"But the only problem is that is too spicy for you," Sir Aloit complete her sentence as he sat back down, then give out a smile to Yerre.

"Yes, haha," Yerre reply with a laugh making Sir Aloit chuckled, then give out a sweet smile.

"That's why. I will fry some eggs and chicken for you to eat, instead," Sir Aloit responds, standing out from his chair once again, but Yerre grips his right hand once again.

"No, uncle, you cook too much. I don't want it to get waste," Yerre mentions with a concerned expression.

"Is that why you worried for?" Sir Aloit asks.

"Yes, and I don't want to offend you. I love your favorite dish, is true," Yerre answer full of honesty, and Sir Aloit felt it.

"Aiyooo is fine if I can't finish all of this. Then I will give the extra to the chef's family and the villagers. You don't have to worry, and you won't offend me. I know all the words you said to me are true," Sir Aloit mentions, patting Yerre head as he releases a gentle smile.

"Y-yes," Yerre responds, stuttering because of Sir Aloit's last words.

'I… my words to you… some of it is a lie. Sir Aloit,' Yerre thought as she let go of Sir Aloit's right hand, and Sir Aloit then fries some eggs and chicken for her while her heart throbbed in guilt.

After their dinner, Yerre then brushes her teeth, face and goes back to her room with the same feeling.

"Haaa, I'm so happy to experience new and interesting things today, but," Yerre drowned her face to her pillow as she felt turmoil inside her heart upon remembering Sir Aloit words earlier.

"I know all the words you said to me are true."

Yerre curled up into a ball in her bed as she felt her heart sunk into the guilt.

"I didn't mean to deceive or lie to all of them," Yerre mumble under her trembling breath.

"But… I can't let you all go. I can't let you all go anymore because you all give me something I couldn't have back in my previous life, and those are the love, care, understanding, trust, and warmth of a family. I'm sorry…" Yerre utters as tears start to fall to her eyes like flowing water from the river as she keeps repeating the words 'I'm sorry,' till slumber eats her.

The next day Yerre woke up at three am, the sun still asleep, but the feeling and emotions she felt inside her heart are fully awake, which made her unable to sleep in peace.

Night still lingers, the stars still awake glittering and shining up the sky. The fireflies, still playing. Some flowers, still sleeping while others are singing, swinging, waving under the moonlight alive.

Icy wind still roaming, making you freeze, shivered, and trembled through your skin, the animals who lurk in the night still awake singing a hymn that made you feel at ease but also insecure.

The night is so beautiful and breathtaking for someone who holds peace, ease to their mind. But for people who have to keep deep secrets and emotions towards someone, no matter how beautiful and breathtaking it shows. It only made them depress.

Yerre gets out to her room in silence as she tiptoes, going out to their hut, wearing a thick cloak that has a simple designed to cover her shoulder and knees from the coldness of the night gifts.

Yerre took a stroll outside to relax her mind and heart. She breathes out a long sigh as she strides over to the Bamboo bed under the gigantic Nara tree to sit down while she hugs her knees close to her chest and waits for the sun to wake up.

While she waits, the night sings a hymn for her to listen to is beautiful but also depressing because it made her emotions dive more into her deepest feelings.

Yerre cried again. She drowned her face to her knees and continues bursting out all the feelings she keeps inside, but her cries didn't last long, for she heard someone walking going in her direction.

She flinched and got surprised for a second, then hurried to stop her sobs, wiping all the traces of tears in her eyes onto her face and fix her posture while she collects herself back to her usual one.

"Vendia?" A deep but gentle voice of an adult man calls out Lady Vendia's name at her back. She turned around to see who it was and saw Chef Fred wearing cloth for farming, and besides his left waist, they tied a sword. Yerre a sigh of relief and relaxed as she gives out a wistful smile to him.

"Fred, good morning," Yerre responds. Chef Fred went close to her and sat on the bamboo bed beside her.

"What are you doing here outside? It's still early," Chef Fred asks, wearing a concerned expression.

"Oh, I wake up early today so I can see those breathtaking views of stars again," Yerre answers, lying.

"I see. Is Aloit already awake?" Chef Fred mentions.

"No, he hasn't awoken yet," Yerre answer.

"Oh, does he know you're outside?" Chef Fred asks with the same feelings.

"No, I didn't," Yerre answer.

"What? Why? He will be worried," Chef Fred replies in an anxious tone of voice.

"I know, but he was sound asleep, and I didn't want to disturb him. So I came here without telling him," Yerre state her reasoned.

"I see, but you have to get back home before he wakes up so that he won't be worried, understand?" Chef Fred advice to Yerre.

"Yes, I understand," Yerre answer with a grateful smile.

"Good, aren't you feel cold staying outside? The wind is still cold. Are you okay?" Chef Fred consults her.

"Yes, I'm fine. My cloak is thick, so the cold of the wind won't affect me." Yerre responds with a thankful smile.

"I see that's good then."

"Father! Mother says is tim-Vendia?" May arrived at their location asking for her father but got shocked upon seeing Lady Vendia with her father.

"Hi." Yerre waves her right hand to May with a gentle smile.

"Why you're already awake? Is still early," May ask as she went over to their side to sit but couldn't do so because before she can sit, her father drags her away.

"Okay, okay, enough talking. You said that your mother is ready to go. Come on. You two can talk later when we get back home after farming. Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry. Vendia, go back after you fill yourself, okay?" Chef Fred, dragging his daughter away with him.

"Yes, Fred," Yerre shouts her reply for Chef Fred, and May is already far away from where she's sitting.

"Don't stay out long is still cold, and early sleep more!" Chef Fred shouts his last words, full of concern.

"I will!" Yerre, shouting back her reply as she smiles and felt warm by Chef Fred's words.

"Haaa," Yerre sigh, raising her hands, closes her eyes, then breathes in and out as she smells and feels the relaxing fragrance of the place she was sitting.

'I think I'm fine now,' Yerre thought as she stood out from where she was sitting then stride back home.

After three minutes of walking, Yerre then arrived back home, but she saw Sir Aloit outside the door, panicking and hasting while locking the door outside. Yerre scanned him up and down, then saw Sir Aloit hands trembling, and Sir Aloit seems can't keep his hands still. His shoes are uneven, and his hair still untied, making him look like a woman from other people who do not know that he is a man.

'Uncle? But it's still early,' Yerre thought as she strides faster to get to where Sir Aloit is.

"Uncle!" Yerre shouts at him, making Sir Aloit startled and turned around in haste. Yerre runs over to him then stops in front of him as she gives out a bright smile.

"Uncle, why ar-" Yerre could not finish her sentence as Sir Aloit embraces her in pace to his arms. Yerre flinches from Sir Aloit in abrupt action for a second, then relaxes as she heard Sir Aloit's heart thumping fast like he's running five hundred kilometers without stopping.

"Haaa, thank god. I thought something bad had happened to you," Sir Aloit utter under his relief breath.

"Uncle?" Yerre called out to him, still processing the situation.

"Why you get out of the house without telling me. I was so worried," Sir Aloit ask within his anxious voice, making Yerre understand what is going on. Yerre sigh and hug Sir Aloit back.

"I'm sorry, uncle. I went outside to take some fresh air and watch the stars," Yerre explains.

"But why you didn't tell me," Sir Aloit ask his heart still beat from worries and fear.

To be continued.

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