Their houses were all built from the Nipa palms, leaves, bamboo trees, and Nara trees. Even all the things they use inside and outside are all crafted, build by their hands and expertise. This village practice independence for so many years now, and it continues till now.

All people inside the villages wear traditional clothes, the same color as the sun, moon, and earth, very different from all people who live under perfect and secured cushions.

People who are the introverted and very close-minded person they might think. All people inside the village are weird and mean because they treat you like a family and they won't let you give out a sigh.

All people inside the Nipa village all wear smiles like no problem can scratch the happiness they felt and found in their life. They all people live in peace and full of satisfaction.

People who long for luxurious life will never understand the smile and the place they preferred to stay in, tell they die, because when people ask them if they want what you have in your life.

Their answer will make you wonder and think otherwise about life. For them, having less but full of happiness and peace is enough. 

Nipa people believe having more makes you lost what you want in your life and makes you unsatisfied, tells you to die. 

"This village is a reach of life and happiness. If you want less, then you're fitted. But if you want greater than less, better stay put at your place and enjoy your journey with it," A man who's one hundred ninety centimeters of height with a warm beige color of skin, light color of lips, straight nose, round eyes, heart shape face, sky-blue eyes, rounded ears, bulge body, and broadened shoulder mentions.

The chef village mentions to Sir Aloit as they have an evening tea under the gigantic Nara tree while sitting on the bamboo bed, that the people build for them to sit and rest whenever they want.

Time runs fast, and the sun almost says it's goodbye to sleep and lets the moon rule again. Different birds were flying above, while the clouds are parading with color dreams of pallets, and the wind changes its hymn. The song of the animals and people mix in beautiful sync, making you feel relaxed and warm.

Yerre wanders her eyes around the place and saw many children experimenting with their unique designs and color kites.

"Hahaha, look! Look at my kite go!"

"Run faster!"

"Hurry, hurry, let's follow the wind! Hurry!"

"Hey, wait up, you guys!"

"Hurry! Follow the wind,"


"Brother, let me try flying that kite, too!" One kid complains while sulking at her brother.

"Okay, but you only got to take five rounds on it, understand?" The sister agreed with the condition with a bright smile, and they then continue playing with some other kids their age, who also play has kites.

'PFT! How cute,' Yerre thought, feeling warm upon seeing such a pure scene.

"Is so peaceful here. I love it," Yerre utter with closed eyes, feeling the relaxed and peaceful vibe of the place they are in for a second. Then open it again to wander her eyes more and saw many parents busy carrying the food they harvest from their farm.

"They're such a hard-working person," Yerre blurts out without thinking.

"Indeed, they do," the village chief responds with a gentle smile as Yerre turns around and gazes at him.

"Your father is a nobleman, am I right? Aloit here told me you're the Marquis's daughter and that your name is Vendia. Is it okay if my people only call you by your first name? They're not used to formal approach because they never got out of this village before except me and my subordinate who supply crops from different kingdoms," the chef village asks.

"Oh, don't worry, Sir is okay," Yerre answers as she gains a gentle smile to the chef village.

"You can call me, Fred. My people call me Fred," the chef village mentions as Yerre nods with a sweet smile.

"Have you experienced how to plant your food before?" Chef Fred asks as Sir Aloit only listens to them while sipping his tea on his cup.

"No, I haven't," Yerre replies.

"Then would you like to try?" Chef Fred asks, which made Yerre eyes light up in delight and excitement.

"Yes! I would love to try," Yerre answers with an excited expression, making Chef Fred laugh for a second.

"Is it okay to you, Aloit?" Chef Fred asks permission.

"Yes, as long as she won't work herself so much," Sir Aloit permitted.

"I see,"

"Yay! Thank you, uncle!" Yerre cheers up from excitement.

"I will inform my wife and my two younger daughters to let you join tomorrow morning to plant some crops to our farm," Chef Fred mentions.

"Em!" Yerre quick reply.

"Make sure not to wear a dress and only wear a simple attire. Don't wear clothes that have a white color because you will get dirty fast, understand?" Chef Fred instructs as Yerre replies.

"Em! I understand, Fred." Yerre nods with a bright smile.

"Okay, come on. Try this violet sweet potato we boil earlier is sweet," Chef Fred mentions as he offers the food they harvest from the mountain and cook earlier.

"Is this your new harvest?" Sir Aloit asks as he peeled the small size sweet violet potato and gives it to Yerre. Yerre accepts it, then eats it.

"How was it?" Sir Aloit asks as he gazes at Yerre for an answer.

"Emm~ is very sweet and tasty! You should try one, uncle!" Yerre mentions as her face showed delight and satisfaction, which made Sir Aloit laugh for a second, then went to peel another violet sweet potato for him to eat.

"What I told you is super sweet, right?" Cher Fred asks Yerre with a sweet smile.

"Em! Very! Thank you, Fred," Yerre answer with a light blush on her cheeks.

"Your welcome. Have some more. You two should join us later tonight too," Chef Fred mentions.

"Why? Is there some celebration later tonight?" Sir Aloit asks while munching some sweet violet potato and peeling one for Yerre to eat.

"Yes, there is. We're going to celebrate our good harvest today," Chef Fred answer.

"Vendia?" Sir Aloit looks at Yerre, who enjoys eating a sweet potato.

"Em!" Yerre answer, along with her sweet smile that made the atmosphere soft.

"Okay, we will go. I will bring some food too," Sir Aloit mentions.

"No, there's no need. Let us enjoy. Our all-night later," Chef Fred mentions.

"Okay," Sir Aloit respond with a grateful smile.

Yerre has already done eating two violets of sweet potato. She drinks some tea using her cup then turns to look at the young children, whose still playing with their kites from afar.

"Fred, can I ask how old are those children already?" Yerre asks, pointing towards the children who played with their kite in delight. Chef Fred turns around, then looks to where Yerre, pointing and looking.

"Oh, them?" Chef Fred asks back.

"Yes," Yerre answer.

"Some of them are five, and some are already ten years old," Chef Fred answer.


"Yes, why you ask,"

"Oh, I only want to know because they look happy and spirited. I feel warm upon seeing the children's carefree expression," Yerre mentions with full of sincerity to her words and warm feeling.

Sir Aloit gazes at her in awe and distress because he knows what happened to Lady Vendia during childhood. Chef Fred saw Sir Aloit unpleasant expression. He sighs, thinking for a way on how to make Sir Aloit mood light up again.

"Vendia, do you want to know their names?" Chef Fred asks, distracting Sir Aloit from his distressing thoughts.

"Yes! I mean, can I?" Yerre responds, happy.

"Of course. Don't worry. I will introduce you to my people later tonight. Don't be nervous, okay?" Chef Fred replies.

"Don't worry. I won't," Yerre answer.

"Fred, do you still have some extra fluffy blanket left?" Sir Aloit asks out of nowhere.

"Hm? Why?" Chef Fred asks, wondering.

"Oh, I want to buy some for Vendia. Because Vendia said that she still can feel the coldness of the night, the other night," Sir Aloit speaks out his reason.

"Oh, maybe the blanket you guys brought from your trip has a thin layer only," Chef Fred guess.

"Yeah, I think that is the case. So do you guys still have those thick blankets? I will buy four pieces of it," Sir Aloit mentions.

"Yeah, we still have one hundred pieces of it. But there's no need to buy it," Chef Fred mentions, making Sir Aloit felt uncomfortable.

"Aiyooo, don't be a stranger. Accept it as our welcome home gift to you and a warm welcome to Vendia," Chef Fred mentions as Sir Aloit sighs, then nods with a thankful smile.

To be continued.

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