Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 168 Revolutionary

"As long as we strengthen our faith and fight bravely, the God Emperor will bless us, and we will eventually win!"

"Do you really believe these nonsense? This is just a slogan randomly coined by the bastards above to fool people. How can a smart person believe this? Only a brainwashed fool like you would say such a thing." Leroy sneered and said: "Let me tell you, the real situation is that we have no chance of winning, because we do not have the ability to completely eliminate the enemy, and we cannot occupy an absolute advantage. Once we make a mistake, mankind will We will fall into the abyss of eternal destruction. We have been facing enemies that we cannot defeat. How should we destroy the demons living in the chaotic space? How should we find those arks of the Eldar floating in the depths of the universe? Even the evil god can't find a trace of it. How should we completely exterminate the orcs, who are as tenacious as cockroaches? No, I tell you, we have no way to win. Fighting, when I think about the future of mankind, all I can see is deep darkness and boundless despair. I have spent two full years and exhausted all my time thinking about how to save mankind from Destruction, this is the hardest thing I have ever thought about in my life, but in the end I can only get one result. Humanity is finished and there is no hope. Our war and our efforts are just desperate struggles. The only one who can save humanity is the God-Emperor. This requires the God-Emperor to be as magical as the legend says. But no matter how magical the God-Emperor is, he is still needed to lead mankind out of trouble. If the God-Emperor does not follow his Stand up on the Golden Throne, then we have no choice but to destroy!"

"Although the God-Emperor is sitting on the golden throne, his will still envelopes the entire empire, and he still protects everyone!"

"Fart, if the God Emperor really protects everyone, then how come there are old people and children who died tragically in the slums, how come there are young girls who died in pain because their diseases were not treated, how come there are those high-ranking nobles who committed crimes but then... No punishment? After I became the Inquisitor, when I returned to the slums, guess what I saw? That place had been razed to the ground just because the rich people took a fancy to the land, so the government Drive away all the poor people and raze their habitats to the ground! Has the God Emperor ever taken care of this?"

Giles had a plain face and said nothing. Unlike Leroy, although Giles was also an orphan, he had entered the army's school for loyal heirs since he was a child. He had received orthodox military education since childhood, so for Leroy Wa didn't feel the slightest bit about the social problems he talked about. Although he occasionally heard topics such as social injustice, the stupidity of the consuls, and bureaucratic corruption from the soldiers, he almost never participated in these topics. As a pure soldier, Giles He never cares about these issues that he shouldn't care about.

"Is the God-Emperor still responsible for the suffering of everyone in the world?"

"Yes, the God-Emperor is not responsible, so he never has to care about these things. In fact, he will not care about anything. The so-called God-Emperor protecting us is just a false scam. He is just a rotting corpse. Sitting on the golden throne does nothing."

Giles roared angrily, suddenly stood up, and pounced towards Leroy.

Leroy's betrayal made him regretful, and Leroy's harm to him and his soldiers made him angry. But what really made him lose his mind and was overwhelmed by rage were Leroy's words to the God-Emperor.

This is blasphemy. Captain, he will never allow such words to appear in the world. He just wants to kill this hateful person in front of him. No, Leroy can no longer be called a human being, he is a beast!

But Leroy just snapped his fingers, and Giles, who was still in mid-air as he flew up, felt as if he had been hit hard by an invisible fist, and bounced back to the sofa.

"What are you angry about? Poor company captain? Are you angry because I told the truth? Think about it, look at the current situation of you and the people in your company. You are so loyal to the God Emperor. You are so outstanding, but now you can only suffer and die in filth. And what will the God-Emperor do? Will he save you?" Leroy raised his head crazily and raised his head in the room. He shouted: "God Emperor! Where are you? Come out? Come and kill me! Come to save your warriors? If you are serious, punish me! I am a shameful traitor! Hahahahaha! God Emperor, I laugh at you, I despise you! Humanity is on the verge of extinction, but you are just a rotting corpse. You can't do anything and can't save anything! But unlike you, there is nothing you can do. I want to do it!”

"You're so arrogant, you're crazy, Leroy, you're already crazy!"

"I'm not crazy! Humanity has reached the edge of destruction, and all kinds of terrifying existences in the universe are peeping at us all the time! We have reached the edge of the cliff, despair has surrounded mankind, and the more terrifying ones are even more terrifying. What is sad is that most people do not realize this at all. They only have ordinary lives. They only see the sunrise and sunset, work and make money, for their own interests, to advance to the next level in the company, and to be in the officialdom. The same is true for ordinary people, and the same is true for bureaucrats. They all work on their own and are scattered. Those high-ranking space warriors think they are the saviors and patron saints of mankind, but they are simply deformed after being surgically transformed. Monsters, half of them betrayed the Empire when the God-Emperor was still walking on earth. They are not trustworthy at all! Now that the God-Emperor is no longer around, they are even more unscrupulous. All the Star Wars are warlords. What are they? Have you listened to the orders of the earth? The better temple groups will still reluctantly accept the voice from the empire, and those non-canon groups will ignore the empire. Those groups such as the Mechanicum and the Imperial State Church are in high positions. , but they only care about their own interests and turn a blind eye to this crisis! This society has become distorted, and the entire human race has turned a blind eye to despair. They are all crazy!" Leroy's eyes widened and he shouted hoarsely: "Crazy. Ah! But even so, I am not desperate, I still have a way to save mankind."

"Oh? What can I do?"

"Only revolution! Overthrow the existing government, restructure the empire's power structure, and powerfully unify the loose empire! I will eliminate all those groups that only know how to safeguard their own interests and ignore the overall situation of the empire. I will build a A brand new empire, and then unify the power of all people, recast the atmosphere of all worlds, and unite the power of mankind. Only in this way can we humans gain a glimmer of hope in the dangerous universe! There’s a chance!”

"Hahahaha," Giles laughed. After laughing for a while, he said, "Just you? Still want to be the savior of mankind? Do you want to be the God Emperor?"

"I didn't want to be the savior, but if I don't think of a way, who can? Others can't rely on, and neither can the God Emperor. At this time, I can only stand up."

"I've long heard that there are lunatics in the Tribunal, all kinds of lunatics. When I first saw you Leroy, I thought you were a normal person. I didn't expect you to be the craziest person. I'm really, alas, you're just... If you die like this in the hands of a madman, okay, I understand, you really want to save the world, you really want to, well, rebel."

"It's a revolution!"

"Well, you are desperate for the existing society and want to revolution and save mankind. Alas, then why do you use this method to kill us again?"

"Most people lack revolutionary consciousness. They don't know the truth about the world. They don't understand the cruelty of the world. They are like children. They naively think that the world is safe and beautiful, so someone must wake them up and use it to wake them up. Let them understand the truth of the world through the cruel facts," Leroy said: "This is just one of the methods, biological and chemical weapons, and releasing viruses, but before it can be officially implemented, I need a closed laboratory. I want to know this. The lethality and spread ability of the virus. Simply put, if the lethality of the virus is too strong, then the virus is a failed virus because it will quickly kill its host, making it difficult to spread widely, causing the virus to fail. Self-extinction. However, viruses that are not very lethal can spread widely, but cannot cause large-scale damage, causing harm and panic to society. Therefore, it is very difficult to create a virus that can spread over a large area and kill people at the same time. , Of course, this is not a problem for our loving father, but the loving father regards these as art. The weapons he gives us are always very random, some are very scary, but they are not suitable for use as weapons, so I want to test. "

"We are your guinea pigs."

"Yes, this stronghold is about to be abandoned, and you have no use for it. It is very difficult to find a large-scale testing site, but this place is just right. It is hidden and closed. Even if you die, there will be no Someone will know. At that time, I only need to make a report, saying that you were killed by alien monsters or spiritual tribesmen. Not only that, I also have more powerful weapons. I believe that the atmosphere of terror will soon be over. "It will permeate the sky across the Far East, people will feel fear, they will wake up from their daily lives, they will be dissatisfied with the government, and the foundation of the empire will be gradually shaken by me."

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