After their long talk, Yerre then tells Alda that she will go back home already because she had gone for too long and her excuse only is to explore the town with her maid Mary. Yerre stood out from the couch with Alda, then walk over to the door. 

"Wait, let me call Angela first," Alda mentions as she went close to the long knot beside her door and pulled it down, making the sound of the bell from the outside. 

Lady Cathlen used the long knot to call her servant from the outside. So all of them will be aware and alert that she calls for them inside her room. So she won't hassle herself from searching for them to assist her needs and wants.

"Isn't it cool we used to read this book, but now we are inside of it? Is amazing, right?" Yerre exclaimed, making a nod but also a deep sigh, wearing a displeased expression.

"Yeah, it is cool, but the amazing word is not for me because I become a heroine and you a villain. I would feel amazed if I was born inside this book as a commoner and a man," Alda respond. 

"Hmm, but it's still good because we still get to meet each other regardless of how challenging our situation, right?" Yerre mentions as Alda nod. 

"Yeah, but I still feel worried about you because of the Prince," Alda mentions as Yerre went over to her and held Cathlen both cheeks with her hands, then she collides their forehead, closing her eyes, she spoke in a calm and assuring tone of voice. 

"Don't worry about him. No matter what he does, it won't change anything because Vendia is no longer here, and she does not want to come back into this world anymore," Yerre mentions as Alda keeps staring into her closed eyes with a warm smile. She heaves a relief sigh and also closed her eyes. She pulled Vendia body close to her, holding Vendia's tiny waist with her hands.

"But remember, when he troubles you. Come straight away to me, understand?" Alda demand as Yerre opens her eyes, then let go of Cathlen's face and cling her arms into Cathlen neck as she hugged Alda back. 

"I will, but you also have to promise me you won't hurt yourself anymore, okay?" Yerre mentions as she drowned her face close to Cathlen's left neck, feeling the comforting warmth that Cathlen's body gives to her.

"I promise," Alda answer embracing her tight to her arms. 

"I miss you so much. I wish I could spend the night here with you and catch up some more, but I can't because our situation right now differs from before," Yerre mentions. 

"I know, but don't worry. I will find a solution soon. Till then, I want you to stay out of trouble and to Prince Adam," Alda instructs as Yerre nods. 

"Em, I will," Yerre respond.

"When my people found the lamp, everything then will be easy," 


"Okay, it's time for you to go now. You said your maid Mary is such a worrywart person she must panicking right now because many hours already have passed, but you still not out of the Duke residence," Alda mentions as she breaks their hug then held Vendia face making Yerre look at her straight.

"But to be honest. I still want to be with you. I don't want to go," Yerre mentions with an unspirited expression. Alda chuckled and squeezed Vendia's cheeks. Yerre whines in pain as she slaps Cathlen's hands to let Vendia's cheeks go.

"Aiyaaa, why did you squeeze Vendia cheeks so hard it's painful," Yerre complain as she looks at Alda with a pout and frown, hissing in pain. Alda looks at her with a daring smile.

"I miss your chubby cheeks," Alda respond, making Yerre surprised.

"Why are you so surprised," She asks as Yerre only looks at her, stunned for a second, then hugs her back again.

"You don't like the way I look right now?" Yerre ask.

"Well, I do, but your previous body was my most favorite because it's cute and sexy," Alda mentions, which made Yerre giggled.

"Your lying,"

"No, I'm not. I am saying my preference and the truth," Alda defend.

"But I was heavy back then," Yerre mentions.

"Who cares? I can work out all the time to carry you, duh," Alda respond, making Yerre giggled again.

"You are crazy as always," Yerre reply.

"Well, yeah, but only for my best friend," Alda mentions, which made Yerre's heart flutter.

"Yeah, yeah. Thank you," She responds, then heaves a sigh.

"I wish we could go back home, but I don't want to leave Vendia parents and the people whom I learned to cherish and love too," Yerre mentions within her sad and trembling voice.

"Aiyo, look at me," Alda respond as she breaks Yerre's hug, then made her look at her straight.

"Why are you looking at me like that, Alda? I'm sad, can't you see?" Yerre mentions as she saw Alda look at her with a smirk. Her tears form again, but Alda stops it before it falls by kissing the left side of Vendia's neck.

Yerre gets tickled and moves away from her, but Alda grabbed her back to her arms again, then kisses Vendia left side of her neck again lightly, over and over again, making Yerre felt tickled and laughed out loud.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I stop being dramatic now, so please stop it tickles. Alda, please," Yerre begs as Alda hears Yerre plead, then she stops. 

"Good," Alda responds, smirking as Yerre catches her breath from laughing so hard, then looks straight to Cathlen eyes with a warm smile. 

"Thank you for always making me smile and laugh, Alda," Yerre mentions, which made Alda feel warm inside. 

"Don't be a stranger now. We've been together since birth, so I already know everything about you, even the part where your moles, hiding," Alda mentions making Yerre blushed so hard. 

"Pft! Bahahahahahaha. Why are you blushing so hard? Don't tell me you are still embarrassed about it?" Alda speaks within her laugh. Yerre slap Cathlen left shoulder with her right hand hard, which made Alda hiss in pain. 

"Ow! It hurts," Alda fake sob and pout in front of Yerre, but Yerre didn't buy it. 

"That's what you get for bringing up the most embarrassing moment of my life before," Yerre respond, sulking. 

"Aiyooo, but it's your fault, right? I didn't know there will be a person inside the room because you didn't lock the door," Alda reminding her as Yerre look at her, pouting and still blushing. 

"UR!" Yerre roar from so much embarrassment remembering the time where Alda had a sleepover at her mother's older sister's house, and Alda accidentally saw her inside the bathroom without clothes on because she forgot to lock the bathroom door.

Yerre bends down to the floor then drowned her face close to her knees from embarrassment. Alda saw her past behavior again when she gets embarrassed and finds it cute as always. She went close to her and also bend in front of her.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I won't mention what happened before again," Alda promise as Yerre gaze up at her wearing a pout, still blushing.

"Your unfair!" Yerre responds as Alda chuckled.

"No, I'm not," Alda reply.

"Yes, you are,"

"No, I'm not,"

"Yes, you are," Yerre showed a frown, then Alda felt like their argument won't end if she won't back down first, so she sighs and replies.

"Okay, I am. Now come on, stand up because my knees are already tired from bending down for too long," Alda complain as she stood up, and so does Yerre.

"Come now, stop giving me a hard look, or else I will hurt myself again," Alda threaten her as Yerre look at her, feeling unbelievable by Alda's words. She slaps Cathlen's right arm hard with an angry expression.

"Do it then! Do it, do it! And you will never see me again. Do it, do it, do it!" Yerre responds with an angry tone of voice as she keeps slapping Cathlen's left arm four times.

"Ah! Ow! Okay, okay, ow! Okay! Stop, I'm sorry," Alda apologizes as she keeps shielding Cathlen's left arm from Yerre's slap, feeling pain. Yerre had enough, then stop hitting Cathlen's left arm. Yerre heaved out a trembling sigh and showed a displease expression to Alda.

"I'm sorry," Alda apologize with a sincere expression.

"You should be!" Yerre mentions as Alda went over to her, then embraces her.

"I was only messing around. Please forgive me," Alda apologize again, caressing Vendia back to calm Yerre.

"Don't joke around like that again is not a pleasant thing to hear," Yerre respond.

"I know, I'm sorry," Alda reply as Yerre sigh then nod.

"Em," Yerre replies as she hugs her back for a second, then breaks free.

To be continued.

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