"Okay, mother," May replies as they three wear each straw hat, and they then all go out to do the farm work.

Xiane and Elaine went to the plain side to continue planting crops, while Yerre and May proceed to harvest the crops.

"May, how to do this?" Yerre asks as they bend down and dig to the soil to get the sweet potato out.

"Oh, you only have to dig, that's all. Don't worry so much about it," May instructs as Yerre nods, and she starts digging using the digging trowel but got none. Yerre got panic and hurried over to ask for help from May.

"May, how come I didn't get sweet potato from digging? I only got the roots and the leaves," Yerre asks in pace. May went to check her area and saw that she didn't dig deeper.

"Vendia is okay. You have to dig deeper so you will get the sweet potato that is ready to harvest. Try it. I will watch you for a while," May mentions as Yerre then hurried to do what May instructs. Yerre digs deeper and deeper until she saw the head of the sweet potato.

"I got it! May I see the head already!" Yerre exclaimed, full of excitement and joy as she saw the head of the sweet potato she first dig, making May giggled and feel happy for her.

'It must have been lonely to live in a place full of expectations and regulations, ha,' May thought as she gazes at Yerre full of sentimental feelings.

"May I got it, I got it! I got it!" Yerre cheer as she, at last, got out her first healthy sweet potato from the ground.

"Yeah, I'm happy for you. Come on, let's dig some more," May mentions still have the same feeling towards Yerre as they continue harvesting the sweet potato that is ready to eat and use.

After a one-hour passed, Yerre and May then had done harvesting the sweet potato and sat under the Nara tree for a while, taking a break.

"May, what are the next crops are we going to harvest?" Yerre asks, excited as she sat beside May.

"We are going to harvest the tomato, pumpkin, bitter melon, and many other crops," May answer.

"Oh, I see. Do you guys have some fruits here too?" Yerre asks, curious.

"Yes is inside the forest, and we are going to harvest them later with my sister and mother," May answer.

"For sure?" Yerre asks, full of excitement.

"Yes, for sure," May responded, smiling.

"I can't wait," Yerre replies with a bright smile.

"Me too. Did you enjoy harvesting the sweet potato?" May respond with a question.

"Em! So much if my first doing all these things and is very fun," Yerre reply with an honest smile which made May's heartbeat in sadness. Yerre saw May's discomfort and got worried.

"May? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Yerre asks as May gaze at her full of sentimental feeling.

"I'm fine. How about you, Vendia?" May answer as her tears start to skip from her eyes which made Yerre even more worried and confused by her words.

"What? May, why are you crying? I am fine," Yerre responds, panicking as she went close to May, then hugs her while caressing her head.

"Are you sure?" May asks within her sobs while Yerre still got confused by her questions, but she still answers.

"Yes, I am sure,"

"Thank god, you come to our village with Sir Aloit. At least this village made you feel free and happy, even for a while. I'm glad," May mentions, still crying, which made Yerre realize what she means by her question earlier. Yerre sigh and continues doing her actions towards May.

"Yeah… I'm glad and lucky to have met you all here too," Yerre answers, full of sincerity and honesty, making May cry even harder.

"You can come back here every time, Vendia. You are welcome here always, okay?" May mentions within her mess sobs, making Yerre feel warm and bless to have met such people. Who are kind and humble to accept such a person who already has everything but still feels incomplete and unsatisfied.

"Thank you, May," Yerre respond as she kissed May's temple and continue hugging her. May doesn't know what comes to her, but when she saw Yerre's bright smile, her heartfelt ache, she can't help thinking. That this beautiful person, even though she already has everything. She still suffers a lot.

The other night after the celebration ended and Chef Fred got home. He tells everything to his family of what Lady Vendia had been through with Sir Aloit's permission.

"Vendia went through a lot," Elaine mentions with an uncomfortable feeling inside her heart as her two daughters cried under their father's embrace upon knowing what Lady Vendia lives before they meet her.

"Yes, Vendia's childhood has taken away from her at such a young age," Chef Fred blurts out while caressing the head of his two daughters that is crying in his arms.

"Her parents must have suffered a lot upon knowing it all," Elaine mentions.

"They sure do," Chef Fred replies.

After that, Elaine then instructs her daughter to never showed sadness or any uneasy actions towards Yerre.

"You all must control your emotions later, understand?" Elaine mentions.

"Yes, mother," Xiane and May respond in sync.

"I'm sorry," May apologizes as she breaks their hug, then she wipes her tears away.

"Is fine. Sir Aloit must have told you all about me, right?" Yerre asks with a gentle smile as May gaze at her in surprise.

"Ho-I'm sorry," May apologize.

"How could I not know? You breakdown in front of me and showed me a sentimental eye," Yerre responds with a giggle.

"Right, I'm sorry. My father tells us the other day after the celebration ended, and he went home telling us your story under Sir Aloit's permission. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about it because my mother told me not to." May continue talking while Yerre only listens to her.

"And she also told us not to show sadness in front of you. But, how can't I? You are showing such joyful expression when behind it I know there's pain," May mentions as she started crying again. Yerre gasp then sighs as she hugs May again.

"May… thank you, but you don't have to worry. I am fine now, and I am not alone facing those difficulties anymore," Yerre explains, as she wants to make May feel better.

"Is that true?" May ask within her sobs.

"Yes," Yerre responds.

"I'm glad, I'm glad, I'm so glad for you," May mentions, repeating her words, which made Yerre giggled again and release a relief sigh.

"Yeah, me too," Yerre responds as she gazes up at the blue sky under the gigantic Nara tree.

Their emotional moment lasted after thirty minutes, and they then continue harvesting crops while having fun and joy under the sun.

When they're done harvesting and planting crops, they then went back to the cabin, drink some drinking water, eat lunch, rest for fifteen minutes, get the gigantic straw bag basket for fruits and start stride to the forest.

"What fruits are we going to harvest today?" Yerre asks, curious.

"Oh, have you tried jack fruit before?" May asks as they walk to go to the forest, holding four standard sizes of straw baskets for fruits while her mother is riding the horse that carries the cart at the back.

"No, I haven't tried one yet. Is it good?" Yerre asks as she also carries four standard-size straw fruit baskets.

"It is, right, mother?" May asks, pointing the question to her mother, who wears the fruit basket alongside her younger sister Xiane, who also wears and carrying four straw fruit baskets.

"Yes, don't worry. We're going to eat one after harvesting it," Elaine replies with a gentle smile.

"For sure?" Yerre asks can't wait to taste the fruits name jackfruit.

"Of course. Now let's hurry. The sun is almost at its limit," Elaine responds as they then stride fast inside the forest to harvest the fruits they planted.

When they arrived, Elaine then instructs May and Yerre to pluck the apple, orange, star apple, java plum, Spanish plum, mangosteen, lanzones, rambutan, cotton fruit, melon, watermelon, and papaya, while Xiane and her pluck the fruits that is heavy such as durian, pineapple, soursop and jack fruits.

After a while, they then went back to the cabin and eat some fresh harvest of jack fruit.

"They taste good," Yerre complements the taste of the Jack fruit.

"I know. You can eat the jackfruit seeds too," May mentions, making Yerre surprised.

"What? Are you sure?" Yerre asks.

"Yes, but you have to wash it clean first and boil it into scalding water for one forty minutes once the seeds already soften, then it is ready to eat," May explained.

"Oh, you have to cook it?" Yerre asking, surprised.

"Of course, you can't eat it raw," Xiane answers with a laugh.

To be continued.

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