"Tears..." She mumbles.

"Vendia?" Sir Aloit went inside, concerned because he didn't receive a reply.

'Oh, no.' Yerre turned her back to him in haste as she wipes away all the trace of tears in her eyes onto her face, then relaxed.

"They're here already?" Yerre asks as she opens the window to her room and saw that it's still early. The sun has not woken up yet, the roaster still fasts asleep, and the night temperature still cold as a cube of ice.

"Yes, they're here already," Sir Aloit answer didn't notice the weirdness of Yerre's actions.

"But it still night," Yerre respond in disbelief as she felt a freezing sensation to her skin when the wind passes through her. Sir Aloit chuckled and went to close the window.

"Is already four am. Elain and her daughter went up to the mountain this early because they still have to hike up to get to their farm," Sir Aloit as Yerre nod understand what he meant.

"But, uncle, I haven't eaten breakfast yet," Yerre mentions, turning around to face Sir Aloit with a pout face, but Sir Aloit only smiles at her.

"You don't have to worry. I already put your breakfast in the straw basket. You can eat it when you guys already arrived at the farm," Sir Aloit responds, which made Yerre surprised.

"What?… you already cook breakfast?" Yerre asks in astonishment.

"Yes, I am used to waking up early," Sir Aloit mentions, but Yerre felt doubt and somehow not convince.

"Are you sure? How come, back home. You wake up so late then?" Yerre's reply, which made Sir Aloit clear his throat and release an excuse.

"Well, that is out… ahem! Let's get back to the first topic. Elaine and her daughter are here now, so get changed. I will invite them inside for a while." Sir Aloit did not finish his explanation to Yerre, as he didn't find a better excuse.

Then jump back to their first topic and go out into Yerre room, making Yerre giggled and feel happy, but her happiness got cut short upon remembering her dream and the tears in her eyes earlier.

"What is going on? Did something happen to Alda? I feel worried," Yerre mumble, feeling anxious as she thinks through her thoughts full of worried about Alda for seven minutes.


"Vendia? Are you done changing?" Sir Aloit knocks on the door with no warning, making Yerre startled, and gets back to her senses.

"N-not yet," Yerre answer as she hurried to search for clothes that she wants to wear inside her camping bag.

"Okay, I will tell them," Sir Aloit respond, then went back to the living room while Yerre hurried and change her sleeping cloth into something that's fitted for farming. Then tied her hair into a ponytail and go out to her room in haste.

"Sorry for making you wait, Elaine," Yerre mentions, panting, making all people inside look at her in surprise.

"Aiyo, Aloit, make her wash her face first, Vendia, there's no need to rush. Go wash your face first, and after that, we can go," Elaine instructs with a gentle smile as Yerre nods and Sir Aloit assists her.

"Xia put Vendia breakfast to our wood cart alongside our all lunch later," Elaine instructs her second daughter. Xiane then does what her mother asks her to do.

"Mother, we forgot nothing?" May ask, checking if they bring already bring all the things they will use later for planting and harvesting.

"Yes, we already set it all to the cart," Elaine answer, feeling certain.

"Okay," Mary responds as Yerre then goes out from the kitchen with a sober and fresh face alongside Sir Aloit.

"Are you well now?" Elaine asks with a sweet smile.

"Yes, I am ready to go," Yerre answer, smiling back at her.

"Okay, Aloit, you don't have to worry about her lunch. I already prepared it," Elaine mentions.

"Lunch? Wait, you guys going to farm the entire day today?" Sir Aloit asks, shocked.

"Yes, winter is coming, remember? We need to stock and pile some supplies," Elaine mentions, making Sir Aloit nod.

"Oh, okay. I understand. Thank you for considering Vendia," Sir Aloit responds.

"Aish, don't be a stranger," Elaine slaps Sir Aloit right shoulder with her firm right hand, making Sir Aloit surprised.

"Okay, now let's go, girls," Elaine mentions in a hyper tone of voice as they all then go out to the house, and Sir Aloit saw three horses.

"You're going to use a horse going up to the mountain today?" Sir Aloit asks.

"Uh, yes. We can't afford to slow today. The day of winter is coming fast, so we also in haste to raise crops and pile up supplies," Elaine explains as she climbs up to her white half brown color horse that has a tied wood cart at the back, full of materials for farming and their lunch is also there.

"Um, what about me, Elaine?" Yerre asks, anxious because she does not want to ride her horse without Sir Aloit beside her, for she is not an expert on riding her horse yet.

"Oh, here, Vendia. You will ride with me," May mentions with a smile on her face as Yerre sigh in relief.

"No, she will ride her horse," Sir Aloit mentions out of nowhere, making Yerre shocked and scared.

"Uncle! No! I don't want to ride my horse without you. I'm no expert yet," Yerre responds in pace with a fearful expression.

"Vendia, don't worry. Elaine is with you. She is an expert on horses too," Sir Aloit responds, but Yerre still felt insecure. So, she insists.

"No, I don't want to ride my horse without you. Riding your horse beside me," Yerre mentions with a tone of voice that is ready to cry. Sir Aloit heard her crack voice, then sigh with a smile as he went close to her and pat her head.

"All right, okay. Let's not argue anymore. May take good care of her," Sir Aloit mentions as he let go of Lady Vendia's head and looks at May with a gentle smile.

"Don't worry. Sir Aloit, I will take good care of her. And teach her how to ride on the way," May mentions, making Sir Aloit feel glad and nod.

"I will continue teaching you how to ride a horse tomorrow, okay? Pay attention to what May will teach you on the way, understand?" Sir Aloit mentions as Yerre nod, then hug him.

"I will go now. I see you later, uncle," Yerre replies within their hug, making Sir Aloit surprised by her surprising actions for a second, then later felt relaxed and warm.

"Okay, enjoy your day today," Sir Aloit responds, hugging her back, feeling relaxed and warm.

"Aiya... you two are making me jealous. Are you sure your two are not blood? You two were like father and daughter right now," Elaine mentions as Yerre breaks the hug and Sir Aloit gaze at Elaine.

"Were not," Sir Aloit answer with a plain face, which made Elaine give out a warm smile to him.

"Don't worry, she will be safe," Elaine mentions, giving out assurance words to Sir Aloit.

"Em," Sir Aloit respond with a nod as Yerre then went over to May and hop to her horse.

"We will go now," Elaine mentions as May also hop into her horse, and they all ride away, leaving Sir Aloit alone in his tiny hut house.

As they ride away, they passed on a different path on the way, making Yerre enjoyed her eyes by the beauty of their surroundings. In each corner, there will be fireflies, different colors of leaves on the tree, and many kinds of flowers that shine when the moon gives them light.

Each path they take makes someone amaze and realize that life has many surprises, despite the pain, mourn, coldness, and unforgettable experiences that might ruin your perfect perspective of the world.

There's still meaning and colorful things that hold a trace to it. All the bitterness, salty rains, and thorns won't break you entirely because every place through it leads with reason and a part of your life.

"Vendia, look up at the skies," May mentions as he pointed her index finger up to the sky with sparkling eyes. Yerre saw May's expression, then got curious. She also looks up and saw the sea of stars that she hasn't seen before.

"So many," she blurts out while surprise and astonishment show in her eyes.

"I know, this is one reason I love joining my mother planting some crops early in the morning," May mentions admiration and astonishment showed her eyes, which made Yerre remember something.

'Right, Alda would love this, too. I hope she is fine,' Yerre thought with an anxious feeling lingering to her heart and mind, but she pushes it aside, for she wants to enjoy her time with Sir Aloit with no disturbing thoughts and feelings.

To be continued.

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