Alda doesn't know why she is feeling this way. It's like a strong storm surge slaps her out of nowhere that made her mood change into bitter food as she wonders.

Is it the fever and the unbearable pain I felt inside Lady Cathlen's body that made me feel like I am on my period? Or do I felt mournful because I can no longer see my actual parents? I can no longer feel their love and warmth anymore because my previous life had already taken away from me with no warning.

It happened without giving me a chance to blink and think of what is happening is so fast that all I can lean on is my instinct and my body acting on its own.

'Ahh… Did my parents already found my body alongside Yerre? Did they cry at my funeral?... I, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I leave without telling you both. I'm sorry, please don't forget about me,' Alda pleads within her thought.

Alda felt someone squeezing her heart inside that she can't breathe well. She felt an unbearable force of emotion embracing her with no warning. Her throat has dried, her eyes feel hot and blurry. Her body shivered from the overflowing coldness she felt inside her veins, and her body trembled from much regret she felt inside her heart as she keeps mumbling and repeating the words. 'I'm sorry,' three times under her silent mourn.

'I miss, I miss my parents, so much, Yerre, why you travel far. I am crying again. Come back and hug me. I need your warmth beside me right now,' Alda thought as her tears start to form in her eyes. 

"Angela, you can stop massaging me now," Alda mentions as she grabbed her arms back to her, then cover her face with her hands in haste, making Angela confused and concern.

"Miss?" Angela call. 

"Go out for now," Alda mentions while maintaining the tone of her voice not to crack out.

"But," Angela insisted.

"Go, for now, Angela, I want to be alone," Alda mentions as she controls her voice not to sound heavy and cracking. 

"Okay, Miss. I will come back later," Angela answer as she strides over to the door, closes it, and leave the room. Alda then let go of her face as she let out the hot tears fall to her face, like a heavy rain wetting her bed and pillow.

"Ugh-ha, ha…" Alda cried in a mess as she turns around and faces up the ceiling for a second, then closes her eyes and curled herself into a ball inside the thick blanket, hugging her knees close to her chest while pain lingers all over her body, but she didn't feel any of it because emotion and the guilt she felt is unassailable than any pain inside.

"Yerre…" Alda called out Yerre's name within her mess sobs, and her day goes on full of distress. Till the sun sleep and moon awake.

The next day came like a flash of lightning, and the Astrod town once again filled with noise from busy streets, people who are selling, and working, while children, playing and laughing.

On the other side of a place, a man who's one hundred eighty centimeters of height, whose wearing a standard-size, simple black design apron, is cooking his special dish. Inside the small hut house. That all builds from bamboo, Nipa palm, and Nara trees. Simple cozy has a calm ambiance and nature-friendly.

A man has thirty inches long black hair formed into a ponytail, sun-kissed skin, pink pouty lips that has a tiny mole at the right side below, pointed nose, square face, black thick s-shape brows, hooded eyes, black long, eyelashes, dark brown eyes, pointed ears, and a firm body, but shape like a girl.

"Uncle," a soft but sleepy voice call out to him, making him stop what he was doing and turned around to check who it was. Then saw a feminine, beautiful young woman standing four inches away from the table, blinking her eyes four times and scratching her eyes, using her hands to clear her vision.

"Vendia? You, why you wake up early. Do you want some drinking water?" Sir Aloit responds.

"Em," Yerre reply within her sleepy tone of voice.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Sir Aloit asks while he holds a cup while pouring some drinking water inside of it for Yerre.

"Yes, I do. But I feel weird the other night," Yerre mentions, making Sir Aloit confused.

"Huh? Why?"

"In the middle of the night. I feel like I'm inside the ice water is so cold," Yerre expresses her experience as she reenacts her expression towards Sir Aloit the other day, making him chuckled at her words and actions.

"Is normal, we're in a rural area the countryside in the mountain is high up here. So, the air and wind here are cold and fresh. Every night the entire area will turn cold because the temperature in the mountain will change," Sir Aloit explains.

"Oh, so that's why." Yerre now knows and understands.

"Yes," Sir Aloit respond.

"What are you making, uncle?" Yerre asks in her same tone of voice, yawning and stretching her arms up to the ceiling while she went close to the table. Then sits in the chair.

"Here," Sir Aloit give the large cup to her with drinking water inside.

"Thank you, uncle." Yerre accepts the cup of cold water, then drinks it.

"I am cooking your grandpa's favorite dish," Sir Aloit responds, answering her question.

"My grandfather, favorite dish?" Yerre asks, putting the cup on the table.

"Yes, he loves Sinigang," Sir Aloit answer, making Yerre wonder.


"Ah, sorry. Sinigang is the name of the dish. To make it clear to you. What I am making for our breakfast today is meat, sour soup," Sir Aloit explains with a bright smile. 

"Oh, does my grandfather love sour food?" Yerre asks.

"Yes, he does, so much," Sir Aloit answer with full of admiration in his eyes.

"I see," Yerre responds with a wistful smile, but her heartfelt heavy because she knows that Sir Aloit misses his first love already. 

"Do you like sour food? If you don't like it. I can cook you some other sweet dish," Sir Aloit asks, making her snap out of her distress emotion. 

"Oh, no. There's no need. I am fine with everything, uncle, don't worry," Yerre reply in haste. 

"Oh, okay," Sir Aloit respond with a sweet smile.

"Um, uncle, how did you discover this village?" Yerre asks, curious as Sir Aloit stops what he's doing and gazes at her with a gentle smile.

"I found this land when your grandfather dies. After I wander lots of places, I still can't find a comfortable space for me. So I wander far away and ended up here," Sir Aloit answer.


"This is where I start my seclusion and healing. This place gives me warmth and answers to my life. Even though this place is not that perfect for me, this place was enough for me to rest and leave a comfortable life for more comfort and peaceful life," Sir Aloit answer as Yerre look at him full of astonishment.

"I'm glad to hear that from you, uncle," Yerre responds with a grateful smile.

"Thank you," Sir Aloit reply.

"But was it hard to conquer, uncle," Yerre asks, making Sir Aloit stop his work again, then think for a second.

"Well, it is, but I know your grandfather will never forgive me if I end my life without fulfilling my promise to him. So, when I figured I am ready to face my past again and my present. I go back and create a memory with you all in it again," Sir Aloit mentions as Yerre gazes at him with a daring smile.

"I'm glad you come back to us, uncle," Yerre responds with a bright smile.

"Yeah, me too. This place not only made me complete," Sir Aloit reply.

"What do you mean, uncle?" Yerre asks, curious.

"This place also made me forget that there's no such thing as richness' from money and materials things into this world, other than our freedom and pure happiness," Sir Aloit reply.

"Oh," Yerre got surprised by Sir Aloit, and it made her realize something.

'Sir Aloit is right. You can't bring money in your grave, but your experience, learning, knowledge, and happiness you gather into the land will,' Yerre thought, feeling refresh of what she discovered today.

Yerre and Sir Aloit are now inside the tiny land and village name Nipa. On the west side of the country, three thousand five hundred seventy kilometers away from any kingdoms. They arrived two days after by riding a horse. This village is once part of one kingdom but becomes independent after experiencing the tragedy from the past.

The Nipa village is prosperous and full of reaches, such as culture, grains, organic and wild lives. Everywhere you go, all you see is a gigantic tree, such as bamboos, nipa palm stress, and different other things that you won't see inside the improved land.

To be continued.

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