"Because I didn't want to disturb you. I went to your room before I go out to ask permission but when I knock and open your door. You were sound asleep, so I didn't bother to ask," Yerre explains as Sir Aloit then sighs and relaxes.

"I understand, but next time. No matter what, you must ask permission from me when you go out, understand?" Sir Aloit demand as Yerre nod, then replies.

"Yes, I understand,"

Sir Aloit then breaks their hug and holds Lady Vendia's shoulder with his hands as he gazes at Yerre with a gentle and relief smile.

"Okay, let's get inside. It's still early. You can go back to sleep," Sir Aloit mentions. They are now walking to get back inside the house.

"No, I'm not sleepy anymore. By the way, uncle, you look good," Yerre mentions, which made Sir Aloit curious.

"What? What do you mean good?" Sir Aloit asks.

"Aish, uncle, when your hair's untied. You look like a woman. I love it. You're so beautiful, beautiful than any woman I saw, jeje," Yerre reply, with an honest compliment, making Sir Aloit surprised, then blushed and felt embarrassed.

"Erm, ahem! Is not good to compliment a guy with words that only made for women," Sir Aloit respond, feeling somewhat uncomfortable and comfortable as he blushes while tying his hair into a ponytail in haste, but he had a hard time tying it up well because his hair is too long and thick.

"All right, all right, uncle, I'm sorry. Let me help you with your hair," Yerre apologizes, blocking Sir Aloit's way to make him stop walking. Sir Aloit gaze at her, then nodded. Yerre then hurried to Sir Aloit back, then help him tie his hair into a ponytail at the correct position.

"Erm, but… do I," Sir Aloit stops talking as he thinks over to what he's going to ask out loud to Yerre for a second.

"Hm? What is it uncle," Yerre asks, tilting her head to the right side as she already finishes tying up Sir Aloit's hair, then went in front of him with a curious eye? Sir Aloit looks at her for a second with an indecisive feeling, then a deep sigh.

'Never mind. How could I be more beautiful than a woman? When I'm a man. But then…' Sir Aloit thought as he went through his memories with the late Marquis.

"Aloit, I love seeing your hair untied," The six-year-old late Marquis.

"Aloit, how come you're more beautiful than a woman? I love seeing you untie your hair; you were shining like the sun, such a blessed sight to see," The thirty-year-old late Marquis.

"My lord, please don't joke around. I'm sensitive about my looks," Sir Aloit replies.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," the late Marquis apologizes with his laugh.

"Aloit… don't cut your hair short, understand?" the late Marquis request.

"Tsk!" Sir Aloit blurts out a pissed sound, which made Yerre worried.

"Uncle?" Yerre calls out to him, making him go back to his senses.

"Oh, Vendia. I'm sorry I space out for a minute," Sir Aloit responds, but Yerre can sense something is wrong.

"Are you okay?" Yerre asks, concern.

"Uh, yes. I am," Sir Aloit answer with a smile, but Yerre can only see a forced smile.

"What is it you want to ask me earlier?" Yerre asks.

"Oh, that is nothing. Come on, let's get inside. I will cook anything you want," Sir Aloit respond with a smile, which made Yerre wonder and curious for a minute, then nod, not minding what Sir Aloit, thinking anymore.

"Okay!" Yerre responds with her cheerful voice and bright smile.

Inside the house, Yerre helps Sir Aloit by chopping some ingredients and other things.

"Uncle, Xiane told me that the Jackfruit seeds are edible. If we cook and boil it to the boiling water," Yerre mentions while chopping some ingredients that Sir Aloit instructs her to chop and peel.

"Oh, right? Do you want me to cook some of it after I finish cooking our breakfast?" Sir Aloit asks.

"Oh, no. I will be the one in charge of it," Yerre answer which made Sir Aloit stop cooking and gaze at her with a shocked expression.

"Yo-you know how to cook?" Sir Aloit asks in disbelief.

"Aiyo, I learn from reading books," Yerre answers, lying.

'Of course, I know how to cook my aunty Fey taught me how to cook before, but in Vendia's case, um,' Yerre stop her thought, afraid that Vendia might hear her and will felt insulted.

"But, you, are you sure?" Sir Aloit asks her further question for assurance.

"Yes, uncle. I'm sure, don't worry. I will ask for your assistants when I can't carry on," Yerre answers as Sir Aloit nods, but he still feels worried because this is the first time he will see Lady Vendia cooking, or should I say this is the first time he will see Yerre cooking.

'Besides, this is easy. I only have to boil and cook the jackfruit seed into the cauldron for thirty minutes, then done, easy as pie,' Yerre thought, full of confidence while Sir Aloit felt worried.

"Okay," Sir Aloit answer.

"Okay! I this all I have to chop, uncle?" Yerre asks.

"Uh-yes. You can take a break for now," Sir Aloit reply as Yerre nod then went over to the sunk to wash her hands with a bar of hand soap, then sat on the table chair to wait for her turn to cook the jackfruit.

After one and a half hours, they then had their breakfast, and Sir Aloit got amazed. Upon seeing that the jackfruit seed is not burned or overcooked.

'Amazing,' Sir Aloit thought in disbelief.

"Vendia, how about you cook our lunch later," Sir Aloit mentions. It was supposed to be a joke, but Yerre takes it seriously, then replies with a bright smile.

"Okay, uncle,"

"Aei… erm…" Sir Aloit sigh can't speak out or utter the words that he was only quipping upon seeing Yerre's excited and confident smile.

"What do you want me to cook later for lunch, uncle?" Yerre asks in her cheerful voice.

"Ai… uh-anything you want me to eat, haha," Sir Aloit reply with an awkward laugh which made Yerre think.

'Aiyo, don't worry, uncle Aloit. I will have surprised you with my delicious food later,' Yerre thought with an excited smile.

"Okay!" Yerre answer.

After their meal, Yerre then went out to meet the village children and have fun with them, while Sir Aloit went to the rice field and help the village people to plant and harvest their rice for winter for two hours.

"Sister Vendia, what was it like back to your hometown?" Ying asks as they sit under the Nara tree, taking shelter from the overbearing sun.

"Hmm? You want to know my hometown?" Yerre asks.

"Yes, yes, can we?" Chen asks with a curious and excited eye together with the other children.

"Hmm… is pretty, but not as pretty as you're all village," Yerre answer with an honest smile.

"Oh, are you sure?" The other kids ask.

"Yes, your village is more beautiful than my hometown," Yerre answer, full of honesty.

"Why you think so, sister Vendia?" Ying asks.

"Well, because in here you all can run free and smile free while back to my hometown, you have to obey rules," Yerre answers.

"Aiyooo, your hometown is boring, Sister Vendia."


"Yes, yes, yes, I agree," the other kids respond, making Yerre giggled.

"Your right," Yerre answer.

"But, sister Vendia, my mother said that your hometown has a prince and princess," Chen ask.

"Oooh, yes, yes! Did you see them there to your hometown sister Vendia?" Ying asks, full of eagerness to know.

"Well… yes, I saw them,"

"Oh, oh, oh, ar-"

"Are the princess look pretty, like a moon?" Lay asks, cutting the other kid's question as he joins their conversation, making Yerre release a light laugh and sigh.

"Well, to answer you both question. Hmm, yeah," Yerre answers, making all children look at her with sparkle eyes and full of curiosity.

"Is the prince also look handsome like the moon?" Ying and Chen asked in sync with an admiration eye. Yerre looks at them for a second, feeling uncomfortable, but she holds it in and answers the child's question like nothing's wrong.

"Yes," Yerre brief reply with a forced smile.

"Can we see them too someday, sister Vendia?" Ying asks.

"Of course, why not? When you all are older enough, I will visit again here and bring you all to my hometown for a visit," Yerre mentions making them all felt excited and delight.

"Are you sure?" Chen asks for assurance.

"Yes," Yerre answer.

"Promise?" The other kids ask.

"Yes, I promise. But you all have to eat well, sleep well, listen to your parents and help your parents so you all will grow fast, understand?" Yerre advice to them, making all children's eyes light up from excitement, motivation, and full of determination.

"Yes!" Ying answer.

"Yes, we will!" Chen's answer is as well full of determination.

To be continued.

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