"Carrot cake and onion bread? That is the first time I hear that a carrot and onion got mixed to a flour," Chef Fred mentions, feeling surreal.

"Yeah," Elaine responds, surprised.

"Yes, I got surprised too," Xiane mentions.

"She also creates a five-tier of carrot cake in different sizes," Xiane added.

"What did you say? FIVE TIER?" Elaine responds with eyes full of disbelief.

"Yes, five-tier," Xiane repeat her last words.

"Why so many?" Elaine asks, concern, while Sir Aloit only chuckled at all their concerned and surprised expression.

"She doesn't know how many people are going to join the tiny celebration she held today. So she goes out hard," Sir Aloit joined in their conversation.

"Oh," the three-person reaction. 

"Yes," Sir Aloit. 

After their conversation, Xiane then didn't go back inside the house. Instead, she helps her parents and Sir Aloit arranging the things outside later for the party for fifteen minutes.

The bird flew back to their nest while winds change their course, and the flowers, who only awake when the light still shines at them, were now asleep.

Meanwhile, tress swung through the wind, making a beat that nature can only hear. The animals ran back to their nest to eat and sleep while others are awake and making a scene.

The sun is almost up, and the six people are still busy doing each responsibility and task.

"Done," Elaine mentions upon seeing everything is already in position.

"Yeah, thank you for your all help," Sir Aloit respond, feeling thankful for the three people's help.

"No worries, okay. We better get our people first. We see you later. Xian, stay here and help Aloit and Vendia with your sister, okay?" Chef Fred instructed his youngest daughter.

"Okay, father," Xiane respond with a smile.

"Okay, Aloit, make sure that everything is already in place before my people arrive with us, understand?" Chef Fred demand.

"I will. Thank you for helping us."

"Aiyah, don't be a stranger. Come now, Laine, let's go inform our people," Chef Fred pat Sir Aloit's shoulder as he replies, then points at his wife, who stands beside their daughter, and they leave.

"Xian, help me carry those onion bread outside. Sir Aloit, is everything already good for use?" May shout at the entrance door outside the house.

"Oh, yes, yes. Everything is ready," Sir Aloit shouts back his reply to her.

"Okay, we're going to put the onion bread there already," May mentions.

"Okay, go ahead," Sir Aloit answer.

"Xian, come help me," May point to her younger sister, who nods then runs to where she is, while Sir Aloit doubled check everything before it will put to use.

"Vendia, are you done baking?" Xiane asks as she arrived inside the dirty kitchen with her elder sister May.

"Ah, yes, I'm done," Yerre answers with a bright smile, but in May and Xiane's view, her smile becomes tired and exhausted from baking a lot.

Xiane and May felt uncomfortable and worried upon seeing her smile and exhausted expression.

"... Erm, uh-Vendia, how about May and I will take care of the rest, and you rest for a while inside your room, okay?" Xiane suggested, but Yerre shakes her head as a no.

"Aiya, do I look exhausted?" Yerre asks with a wistful smile while May and Xiane look at her, having a second thought about whether to say yes or no to her.

"Y-n-yes," May answer.

"Ahh, jeje, don't worry about me. I'm fine," Yerre responds, but May and Xiane still have the same feeling towards her.

"But, Vendia, we prefer you rest for a while and take a bath," May insisted.

"Yes, the others will be here soon, and you look a mess," Xiane pursued her sister's words by creating a reason for Yerre to rest and take a bath.

"Yes, you also smell a sweat," May joined in at her sister's ideas. And it works. Yerre scanned herself as she then saw that she looked like a mess and smell like sweat. Yerre deep sigh in defeat then smiles at May and Xiane.

"Okay, can you two tell my uncle that I will take a bath before going to meet the others," Yerre demands at May and Xiane, who sigh in relief upon succeeding at their plan for making Yerre rest and take a bath.

"Em!" May reply, happy upon hearing that Yerre's buy their excuses.

"Don't worry. We will tell Aloit. When we go outside," Xiane responds.

"Okay, I will go to my room for now," Yerre mentions, making the two sisters nod in haste as she then went towards her room and take rest by sitting on the wood chair inside her room for a bit before she put herself into a bath.

Meanwhile, Xiane and May then went and put all the food that Yerre baked outside as Sir Aloit helps them set the food into the table in the correct position and angle.

"Aloit, we made Vendia take a rest for a while inside her room," Xiane mentions while they pass the onion bread to Sir Aloit to arrange in the table.

"Huh? Why? Is something wrong with her?" Sir Aloit asks, concern.

"No, don't worry, Aloit, we only made her rest for a bit because she looks exhausted upon baking," May elaborate.

"Oh, I thought something bad had happened to her," Sir Aloit responds, sighing in relief.

"Jeje, we made you worried, right?" Xiane asks, making Sir Aloit nod.

"Don't worry, Aloit, nothing bad will happen to you two here," May mentions with a sincere smile.

"I know," Sir Aloit respond with a gentle smile.

"Okay, let's go get the five-tier cake, now," Sir Aloit mentions as Xiane and May nod, then they went inside the house, and together, they carry the carrot cake that has five tiers outside.

"Egh, why this cake is so heavy," Xiane complains as she had a hard time maintaining her composure and position while carrying the cake outside with Sir Aloit and her sister at a slow pace for three minutes.

After three minutes, at last, they had put the cake to the center of the long table, which made a complete pattern of design and finishing touch outside.

"Ha! At last! So heavy," Xiane exclaimed as she sat down on the chair in front of the table with her sister, May. Who also felt the same as her, exhausted upon carrying a heavy cake.

"You two can rest for a bit. I will go get the drinks out myself, okay?" Sir Aloit suggested, making Xiane wave her tired right hands while May responds.

"Okay, Aloit, we will prepare the plate and other stuff once we feel sober from our exhaustion, jeje."

"Okay," Sir Aloit brief reply with a smile as he leaves the two sisters to rest for a bit while he went inside the house to get a four large size jar that has mint water and orange juice and put it outside one by one.

Inside Yerre's room, she's already getting ready to take a bath when she remembered that all her camping bags are already outside being tied at the back of her horse.

'Oh, no, what should I do? I'm already naked,' Yerre thought, worried and anxious. She goes out of the bathroom and peeks at her door to see if there's a person inside. Then she heard a sound of ruckus inside the dirty kitchen.

"Oh, thank god. There's someone I can ask for a favor to get me a change of clothes," Yerre utters to herself, sighing in relief.

"Xiane? May?" She calls, but the one who answers her call is Sir Aloit.

"Vendia? Do you need something?" Sir Aloit, shouting his response inside the dirty kitchen as he heard Yerre call.


"Yes, do you need something?" Sir Aloit asks as he strides to where Yerre room, and when he arrived, Sir Aloit then saw Yerre head peeking out to the door.

"Uncle, can you tell May to get me a change of clothes? My camp bag is already outside, tied to my horse," Yerre responds with a request.

"Oh, right? I almost forgot about that, Jaja, okay. Wait a minute. I will tell your request to May, okay?" Sir Aloit responds. He didn't go too close to the door because he already understands the message Yerre wants to portray to him.

"Okay, thank you, uncle," Yerre reply as Sir Aloit nod then leaves to get May.

When Sir Aloit arrived outside, he then delivers Yerre request to May, and she then hurried to get the things that Yerre needs.

"Aloit, how to untie this?" May asks, having a hard time untying the rope that tied to Yerre camp bag. Sir Aloit put the last jar to the table, then went to help May untying the rope to the camp bag.

Once the rope untied. May then put the camp bag to the ground and search for a simple attire for Yerre to change. Xiane joined her search, and together they combined their styled and fashion of wearing cloth.

To be continued.

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