"Yerre, you can open your eyes now," Alda mentions with a warm tone of voice as Yerre then opens her eyes in slow motion, blinking three times, then gazes at Cathlen's eyes with a relief feeling. She clings to her neck like a koala, then looks at her again. Their face was five inches away from each other.

"You are brave just now, Yerre," Alda mentions with an assuring smile, making Yerre smile back at her. But Yerre's smile didn't last long as her heartbeat weirdly and her body felt a new sensation awakening. Alda senses the change of atmosphere in Yerre's gaze, and she got worried.

"Yerre, are you okay?" Alda asks, consoling her, as Yerre didn't answer her question. Instead, she drowned her face into Cathlen right side of the neck while she continues clinging like a koala.

"Yerre?" Alda call.

"Let's stay like this for a bit, Alda," Yerre responded as she does not want to remove her face away into Cathlen neck yet because her heart is beating like crazy, and her face is blushing like she eats four pieces of chilly.

'What is going on? Why do I feel like this? Also, why do I think Alda is cool today? She is always cool, but why is my heart...' Yerre thought, not aware of what is happening to her right now.

"Okay," Alda responds, unaware, and they stay embracing each other for thirteen minutes until Alda feels numb into her knees and arms upon standing and carrying Yerre for so long.

'Aish! Shit, this muscleless body! Ruining our moment!' Alda thought, irritated as she now had a hard time containing her position, and call out to Yerre.

"Um, Yerre, I'm sorry, but I can't carry for long. My body already feels numb and tired, haha,"

'Shit! What's up with a haha? I need to train this body for heavy things and combat from now on! I miss my former self,' Alda thought, crying inside as she wishes she still has her previous body that is full of endurance.

"What? I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Put me down now," Yerre answers, worried over Alda's body, forgetting what she feels earlier.

"Haha," Alda release an awkward laugh.

"Are you okay?" Yerre asks, worried.

"You don't have to worry. I'm fine, haha," Alda answer.

'What the fuck! STOP PUTTING HAHA TO YOUR WORDS! IS AWKWARD!' Alda thought, annoyed.

"Alda..." Yerre looks at her, concern making Alda snap back to herself, then give out an assuring smile at Yerre.

"Yerre, I'm fine. Now come on, let's go ride my horse and do what you want to do for tonight," Alda mentions as she went over to her horse, then untied the reins that she tied to the tree. Yerre followed her, then stands beside her.

"Come, I will help you climb up on my horse," Alda added with an excited smile as Yerre nod then she helps her hop into her horse.

"Are you ready?" Alda asks, sitting at her horse, holding the reins using her hands, while Yerre is sitting in front of her.

"Em, I'm ready, but Alda, before we ride away. May I ask where are we going?" Yerre asks, curious.

"You'll see. Yah!" Alda responded she shout, signaling her horse to move and ride away, making Yerre startled.

"Sorry, did I startle you?" Alda asks into Yerre's left ear as they are now riding away.

"Em, a little but is fine," Yerre answer making Alda sigh in relief and feel glad.

"Is the speed okay to you? I can make my horse run slow a bit," Alda asks, concern about her horse running so fast.

"No, the speed is fine. You don't have to worry, Alda," Yerre answer.

"Okay, but if you feel uncomfortable, you can tell me right away, understand?" Alda demand as Yerre nod then respond.

"Em, I will,"

"Good," Alda reply as the harsh wind pass through them, making Yerre hood uncover.

"Ah!" Yerre exclaimed, surprised by the harsh wind uncovering her hood with no warning, making Alda worried and halted her horse from running in haste.

"What is it?" Alda asks.

"Uh, I'm sorry, Alda. My hood got uncover because of the harsh wind, and I get startled. I'm sorry. Did I make you worry?" Yerre answer as Alda sigh in relief and nod.

"You did," Alda reply.

"I'm sorry," Yerre apologized, which made Alda feel guilty upon admitting that she feels worried.

"Aish, Yerre is fine, don't worry. Let's ride my horse at a slow pace for now," Alda mentions.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, don't worry, we still have plenty of time, so there's no need to rush,"

"Your right, okay," Yerre respond, agreed to Alda's words as she gazes up to the sky and saw lots of stars glowing like a sea.

"Is breathtaking, right?" Alda mentions.

"Yes, so much," Yerre responds.

"They're different from our actual world,"

"Yes, in our world. There are only a few stars you will see."

"Yeah, because we live in the city. When you go to the countryside. You will see lots of stars like this,"

"Oh, you and your mother love to hike in the countryside before, right?"

"Yes, ah, I miss those days and also my parents," Alda respond as she felt sad upon thinking of her parents back to their world.

"Alda..." Yerre felt sentimental towards Alda.

"I wonder what they are doing right now? And how they're doing? Did they already found our body from the sea? I'm sure they feel torn upon knowing their daughter died at an early age. But I'm sure they're fine because they can still make another one they're still young, so," Alda mentions with a chuckled, but her face showed sadness and unsettlement.

"Alda..." Yerre call within her sad tone of voice as Alda stops her horse from running and moving for the meantime then back hug Yerre as she drowned her face to Vendia back.

"I'm sorry, let me embrace you like this for a minute, Yerre," Alda request with a cracking tone of voice that is almost to cry. Yerre heard it and her heart feel heavy.

"Em, let's stay like this for the meantime," Yerre answers, letting Alda back hug her, then gaze up from the sky and hold Cathlen hands that held tight to Vendia's waist as a sound of sobs ring to her back. Yerre stays quiet and lets Alda cry at her back in peace.

'She never changes. She always does this when she cries. Alda never let me see her cry in front of me,' Yerre thought, closing her eyes as she felt the cold wind pass through them.

"You always make sure that I will only see you as a strong and mighty person. But Alda, I would love it if you show me your weak side from now on, okay?" Yerre mentions, but Alda didn't answer. Instead, her sobs hardened more. Yerre releases a trembling sigh as she controls herself not to cry.

'I miss my cousin and my mother's older sister, too. I wonder what they are doing today. I hope they are okay,' Yerre thought as she closes her eyes again and felt the silence and coldness of the night.

"Alda, can I turn around and hug you?" Yerre asks permission, but Alda holds tighter to Vendia waist and shakes her head as a no.

"Okay, I understand," Yerre responds as she heaves a sigh with a bitter smile. They stay at their position for thirty minutes until Alda had calmed down, and after it, they then proceed to the place where Alda is talking.

"Um, Alda, wait. We will not enter inside, right?" Yerre asks, scared upon seeing that the place Alda was talking about is inside the forest.

"Of course we are," Alda answer, which made Yerre turned her head then showed a fearful expression.

"B-but we don't have light a-and can't you hear the wolf howling? Maybe we can go some other time when the sun is already up," Yerre suggests, but Alda didn't listen to her words anymore and made her horse run inside the forest, making Yerre tremble in fear.

"Alda!" Yerre shouts in fear, but Alda only chuckled and held Vendia's waist with her left arm securing her as she made her horse run faster.

"Yah!" she shouts, commanding her horse to run even faster.

"Yerre, don't worry. I will fight those wolves for you," Alda whispers to Vendia's right ear, quipping.

"Don't joke around! Are you crazy!" Yerre shouts in disbelief as she held tight into Cathlen's left arm full of fear.

"I am, but only for you," Alda respond, whispering into her ear, which made Yerre angry.

"Stop making fun of our situation right now!" Yerre shouts, complaining, as Alda only laughs at her words.


"Why are you laughing!" Yerre shouts, asking in her irritated voice.

"Because you are cute," Alda whisper.

"Stop quipping!" Yerre responds, making Alda laugh hardened, then their night goes on full of laughter, fun, and teasing.

To be continued.

Notice: I hope you guys love and like, the original cover of my book <3 ^_^

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