Yerre continues nagging and complaining as they're now inside the deep and secluded part of the forest while Alda only laughs at her every word, then slowed her horse down from running.

"Yerre, don't worry. There are no wild animals here," Alda mentions, but Yerre still feels insecure.

"How can you be so sure," Yerre asks.

"Yerre, you already know that I've been here before. Also, the Astrod knight will monitor the forest every night to assure the safety of their people. So all wild animals must have been dead already. What you hear earlier is only the dog howl. So there's no need to worry," Alda responds, lying to ease Yerre mind and heart.

"Are you sure?" Yerre asks.

"Em, I'm sure," Alda answers as Yerre nods. Then Vendia's body relaxed. Alda releases a relief sigh upon knowing that Vendia's body has relaxed. Then made her horse run at a natural pace.

"But Alda, are we still far from the place you were talking about?" Yerre asks again.

"No, we're almost there, but before we go to the place. I was talking about, I want you to meet the people whom I hire to search for Cathlen lamp first," Alda mentions, making Yerre surprised and concern.

"What? But Alda, you said that they are aware of Cathlen and Vendia issue, right?" Yerre mentions.

"Yes, why?" Alda reply with a question.

"Alda, if you bring me to them. They will think something is wrong and what if they report us to our parents?" Yerre mentions.

"Oh, they won't. Don't worry about it. My boys do not want to interfere with the people who have high status. They don't care what other people do as long as they will get benefits of it," Alda answers with an assuring smile towards Yerre.

'They won't be able to report because they already know the consequences if they do,' Alda thought, sinister.

"Oh, but!" Yerre still worries, making Alda sigh and give up.

'Aiya, you still haven't changed. You're still a worry-wart person, but I miss her being like this,' Alda thought, giving out a sincere smile.

"Okay, let's not meet them anymore," Alda responds, which made Yerre sigh in relief.

"Great, now to the place of happiness!" Yerre exclaimed as she put Vendia's right hand into the air, speaking out her words full of excitement, making Alda chuckled and feel happy. Alda made her horse turn to the left side of the forest and proceed to the place she mentions.

Back to the Marquis residence, Butler Sebi arrived back with the Physician then hurried to Madam Rose's chamber. They walk to the hallway in haste for three minutes, when they're already in front of the door. Butler Sebi then knocks on the door, informing the people inside the room that he already arrived with the Physician. 

"Come in already," Lord Marthen responds with a demanding and impatient sound of the voice as Butler Sebi opens the door then enters the room with the Physician. 

"What happened," The Physician asks in concern as he went over to Madam Rose then checks her condition. 

"She faints while crying," Sir Aloit mentions in his anxious voice. 

"I see before she faints, did something happen?" The Physician asks. 

"Yes, before she faints, they quarreled." Lord Marthen pointed the words to Sir Aloit. 

"I see. The Madam must have experienced many emotions and anger, which lead her to exhaustion and faint. Did she do some heavy things lately?" The Physician asks. 

"No, she didn't," Lord Marthen answer.

"I see so is only mental exhaustion," The Physician concluded. 

"Mental exhaustion?" Sir Aloit asks. 

"Yes, the Madam already has poor health since birth. So such strong anger and emotions her body will react without a second," The Physician explains. 

"So what should we do?" Lord Marthen asks, impatient.

"My Lord, there's no need to panic. The Madam is fine. She only needs to rest for three days to regain the strength of her body back to its healthy state. Did she take my prescribe to her every day?" The Physician mentions the medical treatment that can ease stress, anxiety, and depression.

"Yes, she did," Lord Marthen answer right away without a second. 

"I see then is good. There's no need to fret anymore. The Madam only needs to rest for three days. Make sure that she will avoid overthinking in the meantime because it can only make her health worst," The Physician answer with advice. 

"I see. Thank you, I will do what you advise," Lord Marthen reply.

"But why is that her appearance is still pale? Are you sure there's nothing more to it?" Sir Aloit asks, still worry.

"There's no need to worry, My Lord. The Madam has experienced heavy mental exhaustion. So all her vital organs and body reacted to it. But her condition will become light later. Right now, her body is still processing the normal balance so it can go back to its normal state," The Physician answer explaining everything to Sir Aloit, making him at ease and relieved. 

"I see," 

"Yes, don't worry, My Lord. I will stay here for now to monitor the Madam condition if it will make you all at ease and relaxed," The Physician mentions as Lord Marthen look at him for a second then agreed. 

"Okay, but my wife's servant will accompany you. Would that be okay?" Lord Marthen responds. 

"Yes, it's okay, My Lord. That's even better because I might need some hands later," The Physician reply. 

"Good, then I will leave my wife to your care," Lord Marthen mentions as the Physician nod. 

"Sebi joined them," Lord Marthen demand. 

"I will, My Lord," Butler Sebi answer as Lord Marthen responds with a smile, then turns to his right side only to see Sir Aloit keep wearing an anxious expression.

"Aloit, let's go to my office," Lord Marthen call but Sir Aloit didn't budge. Instead, he keeps staring at Madam Rose's pale condition with a concerned face. Lord Marthen deep sigh upon seeing it then calls out Sir Aloit first name again.

"Aloit, come on. We will see Rose tomorrow. Trust our Physician's words, okay?" Lord Marthen mentions making Sir Aloit gaze at him for a second, then nodded. 

"Em, let's go," Sir Aloit answer as he went over to Lord Marthen's side, then they leave the room in peace.

In the hallway, Sir Aloit and Lord Marthen walk side by side without talking. No one seems to want to speak until Lord Marthen breaks the silence by saying.

"Aloit go to, Rose father chamber and rest. We can talk about the problem tomorrow is getting late already. I'm sure you're also already exhausted." 

"What?" Sir Aloit looks at him in disbelief. 

"We can talk further tomorrow. I am also tired. I need to retire back to my room," Lord Marthen mentions, which made Sir Aloit pissed off. 

"I'm sorry," Sir Aloit apologies out of the blue, making Lord Marthen turn around and look straight at him with a confused expression. 

"Aloit? Why are you apologizing?" Lord Marthen asks, clueless.

"Oh, come on. Why don't you blame me for making Rose faint and for causing disturbance to your family! Stop acting like everything is all right. I know you are angry and disappointed in me too! Come on! Just blame me. It would make me feel at ease and even happier than staying quiet and accepting everything," Sir Aloit mentions as tears skip in his eyes, making Lord Marthen shocked and surprised for three seconds, then realize what Sir Aloit words mean.

"It suffocates and made me angry," Sir Aloit added as Lord Marthen inhales and exhales to relax from being stress so much.

"Aloit, I know what you feel right now. But let me tell you. Everything that has happened to our family right now is not all your fault. Let's talk again tomorrow is not good to talk about the problem tonight. We both still exhausted. We need to clear our heads first. You understand what I mean, right?" Lord Marthen responds.

"Come now. Rest into your first love chamber," Lord Marthen added, which made Sir Aloit flinch and stop crying.

"Wha-what did you say?" Sir Aloit asks with eyes wide open from surprise and fear. Lord Marthen chuckled, then reply.

"What? Do you think I would never know? You're not good at hiding, Aloit," Lord Marthen gives out a smirk, then a grin, making Sir Aloit even more surprised and scared.

"Ho-how did you?.."

"Aloit, I know how to identify people when they look at someone they loved," Lord Marthen mentions. 

"How long," Sir Aloit asks, wiping his tears away with a straight face.

"Hmm... since I first visit the Marquis residence to court Rose, why?" Lord Marthen responds, making Sir Aloit gasp and heave a sigh.

"Does Rose know?" 

"No, she didn't," 

"Did you tell her about it?" 

"You want me to?" 

"Of course not!" 

"Then, that's my answer," Lord Marthen reply, making Sir Aloit close his eyes for two seconds as he breathes in and out to relax. Then open his eyes again with an uncomfortable expression. Lord Marthen chuckled upon seeing Sir Aloit reaction, then give out a gentle smile.

"Aloit, don't worry. I respect your personal affair. I won't intervene in it. So relaxed, take some rest. I will go now," Lord Marthen added, leaving Sir Aloit in the hallway alone in relief but bothered feeling.

To be continued.

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