"No, you can't it eat raw your teeth and mouth will suffer, haha," May reply, explaining further.

"Right, I figured," Yerre agreed, laughing along with them.

"You can bring two back and cook Aloit some seeds. You know how to cook, right?" Elaine mentions, which made Yerre think for a while.

'Does Vendia know how to cook or not? Because in my case. I do know, but…' Yerre thought, thinking of the correct answer.

"Vendia?" May call out to her for an answer.

"Uh, yes. I know, I know how to cook," Yerre answer, which made Xiane and May shocked.

"You know how to coo-"

"Ahem! That's good then," Elaine cut her two daughter's questions short.

"The aroma and fragrance of Jack fruits stays in your mouth for thirty minutes but is okay. You don't feel disgusted or anything, right?" Elaine added as she tried to distract Yerre from her daughter's unfinished question a minute ago. And it works.

"Uh, yes. It's sweet, and the fragrance is my liking. So, it's fine. You don't have to worry," Yerre responds with a wistful smile, making Elaine sigh in contentment.

"That's good to hear," Elaine responds.

They stay at the cabin for fifteen minutes, then prepared their things back inside the cart, taking back all things they harvest and use for farming and planting.

When they ride back home, they then saw that the sun, almost taking its peak, the birds flying back to their nest, the other animals gather to their territory, some flowers went to sleep, so does the tress, the air now changes its directions and course as the clouds, show calmness.

"It so beautiful here and relaxing," Yerre blurts as she gazes up to the sky that has a color of the sea mixed with pallet color.

"Yeah, I love it more here too," May replies to her words.

"If you feel that your place is full. You can always come back here," Xiane mentions as she rides her horse beside them.

"Em, I will," Yerre answer as she looks at Xiane with a smile, and their ride back home turned silent after their quick conversation.

After a while, all of them saw the village up ahead, and Yerre spotted Sir Aloit sitting on the bamboo bed under the gigantic Nara tree, with Chef Fred having an evening tea.

"Uncle!" Yerre shouts out to him as Sir Aloit stops sipping his tea, then looks far and saw Yerre waving her right hand in excitement to see him. Sir Aloit smiles and waves back his right hand to Yerre.

"She seems to have fun planting and harvesting crops today with my wife and two daughters," Chef Fred mentions.

"Yeah, she sure did," Sir Aloit respond, without looking at him and only focus on Yerre, who is riding a horse with May.

"Are you sure you won't tell her about you serving the king of Astrod soon?" Chef Fred mentions, making Sir Aloit frown and stops looking at Yerre.

"No, I will find a way how to explain things to her without saying the reason for it," Sir Aloit answer.

"Okay, but I must warn you. What you are about to do is risky. You're going to ruin the trust of that child in you. If ever someday she will find out," Chef Fred replies.

"I know. Don't worry. I am ready to accept all the consequences I might face on the way, and besides, I am only breathing also having tea here with you because of her and her mother. Without her and her mother, my life is nothing," Sir Aloit mentions, his voice full of bitterness and sadness. He gazes back to where Yerre is and sees that she is now running towards him.

"I understand," Chef Fred responds with a bitter smile as he felt sorrow and pity for Sir Aloit, but he sips his tea to wash all of it off. After all, Chef Fred knows he can't interfere with their affair because he's only an outsider. Who becomes part of the journey of their life.

Sir Aloit stood out from the bamboo bed as Yerre then embrace him in her arms.

"I am home, jeje," Yerre mentions as her voice release full of joy. Sir Aloit chuckled, then embrace her back while caressing her head, using his left hand.

"Yeah, welcome back home," Sir Aloit reply, feeling warm in Yerre's embrace, while Chef Fred, his wife, and daughter watch at them with sentimental feeling.

"Did you enjoy your day today?" Sir Aloit asks as he continues his actions to her.

"Em! I do! Super jeje," Yerre answer, full of honesty and happiness.

"I see, that's good to hear," Sir Aloit reply as he closes his eyes and felt the relaxing warmth that Yerre, releasing to him.

"Hick-egh!" Xiane turns away, as she can't control her emotion anymore.

"Xi," May gaze at her younger sister with a sad feeling too, and her tears also fall to her eyes once again, joining her sister from crying as Elaine heard her two daughters' cries at her back in silence, so she demands the two of them to go back home first.

"You two go back home first, bring the horses and the other things we bought back. Don't worry about Vendia things left it behind. Go now," Elaine's firm demand as her daughter then runs away in haste while crying in silence and do what their mother instructs them to do.

After the heavy atmosphere, Sir Aloit and Yerre then went back home while carrying the goods and materials Yerre uses to plant earlier.

"Did May teach you how to ride a horse today?" Sir Aloit asks as he chops some ingredients that he will use for cooking dinner.

"No, she forgot, haha," Yerre answer with a laugh as she sat at the table chair while waiting for dinner and looking at Sir Aloit chopping some ingredients to put on the dish he is cooking.

"What are you making today, uncle?" Yerre asks, curious.

"I am making my favorite dish today," Sir Aloit answer with a daring smile to Yerre.

"Oh, what is it called?"

"This dish is Sisig," Sir Aloit answer.

"Sisig? The name of the dish is weird," Yerre responds, making Sir Aloit laugh.

"Right, it is weird because all the ingredients to exotic," Sir Aloit replies.

"Oh, interesting. What are the ingredients to it?" Yerre asks, curious.

"The ingredients to it are first, chicken, second soy sauce, third calamansi, fourth red onion, liquid seasoning, and chilies," Sir Aloit recites all the ingredients to his favorite food.

"Oh, spicy. So you love spicy food, uncle?" Yerre asks.

"Yes," Sir Aloit answer without a second.

"Oooh, you and grandfather do fit for each other," Yerre mentions, making Sir Aloit stop what he is doing and gaze at her.

"Why you think so?" Sir Aloit ask.

"Because he loves sour foods, while you love spicy foods. Which is a perfect combination in one cuisine," Yerre answer, which made Sir Aloit laugh and agreed.

"Your right, clever," Sir Aloit reply with a wink.

"I am always clever," Yerre responds with a wink too, and they laugh together, making the atmosphere light and calm inside the house as they laugh for three seconds, then relaxed.

"You go take a bath for now while I am still cooking our dinner," Sir Aloit suggested as Yerre then nod and leave the kitchen to take a bath inside her room for fifteen minutes.

After bathing, she then dried and fixed herself with some comfortable clothes for sleep.


"Vendia, are you done bathing already?" Sir Aloit knocks outside the door.

"Yes, I am, uncle, but I am still changing," Yerre answer.

"Okay, when you have done changing, go straight to the kitchen. The dinner is ready," Sir Aloit mentions.

"Yes, I will thank you, uncle," Yerre responds.

"Okay, I will wait for you to the kitchen," Sir Aloit shout outside the door, striding back to the kitchen.

"Okay, uncle," Yerre answer as she hurried, putting on some clothes she chooses to wear, then stride to the kitchen to eat dinner with Sir Aloit.

"Em! Huff, spicy but delicious," Yerre mentions.

"Here, drink some milk. I'm sorry. I didn't know that I put too much chilly," Sir Aloit mentions as Yerre drinks some milk to wash away the spiciness she felt inside her mouth. She gulps it down and replies to Sir Aloit.

"No worries, uncle. I can eat this all at a slow pace, haha," Yerre responds with a struggling smile because the spiciness still lingers inside her mouth and outside her lips.

"Aiyo, no need to force yourself. I will cook some fried eggs, fried chicken for you to eat," Sir Aloit reply about to stand out from his chair, but Yerre grabbed his right hand with a daring smile.

"Uncle is okay. I can handle this, don't hassle yourself anymore. I love your favorite dish. I'm not lying, but," Yerre stops in the middle of her sentence as he let go of Sir Aloit right hand then stares at her food.

To be continued.

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