"I'm here for Sir Aloit, and I must not think of anything else. Alda is fine, I am sure of it," Yerre utters in a whisper as she convinces herself not to worry, and they continue riding towards the mountain top to get to the farm.

After thirty minutes of traveling with the horse, they, at last, saw a tiny cabin house made from tress and Nipa palm leaves up ahead. They speed up the horse from running and stop eleven meters away from the cabin.

"May, put our foods inside the cabin first after that follow us to the farm," Elaine mentions as she hops down from her horse alongside Xiane and Yerre.

"Okay, Mother," May respond as she also leaps down, then went to do her task.

"Xiane and Yerre grabbed your tools for farming now, and let's go first to the farm," Elaine instruct as Yerre and Xiane then followed her command, and they stride to the back of the house. When they arrived, Yerre then saw a place for farming.

"You guys also plant corns?" Yerre asks, amaze upon seeing so many kinds of crops.

"Yes," Xiane answer.

"We are going to harvest them later, but for now. We first need to plant some new seeds of tomato, carrots, sweet potato, potato, and many other crops." Elaine mentions.

"So many are we going to finish it by sundown?" Yerre asks, concern.

"Of course!" Xiane reply.

"Don't wear that concerned expression. Were going to finish it today. Trust on your strength and capability as a woman," Elaine mentions as Yerre nods, then replies.


"Good. Xia teach Vendia to the process first," Elaine added, asking for her second daughter's help.

"Okay, Vendia, come, come is very simple and easy," Xiane mentions with an excited smile written on her face as she continues instructing Yerre how to plant crops, while her mother already starts planting seeds to the other side of the soil in fast speed.

"First, dig the soil to make the seed rest in a soft part of it and grow healthy," Xiane instructs her as Yerre listens to her every instruction with an eagerness to learn everything.

After two minutes of instructions, Xiane then shows Yerre how to put the seeds in the correct position and spot.

"Put two seeds to each soil, or one, but it's better to put two. Because there is a tendency that the other seed will not flourish and grow," Xiane mentions.

"Oh, I see," Yerre responds, touching her chin with her right hand.

"Go get your tools and try. I will watch your steps in doing it," Xiane mentions with a wistful smile as Yerre nods, then went to get her tool for digging and planting.

"How about it?" Yerre asks as sweat formed on her forehead because of nervousness.

"You did great! But why are you sweating? Pfft! Hahaha," Xiane laugh upon seeing Yerre's pressured expression.

"I'm sorry. I was nervous because I don't want your instruction to go to waste," Yerre responds with no trace of lies, making Xiane laugh harder for three seconds, then relaxed.

"Aigo, don't be nervous. In planting, crops there's no such thing as perfect," Xiane mentions, making Yerre sigh in relief and release a bright smile.

"Em, so what's next?" Yerre asks, excited to do more.

"Okay, you see that side?" Xiane, pointing to the right side that has a long healthy soil lining up.


"That side is yours. Plant this seed there when you finished. Tell me, okay?" Xiane instruct.

"Okay, but what kind of seed is this?" Yerre asks, curious upon seeing a white seed inside a tiny plastic bag.

"This one is melon," Xiane answer.

"Oh, okay, I will plant them with extra cautions," Yerre mentions with a sweet smile. 

"Don't plant them with much care, or they won't grow," Xiane mentions, teasing Yerre a little. Yerre gazes at Xiane with an anxious expression. 

"Aiyooo, don't say that you're pressuring me," Yerre replies, worry. 

"I am only kidding, haha," Xiane respond alongside her laugh as Yerre relaxed and sigh, then plants. 

"Mother, I am done putting our food inside," May arrived, holding her tools for planting. 

"Oh, good, good. Get the seed you want to plant. Let's each take three columns of line soil for now and go back after breakfast," Elaine instructs as May then hurried to take a seed for her to plant. 

"Vendia, are you doing good?" Elaine added, consulting Yerre condition. 

"Yes, I am fine, Elaine," Yerre responds, without facing Elaine because she's focused on planting her side. 

"That's good," Elaine reply and they all then continue planting crops on each different side of the soils lining up. After it, Elaine then calls them for a break and breakfast inside the cabin.

While they eat their breakfast, the sun and all the morning animals rise, then sing a beautiful rhythm, making the mountain alive and flourish with happiness. 

The wind sings its warm and cold tune while brushing through every tree, flowers, stone, river, and clouds, making the surroundings relaxed and full of hype. 

"Vendia, did you bring a straw hat?" May as she munches her food to her mouth. 

"Yes, uncle made me bring one," Yerre reply, also munching the food that Sir Aloit made for her.

"Oh, that's good," May responded. 

"Did you enjoy planting today?" Elaine asks Yerre. 

"Yes, I did so much. But I'm worried whether it will grow or not," Yerre answers, giving out a concerned expression. 

"Aish is okay. You don't have to worry about it. No one ever said that all seed we plant would grow," Elaine mentions. 

"Yeah, my mother is right, Vendia. Some seeds are healthy but won't grow for some peculiar reason. But don't worry, I'm sure the seed you plant. Will grow into fine and healthy crops. Everything will be fine," Xiane explains, making Yerre calm.

"Okay," Yerre reply but her heart still has worries, and Elaine saw through her.

"Vendia is all right. Everything in this world has uncertainty. Why there's such a thing as uncertainty? Well, that's because we couldn't see and trace the fatal result through it in advance, like the seed. The seed showed you fine healthy features and image, which made you think it will grow healthy, when in the end it didn't grow and flourish to the way you want it to be," Elaine explain as she tried to make Yerre understand that it's okay to feel uncertainty and be disappointed because is normal.

"But you don't have to worry because the seed that did not grow is still finding its way to grow," Elaine mentions.

"Right, like the one I plant before," May join into their conversation.

"Right, that one. The seed May has planted before is a tomato seed. She was very disappointed," Elaine explained.

"Yes, and it was my first time on planting crops too," May delivered.

"Oh," Yerre responds with a surprised expression.

"Yes, she even cried because of it. But after two months we all got surprised because of its growth, it even bears a healthier fruit for us,"

"Yeah, I was so happy that I cried again, then hug the tomato tree. Thanking it from growing healthier than the others," May explain her first experience of planting crops, which made Yerre astonished and intrigue more by the story.

"You mean," Yerre showed a hopeful eye to them as Elaine give out a daring smile to her.

"Yes, some seeds will grow fast, and some are not. Planting crops comprise patient and time. Just like life, be patient and wait. Your time for flourishing and harvest will come to you soon," Elaine mentions with a wistful smile, making Yerre felt warm to her words.

"Thank you," Yerre responds as her face shows a light blush and full of gladness.

"Aiyo, you don't have to thank me. All of this is normal," Elaine responded, patting Lady Vendia's right shoulder.

"Right," Yerre replies with a bright smile.

"Aiyo, your mother is so lucky to have a cute daughter like you," Elaine mentions, which made Xiane and May look at her with an abrupt expression.

"Mother, are we not cute in your eyes?" Xiane and May ask in sync.

"Aiyo, you two are cuter than her," Elaine mentions.

"Liar," Xiane turns away as she continues eating her food in haste.

"Yeah, liar." May and Xiane didn't believe their mother's words as they turn away, sulking, making Yerre giggle.

"Aiyo, okay, after this, Xiane and I will continue planting the seeds while you, May, and Yerre will harvest the crops that are ready to pluck," Elaine mentions making the three young women nod without looking at her, and they continue their breakfast in harmony.

After finishing their breakfast, they then get ready to meet the sun and the farm.

"Don't forget to wear each straw hat is already hot outside. Is not good for skin," Elaine reminded the three young women.

To be continued.

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