In the Astrod kingdom, inside the throne room, Sir Aloit and Prince Albert had already done everything they want to deliver and explain to the king. 

"I see, so you are the one who ordered to shorten the life of my innocent physician," King Phantrel asks as Butler Sed is standing beside him. 

"I did," Sir Aloit answer, showing no fear and weakness in front of him. 

"And you must have known that if someone harmed or killed my people without my consent. I won't let them go without facing their consequences, right?" King Phantrel mentions, which made Sir Albert on alert and anxious. 

"Uncle, Sir Aloit already stated his reasoned, and I believe that is only fair for you to accept it," Sir Albert responds with an anxious tone of voice. King Phantrel chuckled and gazed at them like an animal. Who are easy to step in.

"Prince Albert, I know. But my innocent physician doesn't know his reason. He died without knowing the roots," King Phantrel mentions as they all listen to him and he continues talking. 

"Also, the reasoned that Sir Aloit explains to me is only a mild matter. My physician is a fair and willed manner of person. If you explain everything to him, he will understand and will keep his words until he died. But the feeling of uncertainty and insecurity rush over you all at that time, so I can understand,"

"Sir Alfredo is a person who always cared and conveyed his oath to himself. That is to help and give people hope to live life even to the hardest. What I mean to say here is that the person. He ordered to dispatch that night is a person. Who carries other people's heavy burden and questioned to the unjust world. I can accept your reasoned, but the people who are waiting and have cared for him for so long will not let it go without justice," King Phantrel mentions and pause for a minute to look towards Sir Aloit and Sir Albert, who wears an anxious and troubled expression. 

"And I'm sure you know what I mean by it," King Phantrel ends his words with a straight face. Sir Aloit heave a sharp sigh then looks straight at him with no fear showed in his eyes. 

"I will accept whatever punishment it is," Sir Aloit speaks out as Sir Albert's heart beats fast from worried. 

"Sir Aloit! What are you saying! Uncle! Can't you do something? There's no need to harm anyone here, please, uncle," Sir Albert plead. 

"Albert, you know the law. I'm the king. I can't disobey and ignore my constitution," King Phantrel respond, making Sir Albert worried more. 

"No! Uncle, there must be away. I'm begging you if you do this Lady Vendia she..." Sir Albert brings out Vendia's name, making Sir Aloit panic. 

"No! I accept whatever punishment it is, your majesty," Sir Aloit trying to distract them away from hearing Vendia's name. 

"SIR ALOIT!" Sir Albert shouts at him.

"PRINCE ALBERT! I know what I am doing," Sir Aloit shouts back at him, making Sir Albert snap out of his emotional state for a minute. But Sir Albert still insists, so with an irritated face, he pleaded again.

"Uncle, please!" Sir Albert kneels in front of the king, which made them all stunned for a second.

"What are you doing? STAND UP! I can understand why you are on their side, but you are a son of a king too. You already know the end of this," King Phantrel stood out from his chair cause of Sir Albert's actions. Sir Albert felt like a thousand knife strike inside his heart. He can't believe things will end like this. 

Sir Albert turned around to Sir Aloit, feeling torn and disappointed as he gazes at him Vendia cheerful face pass by him. He gasps and his heartache upon knowing that Vendia will once again felt torn and suffer a loss.

'She suffers lots of injustice from her past already. Why can't this world give her a break for once and give her happiness?' Sir Albert thought, irritated. He gritted his teeth cause of much anger and disappointment.

"I won't give up. I will find away," Sir Albert murmur to himself as he saw Sir Aloit give him an assuring look.

[Stand up,] Sir Aloit mouthed to him as Sir Albert stands up, then straighten himself and look straight towards his uncle, the king. 

"Sir Aloit, do you swear to accept the punishment without regret?" King Phantrel asks. 

"Yes, your majesty, but can I ask a favor?" Sir Aloit answer within a second with a request. 

"Go ahead, recite it," King Phantrel respond. 

"I wish for my punishment to be silent. I don't want anyone to know," Sir Aloit mentions. 

"Even the Marquis family?" King Phantrel asks.

"Yes," Sir Aloit answer.

"Sir Aloit!" Sir Albert looks at him in disbelief. 

"I see, as you wish, I will grant it, but the people of Voldron land will know," King Phantrel respond. 

"Thank you, your majesty," Sir Aloit mentions, which made Sir Albert's heartbreak. 

"From today onwards. Your punishment will start. The dungeon will be your home for five days, and we will set an expedition to the Voldron land after. To end your punishment there in front of the people whom Sir Alfredo cherish the most," King Phantrel mentions. 

"I understand, your majesty," Sir Aloit respond, accepting his fate with all his heart.

"No, wait," Sir Albert speaks out, making them all look at him.

"What is it, Prince Albert?" King Phantrel asks.

"What if I have another way?" Sir Albert mentions. 

"Oh? Can you enlighten us with your way, Prince Albert?" King Phantrel responds. 

"Sir Alfredo is already on his sixty if we tell to the Voldrone people he died because of his age, Sir Aloit life then will be spared," Sir Albert explains. 

"Oh? Then where is justice in that? You made a lie which exchanges for a sin, same as taking advantage of people and avoiding the truth for one person. Are you willing to accept the consequences after?" King Phantrel ask which made Sir Albert pause and think for a second.

"I can if it means that no one will put in harmed," Sir Albert responds and continues talking. 

"I meant justice for balance. Killing another person to fulfill the words justice is not justice at all is another sin. No matter how far you conquer that word, there's no end to it. Either you forgive or understand it," Sir Albert mentions, which made all of them curious and surprised. 

"Oh? Then can you indulge us with your judgment,"

"Is true that what Sir Aloit had done is unforgivable, but he has a reason. And that reasoned is to save another person, he may take a life, but he also gives another life. I know is an injustice to people's mind and heart because that is how we understand the word justice ever since we brought out to this world,"

"But that's not how justice works. If you understand the true meaning of life, you know that having lived in this world has a purpose and reason, that the word justice is only an excuse to fill in the unhealing longingness, feeling, and anger we have inside our hearts. We are all not called imperfect if we are all perfect. What I mean is justice stands for forgiveness and understanding. Not for killing and unforgiving,"

"Even if you take Sir Aloit's life away, nothing will change because the life of the person they seek has already gone. The pain remains, and the unfulfillment of feeling still stays. If you take another life away, more life will also lose, and the cycle of pain and mourn will repeat all over again. There will be no end to it. Now tell me, is the justice you mean to serve to stand for justice?" Sir Albert ends his explanation, which made them all stunned for three seconds. King Phantrel smile, then sigh.

"As expected, you made me surprised again, Prince Albert. No wonder your father choose you first to be his first candidate to be the next king, but you refused, and I now understand why," King Phantrel mentions as he continues talking while they only listen to him.

"You have a point. I understand what you meant by your words, but as you said, we are all imperfect in this world, and we are also different, which leads to misunderstanding and chaos. If only we all have the same mind and understanding, maybe we all can live in harmony and balance every day," King Phantrel continues.

"But the point is, we don't because this world has put different trials and paths for us to explore. The world has surprises and unfair games listing for us to choose from as we go on with our lives. Because of it, we become divided and unequal with each other by raise,"

To be continued.

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