"What is it, Sir Arnold? Do you have something to ask me? " 

"Yes," Sir Arnold replied without a second thought. 

"Okay, go ahead, you can ask whatever it is to me and I will answer it as long as I can," Alda responded. Sir Arnold sighs for awhile and then collects his thoughts to ask every single question he gathered earlier from the time Alda and Kayla were talking to each other like they were hiding something from him. 

"First, why did you and that woman suddenly become close?" Sir Arnold's first question, which made Alda stunned and laugh. 

"Bahahaha, close? Whose close? Are we close? " Alda said, looking at Kayla, who had confused eyes and a fake smile.

"... Uh--uh. Hahahha, no. Haha we are not close. We, I mean. I only offered her something earlier. Something that is very confidential and beneficial, right? Lady Cathlen? " Kayla responded with a fake convincing face, but her voice sounded strange and would make someone suspect something was wrong. Sir Arnold's heart started to worry as he thought that maybe the fortune teller had used her power to control Lady Cathlen's mind, but he decided to observe further before taking an action that could lead to a conflict.

"Right," Alda responded. 

"I see," Sir Arnold replied, pausing for a moment as he lowered his head as if he was thinking deeply about his next questions, which made Alda and Kayla look at each other nervous. The room became silent but filled with nervousness from the two women who were sipping tea from their cups like they were waiting for their judgement day. 

"Say, the tea is very aromatic and it is gentle on the throat. Don't you agree, Lady Cathlen? " Kayla mentions, washing away the nervousness they felt inside their minds and hearts. 

"Yes, the maid chose a perfect tea this time," Alda answered, trying to calm herself from being nervous.

"So, what about our plan to kill her?" Sir Arnold asked the most uncomfortable and awkward question, which made Alda gaze at Kayla in haste.

"O-oh, that?" Alda asked with an awkward tone of voice while sweat formed close to her eyes. Kayla looked at her in fear, but she never felt worried because she knew that Alda already believed her. So she waits for Alda to continue her answer to Sir Arnold's bold question.

"Yes," Sir Arnold answered. Kayla looked at Alda with worried eyes and an anxious face as she waited for her answer. 

"No, we don't. In fact, I will bring her back with me with her daughter to serve me as their master, "Alda answered, making Kayla sigh in relief and answer. 

"Yes, and I will serve her fully," 

"I see. So, what do you want us to do after this? " Sir Arnold asked, mentioning his brothers, who were also looking at them from afar through the window. 

"Us? Is there more of you? " Kayla asked, surprised. Alda looked at her and said. 

"Yes, Sir Arnold has a younger brother. Their names are Mike, Clark, Troy, and Jin. They are part of the unregistered citizens of the Astrod kingdom, " 

"What? Is there such a thing? " Kayla asked, shocked. 

"Well, yes. I was also surprised at first too. Anyway, Sir Arnold and his brother work for me, "Alda mentioned, which made Kayla curious. 

"What? In what way? " 

"Well, the thing is, I lost the lamp that my father gave me inside the Astrod kingdom forest. I will explain further things when we get back home later. So, I hired them to find it for me, "Alda answered. 

"WHAT? Yo-you lost Cathle-I mean the lamp? " Kayla asked, shocked and worried. 

[Why do you lose such an important and dangerous thing?] Kayla said to her.

[I said I would explain to you later, okay?] Alda mouthed back. Kayla nodded and deep sighed while Sir Arnold only looked at them with a strange and concerned feeling, but somehow he did not sense danger in their behavior. He was merely a person who was in charge of one task. In short, he is just a normal person. That is why he can't bring himself to ask anymore unrelated questions to Alda. 

"Anyway, Sir Arnold. After this, you guys can go back home first and bring your bird with you. Our task here is already finished. I will visit you guys after three days in the forest, "Alda said. 

"Okay," Sir Arnold replied. 

"Wait here, I will signal them that the task is already over," Alda said, standing up from the couch and going over to the window close to the tree, while Kayla looked at her surprised.

"Wait what? They're hiding there? " Kayla asked. 

"Yes, that was our plan to salvage you earlier," Alda mentions, which causes Kayla's body to shudder in fear again and gulp in nervousness. Alda saw her discomfort and said. 

"Don't worry, that will never happen again as long as you don't act out of my reach," Alda mentions. Kayla sighed in relief and nodded. 

The day went on and Alda instructed Kayla to wait for her to come back to the guest room because she would escort Sir Arnold out to the mansion first with his brothers. Kayla nodded and Alda then went to do the task. After their short conversation, she then escorts Sir Arnold and his younger brother to safety. Alda then went back to the guest room and decided to visit Kayla's house to see her daughter and help them pack their things because they would be leaving the Voldrone land later this afternoon. 

The two people are now riding in the carriage that was designed by metal and steel that has the color of gold combined with gems that were originally made for only the Duke family. On the way, the road was rough again, which made Alda pissed off and uncomfortable. Kayla saw her reaction and got concerned. She used the small enchantment she learned upon reading some books that contained magic to ease the shaking and bumpy effect of the rough road inside the carriage. 

Alda saw this and was amazed. She thanked Kayla, then the road on the way became easy and comfortable. After one hour and thirty minutes, they arrived at the cabin house that had a garden full of pink and red flowers, fruits and vegetables in front of the house, while a fire torch was hanging on each side of the wooden waist-high gate. The coachman stopped the carriage and the guards then formed a protective circle outside, protecting Alda from any danger. 

The in charge captain of the knight opened the carriage door and offered his hand for Alda to hold, but Alda didn't take it. Instead, she went out to the carriage alone with no help, which made him feel awkward and embarrassed. Kayla saw this and couldn't help but laugh at her thoughts. She also went out to the carriage and patted the knight's shoulder with her eyes, saying,

"It's all right. You did a good job. "

The knight saw her concern and gentle gesture and nodded, feeling thankful. Kayla then went over to Alda's side and saw her scanning her eyes all over the place with full of curiosity.

"Is this your house?" 

"Yes, it's small, right?" Kayla answered. Alda nodded and didn't deny the size of Kayla's house. Her house was designed with wood, cement and bamboo trees. It's simple but so pleasing in people's eyes because of its color, fitting through nature. Alda turned to look at her, then said words that made Kayla stunned for a second and feel glad.

"It's small, but it also looks comfy and warm,"

Kayla can't help but feel glad about her words and say thank you to her. 

"I'm glad you like my house even if you don't see the inside yet," Kayla said, which made Alda think that this person must be thinking that I am a person who has not experienced living in such an environment. Well, Alda has not yet experienced living in such a place, but she is never picky when it comes to this type of thing. She loves camping and one of the reasons why she loves camping is because it made her realize just how lucky she was to have lived a comfortable and luxurious life because of her parents' hard work.

And it made her also realize that having things you need and want does not complete you all the time. As long as you do what you love and live the life you want, even if it is only a simple thing, it can already complete your purpose in life and make you feel at ease.

People who love a luxurious life won't understand any of the things that Alda wants to compose and describe. Living a simple life is wonderful and satisfying as long as it completes and contents your soul, heart, and mind. Alda couldn't help but release a light scoffing laugh from her mouth, and said.

"Esh, don't worry. I am not a perfectionist. I can live with dirt, you know? " Alda quips to ease Kayla's worries. Kalya chuckled at her words, nodded and released a relief sigh. 

To be continued.

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