"Okay, I won't hesitate then," Sir Aloit responds with a thankful smile.

"You should not, haha. I will send my younger daughter to your house later to deliver the blanket," Chef Fred replies.

"Okay, thank you, Fred," Sir Aloit thank him.

"No hassle taken," Chef Fred brief reply.

"Fred, what's your village's special delicacy?" Yerre asks, curious.

"Oh, you will see later tonight. You guys better not eat dinner, okay? We should full ourselves later, understand?" Chef Fred answers, making Yerre excited, then nod.

Later that night, Yerre prepared herself, while Sir Aloit worried Vendia couldn't dress without someone helping her. So, he called someone over to help her, but she refused.

"There's no need, uncle. I can take care of myself alone," Yerre replies inside her room.

"Are you sure?" Sir Aloit asks outside the door.

"Yes," Yerre answer as Sir Aloit sigh then turns over to Chef Fred's younger daughter with a smile.

"I'm sorry to hassle you today, May. You can go back now. She seems fine," Sir Aloit mentions to Chef Fred's younger daughter with a wistful smile.

"Okay, Sir Aloit," May responded, then leave. After she leaves, Sir Aloit then proceeds to his room to change into a new fresh cloth too, while Yerre is still choosing some clothes to wear later to the celebration, then after two minutes of deciding and thinking. Yerre picks a simple clothes design and attire to fit in with the people in the village.

The clothes she chooses are a long black sweater with five white golden texture buttons to the front. She inserts it inside her high waist, legging pants, and black, knee flat boots.

"Vendia, are you done changing?" Sir Aloit asks outside the door.

"Yes, uncle. But I'm still trying my hair into a ponytail," Yerre answer to her room.

"Okay, I'll wait for you outside, understand?" Sir Aloit replies.

"Okay," Yerre answer as Sir Aloit then went outside and wait for her to go out. Yerre hurried on, tying her hair into a ponytail after it. Yerre then looks herself first to the mirror and when she felt satisfied. She then goes out to meet Sir Aloit.

"Uncle!" Yerre shouts at him to signal him she's done preparing and ready to go. Sir Aloit looks her up and down, then smiles.

"Perfect. Mary knows how to prepare clothes for this kind of trip," Sir Aloit mentions.

"Yeah, she does. I am so lucky to have a friend and maid like her," Yerre mentions, full of gladness.

"You did," Sir Aloit smile at her as they then stride to where the celebration location.

"Uncle, did Mary know where we are heading?" Yerre asks.

"No," Sir Aloit answer.

"Oh, why you didn't tell her? Are my parents don't know about this place too?" Yerre asks again.

"Because this is my secret sanctuary. And as for your parents. No, they don't know this place exists as well. To be clear, only half of the noble and royal blood people knew this place exists," Sir Aloit answer.

"Oh, so other nobles and royals have not visited this place except you and me?" Yerre mentions.

"No, some noble and royals had already visited this place, but they didn't stay long because they felt this place is not good for them," Sir Aloit responds.

"Huh? Why would they say that this place is not good for them? This place is beautiful and peaceful. There are so many things that can entertain your eyes and fill your heart all the time. This place has so much to offer," Yerre spoke out her perspective to the Nipa village. Sir Aloit chuckled at Yerre words, then replies with a wistful smile.

"Vendia, the people have unique perspective and eyes on things,"

"Oh, yeah. Right, I almost forgot," Yerre responds with a sad expression.

"Don't worry about those things. At least there are still some people like us. Who still appreciate the genuine beauty that the world has given us. Without taking an exchange," Sir Aloit mentions, making Yerre feel spirited.

"Yeah, you're right, uncle," Yerre replies with a satisfied smile for a second.

"But, is sad because most people these days only focus on material things and money. They forgot how to treasure time, days, and life. Is like they're living, but their mission and vision in life are fading," Yerre added, reciting her feelings towards the people who got lost in the way of finding the right path to stay.

"Your right, but we can't interfere because that is their choice and the life path they choose to stay and growth," Sir Aloit reply.

"Your right, uncle. But it still made my heart heavy and made me unhappy upon thinking about it," Yerre responds as she stops walking as Sir Aloit also joins her, then embraces her into his arms, caressing her back.

"Don't worry about them. We have different paths and different life you should only focus on yours only, understand?" Sir Aloit advises as Yerre nods, then embraces Sir Aloit back, drowning her face to Sir Aloit's chest, feeling sorry for other people.

"Come now. You should forget those sad thoughts from now on and only think of proceeding your life with satisfaction and righteousness," Sir Aloit added as he caresses Lady Vendia's hair and breaks the hug. Yerre gazes up at him with a sad expression.

"Uncle, are you sure it's okay to avoid other people's struggles and not help them take the fitted and right path for them, uncle?" Yerre asks in her sad tone of voice, making Sir Aloit shocked and surprised.

"Um…" Sir Aloit doesn't know what to reply to Yerre.

Yerre hangs her head low as she speaks out her feelings and thoughts for other people who struggled with endless unjust throughout their life.

"If we do that, our society will not improve, and the next generation will not straighten. The cycle will stay the same, and the life of other people will not improve. Nothing will change," Yerre continues talking as Sir Aloit listens to her with a troubling feeling.

"Uncle, when we got out of our mother's womb from then, on we already hold a mission and vision to the world, right?" Yerre asks.

"Yes," Sir Aloit reply.

"Then, avoiding other people's struggled while we enjoy our life to the fullest and satisfaction means that we are also avoiding our mission and vision that we hold in our life, right?" Yerre mentions, making Sir Aloit gasp and surprised.

"Vendia, what you want to say here is that you want to make other people change their life cycle and perspective, right?" Sir Aloit asks.

"Yes," Yerre answer.

"But you can't do that because that is such a heavy rock to carry. The one who can carry such a thing is none other than themselves. I mentioned earlier that in this life, there's a choice. Each choice there's a task it depends on how you conquer it or face it and the result of it is your answer and outcomes to the future," Sir Aloit continues.

"Vendia, we don't hold their fate and experience. We, people, have different environments, life choices, missions, and visions. Every road is unknown and uncertain. No one knows what's lies beneath and within. All we can do is strive deeper and walk within it," Sir Aloit continues talking.

"What I mean to say is you don't have to worry about other people because there will be an end to everything," Sir Aloit ends his speech.

"I know, but," Yerre respond, still felt bothered by her feelings and thoughts towards other people, which made Sir Aloit release a long sigh.

"Vendia, don't stress yourself. Other people's misfortune is not for your to carry," Sir Aloit embraces her back to his arms again, caressing her hair.

"I'm sorry, uncle," Yerre apologizes.

"There's no need for an apology. Only think of your life, understand?" Sir Aloit responds.

"Yes, I understand," Yerre replies as Sir Aloit then breaks the hug and gazes at her with a caring smile.

"Good, that's my first love granddaughter! Come on! Let's stop this emotional moment and enjoy the night, okay?" Sir Aloit mentions lighting the atmosphere within them.

"Em!" Yerre replies, already back to her actual self.

"Very good, let's go," Sir Aloit respond as he held onto Lady Vendia's left wrist. Then they proceed to the location where Chef Fred and the other village people.

When they arrived at the location, Yerre and Sir Aloit then saw two gigantic campfires. That gives out a festive and fun atmosphere.

"Waw..." Yerre gives out an amusement sound and eyes as Sir Aloit gaze at her full of gladness.

They stride even further inside the place, then saw some people dancing together to the sound of the instrument that one meter long, while a standard size campfire is in the middle.

"Uncle, what kind of instrument are they playing?" Yerre asks, curious.

To be continued.

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