willing to listen to me now?"

Giles put aside the rotten firearm in his hand and turned into scrap metal, and said bitterly: "It seems I have no choice."

"Yes, you have no choice, so you'd better sit down and don't look at me with such hatred. Now we can be like the closest old friends. You can ask me any questions and I will tell you the truth. All things without a lie!”

"Ha, old friend, is this how you treat your old friend? My company has always been loyal to you and the Inquisition, why do you do this? Why do you use such cruel methods to kill us? You perverted Inquisitor! "

"Because your loyalty is to the Tribunal," Leroy explained carefully: "To put it simply, you are a good officer, you obey every order, you are an excellent officer, a pure soldier, just like a A useful tool. Unfortunately, the loyalty of this tool is not to me, but to the Inquisition and the corrupt regime above it."

"You, you really betrayed the empire!?" Giles was more surprised than angry. He had called Leroy a traitor before, but that was just an angry word in anger. He himself I won't believe this nonsense. And now this guy is really a traitor, how could it be? The company captain should have been angry, but this thing was too weird. An inquisitor he was familiar with betrayed the empire? How is it possible? He is Leroy. He is in a high position and powerful at a young age. His words can cause many people to be decapitated. One of his reports can completely wipe a city off the map. He is The inquisitors of the empire specialize in dealing with traitors and heretics, and such people are actually betraying the empire now?

After being stunned for a moment, Captain Giles asked at a loss: "Why? I don't understand, why do you do this? You are the judge? Why do you betray the empire and humanity? How can you do this? What are the benefits? What can you get? Are you crazy?"

"Betrayal? Ha, it's really funny," Leroy sighed, and then said: "But that's right, you are just a pure soldier. Apart from obeying orders and executing orders, what can you know? I can understand Let me tell you, I am not betraying the empire or mankind, on the contrary, I am doing this to save this decadent empire and mankind!”

"Save the Empire!? Save the Empire by killing your comrades and thousands of elite Imperial soldiers with viral weapons?"

"Yes, of course you won't understand, but it would be a bit long to explain."

"I really want to hear your explanation this time. I will have a lot of free time before I die."

"Okay, there is still enough time, so I will start from the beginning. The place where I was born is a slum. I have no father or mother. It was my uncles and aunts who raised me. They are all good people and they all live a good life. At the bottom of society, some people are born with disabilities, some are lepers, and some are epilepsy patients. They are all people who are not tolerated by society. They live in slums and have neither food nor clothing. There was no necessary medical assistance, and everyone was just dragging their feet to survive. In order to continue living, everyone joined a mutual aid group. The mentors in the group made us realize that the 'loving father' was not the hypocrisy of the God Emperor. sign, but the true spirit, the spirit that helps us and accepts us.”

"Turns out he is a believer in a false god, a pagan lunatic! No wonder."

"Whatever you say, but these are not the main points," Leroy shrugged and continued, "I grew up in that kind of place, but I am not an ordinary person. I knew I was not an ordinary person when I was very young, and in the eyes of ordinary people, I am indeed so. To be frank, I am a genius."

"I have never seen such a shameless person."

"Yes, I understand that it is difficult for ordinary people to accept this, but it is true. I can recite a book I have read once. Millions of classics are stored in my mind. I can find any sentence on any page at any time. I taught myself all the subjects in the university when I was thirteen years old. My relatives and brothers in the slums knew that I was extraordinary, so they pooled some money together and sent me to a nearby university to study. As a result, I obtained two doctoral degrees in less than half a year. After graduation, I entered the Tribunal as a special talent. I still had a smooth life in the Tribunal. Although there were many elites and excellent people here, I was confident that I was better than them. In fact, I was promoted quickly. At the age of less than 30, I became a judge of the Tribunal. This is not easy. "Leroy looked at Giles with a puzzled look on his face, and before the captain asked, he said to himself: "I know your doubts, 'In this case, why don't you continue to get promoted and make money, do your job well, and live your life. 'Yes, most people think so, Giles, you are just a mortal after all. "

"Oh?" Giles sneered and asked: "I am a mortal? Then you are different ? "

"Yes, I am not a mortal. I said that I am not an ordinary person. I have never lived in a numb state. I am a person with thoughts and soul! After entering the courtroom, I stood at a higher place and saw more things. I can tell you responsibly that the empire is gradually decaying and it is on the verge of collapse. In addition to humans, there are too many powerful enemies. If you are not careful, no, you don’t even need to be careful. As long as time goes by. The empire will be destroyed and humans will also face the crisis of extinction! "

"Ha, it’s just alarmist talk. "

"Do you know what reality is? "Leroy asked himself seriously and answered himself: "The reality is that fools laugh and wise men grieve. Stupid people can’t see the future, and they don’t think too much. They only care about their current lives. They can They can laugh at anything, and they can always find happiness for themselves. The wise people, on the other hand, are in sorrow, because their vision can penetrate the mist of time and see some future scenes, which are not pleasant, but can only make people feel desperate. Although the orcs are the most barbaric and primitive race in the universe, and they don't even have their own civilization, they have strong vitality and destructiveness. They are good at learning, breeding, and destroying everything. They are like green humanoid viruses. Tell me, when they multiply, how should we humans stop these green-skinned monsters from continuing to run rampant? Not to mention the demons in the chaotic space, because even if we defeat them and kill them, it will be useless, because they are invincible, and demons are immortal! Even if you completely destroy it in this world, it is just exiling it back to chaos. It won't be long before it comes back in ten years or even a hundred years. Humans cannot fail, but demons can fail countless times. You are a warrior, tell me, facing an unbeatable enemy, who will be the final loser? What's more, there are those traitorous Space Marines. The evil gods of Chaos are not only powerful, but they are also good at attacking people's hearts, making it difficult to defend against them. If the enemy is only these, it would be fine, but there are also these elusive cosmic ghosts in the universe. Can you imagine how powerful those ribs of warships are? They don't need any preparation, they can jump from one side of the galaxy to the other side of the galaxy in the blink of an eye. These are our enemies. Compared with them in terms of technological power, we are like barbarians in the Stone Age! This is not over yet. There are also those Eldar who created Slaanesh. They are weird and fickle. They are definitely enemies, not friends. All these creatures that are rampant in the universe, as well as those terrifying existences that have not been discovered, are our enemies! You say! Giles, tell me, how can we win? How can we be free from these horrors?"

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