"Pft! HAHAHAHAHA," Chef Fred laugh loud as he saw who hold Vendia hands out of nowhere. Sir Aloit sigh in relief as he saw that is not a threat, then chuckled and laugh along with Chef Fred. Sir Aloit let go of Yerre embrace and made Yerre look at her side.

"The one who holds your hand is me, sister Vendia. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," a young girl apologizes, making Yerre sigh in relief upon seeing that the one who held her right hand is not a ghost but a child.

"No, no is okay. You don't have to apologize. You want something from me?" Yerre asks in a gentle tone of voice.

"Yes, here my welcome gift for you. This flower name is morning glory," a young girl mentions, which made Yerre curious.

"A morning glory?"

"Yes, that flower speaks for peace, happiness, and sweet dreams."


"Fred told us you want to know our name earlier. So we gave you a surprised and welcome gift too," a young, beautiful girl answer showing a beautiful flower that has a violet color circling the side and white color in the middle with a shape formed like a ball gown dress.

"But, why you choose to give this flower to give to me?" Yerre asks.

"Because we feel like it fitted to your beauty, also they're same as the color of your hair, and we also want to wish you peace, happiness, and sweet life," The young girl reply with a sincere smile, which made Yerre heart warm and glad.

"Awe… how thoughtful and kind of you all, thank you." Yerre pauses her words looking at the young girl's eyes, signaling her to say her name.

"Ah, my name is Ying, I'm five years old already, and this is my big brother," Ying mentions within her cheerful smile as he dragged her brother close to her.

"Hello, sister Vendia M-my name is Lan, I'm ten years old, and please accept my welcome gift for you," Lan mentions, stuttering while hanging his head low because he feels shy and embarrassed as he gives the white flower to Yerre. Yerre takes it, then squats down and kisses his forehead.

"Thank you, Lan," Yerre responds with a sweet smile as Lan gaze at her, blushing.

"Y-your welcome," Lan reply, then moves away to let other kids give their white gift to Yerre.

"Hello, thank you for your gift, Lay," Yerre thanking all the kids who give her a flower as a welcome gift.

After five hours passed, the celebration then ended, and they go back to their respective houses.

"See you tomorrow, Sister Vendia!" Ying shouts her bid to Yerre.

"Okay, Ying, sleep well tonight," Yerre responds with a warm smile.

"I will,"

"Sweet dreams, sister Vendia." The other kids bid her another goodbye as she then waves and smiles her reply to them.

"Did you enjoy the night today?" Chef Fred mentions, pointing his question to Yerre as he accompanies them for a while.

"Yes, I did. Thank you for your all warm welcome, Fred," Yerre responds.

"Your welcome. I will leave you two alone now. Sleep tight, you two. Don't forget to wake up early tomorrow and dress in a simple cloth, understand?" Chef Fred reminded Yerre.

"Yes, I understand Fred, thank you for reminding me," Yerre responds with a simple smile.

"Okay, I will go now. Aloit," Chef Fred mentions as he pats Sir Aloit left shoulder with his hand.

"Mm, thank you for today, Fred," Sir Aloit replies as Chef Fred nods, then strides back to their home.

"Uncle, we have a vase, right?" Yerre asks as she gazes at the flower she receives from the children earlier with a warm smile implanted on her face.

"Yes, we have. You can put those all there and once it dried up. We can preserve it and put it into a frame as your remembrance and souvenir to this village because that flower has only grown into this land. You can't find morning glory flowers everywhere except here," Sir Aloit responds with a piece of surprising information.

"What?" Yerre looks at him, shocked.

"Hahaha, that flower is unique. It won't grow to any land except to this land. I tried to bring back home some seed and planted it in the garden, but it didn't grow," Sir Aloit mentions.

"You planted some seed of this flower in our home?" Yerre asks, surprised.

"I did. I plant it as a gift for you and your mother, but it didn't grow. I was very disappointed." Sir Aloit recalled the memory he planted the morning glory seed to the Marquis garden.

"Hahaha, uncle, is fine," Yerre responds.

"This flower is like those Arabian jasmine plants back to the Voldroned land," she added.

"Your right," Sir Aloit agreed, surprised, but his surprised expression fades away upon seeing Yerre's sad expression.

"What is it?" He asks, concern.

"Nothing, I felt sad all of of a sudden. I don't know why," Yerre mentions as she felt a surprising emotions wave at her without permission.

"Maybe you are only tired. Come on, let's go back home," Sir Aloit respond as Yerre nod then they continue walking back home.

After four minutes of walking, they then arrived inside their house. Sir Aloit went to pour hot clean water inside the wood tub for Yerre to use for a bath inside her comfort room.

"Vendia, the water is ready. You can get in now," Sir Aloit calls out for her as Yerre then gets her bathrobe and liquid soap, then went inside the comfort room still dress.

"Thank you, uncle," Yerre responds with a grateful smile.

"Your welcome. Dry your hair after. Then take a rest because you will be early tomorrow," Sir Aloit reminded her.

"Yes, I will," Yerre answer as Sir Aloit then goes out of her room. After Sir Aloit goes out to her room, Yerre then strides inside the comfort room and puts on some liquid bath soap, which Mary packs for her. Then undress all her clothes, and dive into the bath.

'Haaa, so relaxing,' She thought, feeling satisfied, but the surprising emotion she felt earlier made her anxious again.

"Why do I feel sad earlier? It made me worry about Alda. I hope she is fine," Yerre mentions as she thinks of her best friend full of concern for a while, then goes back on minding her body, making it clean.

After fifteen minutes pass, she felt refresh and went out to the bathtub and dried herself as she then dresses in comfortable clothes. She dried her hair, and after that, she then lay down and meet with a slumber.

Upon entering the slumber, memories from the past meet her. Like a long-lost friend, and it turned into a dream. The memories take her back from the time where Alda got sick.

Yerre rash to get her coat inside her room, put her socks on, then run over to the door exit and entrance.

"Sister Yerre?" A four-year-old kid called out to her back, holding a white polar teddy bear close to his chest. Yerre turns to face him and saw an innocent eye and confused expression of her cousin.

"Jun, I will visit sister Alda for a while, okay?" Yerre answer with a sweet smile.

"Why? What happened to sister Alda?" Jun asks.

"She got a fever," Yerre answer.

"Oh, tell her to get better soon and play with me when she's already well," Jun respond, making Yerre chuckled and pat his head, ruffling it.

"Okay, I will. I see you later, okay?" Yerre replies.

"Em!" Jun respond.

"Yerre, you're going out to visit Alda?" a woman's adult voice asks inside the kitchen.

"Yes, aunty Fey," Yerre shouts her answer.

"Okay, make sure to come back home before dinner, understand?" Aunt Fey instructs her.

"Yes, I will, aunt Fey," Yerre shouts her answer because her aunt Fey is inside their kitchen cooking.

"See you later, sister Yerre," Jun mentions as he waves his tiny hands to Yerre, waving her goodbye.

"Em, sister will see you later," Yerre answers with a bright smile as she gets her umbrella beside the pile of shoes, then goes out to go to Alda's house. After fifteen minutes, Yerre then arrives at her best friend's residence and Alda's mother.

"Good afternoon, aunt Chen," Yerre greets her with a warm smile.

"Oh, Yerre, what brings you here? It's still raining. Come here inside," Aunt Chen responds as she instructs Yerre to enter inside their house.

"I came to check on Alda aunty," Yerre replies.

"Of course, come let me lead you to her room," Aunt Chen replies with a sweet smile as she leads her to Alda's room.

"I'll leave you now, okay? I still have to finish cooking," Alda's mother mentions to Yerre.

"Okay, aunt Chen," Yerre responds, smiling as Aunt Chen then nods and leaves her in front of Alda's door. She sighs first, then knocks on Alda's door.

To be continued.

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