He/Heroine and My Villainess



Vendia and the others are now traveling back home, but they got stuck by the town street because of people occupying the way. Sir Aloit goes down to his horse dash to ask one people he spotted to tell the others to move aside for a minute so they can get past through.

"Excuse me. I'm sorry to disturb your all moment,"

"Oh, it's okay. What can I do for you?" The man asks.

"Can I ask you a small favor?" Sir Aloit answer.

"Yes, go ahead," The man responded.

Sir Aloit is about to recite his favor, but someone spoke and shouldered him out of the blue. Sir Aloit got startled and surprised he turned around in hastening and almost unsheathe his sword, but then he saw it was only Michael, the guy who sells them strawberries earlier.

"Hey... what seems to be the problem here?"

"Oh, Michael," Sir Aloit sighs in relief.

"Yoh, why are you tense?" Michael asks as he removes his hands away from Sir Aloit's right shoulder.

'Ha… I thought you are someone dangerous,' Sir Aloit thought.

"I'm only surprised by your sudden skin-ship. I'm not used to it," Sir Aloit answer lying.

"Oh, I apologies," Sir Michael responds.

"It's fine," Sir Aloit accepts his apologies.

"So, what seems to be the problem?" Sir Michael asks his previous question once again.

"About your invitation to the fiesta," Sir Aloit mentions.


"I apologies, but we can't accept it," Sir Aloit mentions.

"What? Why?" Sir Michael asks, surprised.

"Because we are going back home," Sir Aloit answer.

"WHAT? Now? But you guys only got here. Did something happen that made you all rush back home?" Sir Michael asks, concern as Sir Aloit only looks at him with doubt and indecisive feeling.

"No, nothing happened. Our lady didn't seem to like the ambiance of the place we are staying, so we decided to go back home right away," Sir Aloit answer, lying.

"Oh, then maybe the next time you all visit our place, you guys can accompany me,"

"I'm not sure if we ever get back here," Sir Aloit answer smiling at Sir Michael.

"What? Why?" Sir Michael asks, curious, and Sir Aloit looks at him for a second, puzzled, thinking whether he will tell what happened earlier to Sir Michael or not.

"Because our miss seems to be not enjoying her time here," Sir Aloit lie again.

"Oh..." Sir Michael looks at him disappointed as Sir Aloit only smiles back at him.

"Sir Aloit?" Mary calls through the carriage window as Sir Aloit then looks over in her direction.

"Oh, right? I almost forgot," Sir Aloit remembered what he should have done a minute ago, but he forgot because he enjoys talking to Sir Michael.

"What is it?" Sir Michael asks.

"Can I ask you to make those people on the street move aside for a minute?"

"Huh?" Sir Michael look at him confused but then analyze the situation and figured what Sir Aloit mean by his words,

"Oooh, I get it. You guys can't pass through..." Sir Michael's conclusion and Sir Aloit nod, not denying it.

"Yes, sorry to bother you," Sir Aloit apologies.

"Nah, it's fine. Okay, I got this. You can go back to your horse now,"

"Thank you," Sir Aloit thanks him as Sir Michael nods and smile. Sir Aloit then went back to where he left his horse together with the carriage.

"Everyone... please move aside for a minute someone is passing through," Sir Michael pleaded to all people who block the way out. All the village people look at him, then nod and made a roadway for Sir Aloit, alongside Vendia carriage, as they then proceed.

[Thank you, my friend,] Sir Aloit mouthed to Sir Michael,

[Your welcome,] Sir Michael reply and Sir Aloit then gets a pass through the gate of Voldrone alongside the others as they then continue their journey back home.

When Sir Michael saw that they already far away, he then gives thanks to the people who listen to his plea. After that, Sir Michael then went to the back alley of the dark streets as he meets some people who wear a grey cloak.

"Give me my cloak," Sir Michael demand to fifteen men standing beside him.

"Here, what is the update?" One man lends his cloak to him and ask,

"They get back home," He answered,

"WHAT!" They all got shocked by his answer.

"Come on. Let's go! We can't afford to lose them today," Sir Michael, strong demand.

"Okay," They all answer in sync as they then went to ride their horses and ride away, following Vendia's crew in silence.

Meanwhile, Vendia is inside the carriage resting as Mary watching over her with a curious stare.

"Mary, I know you have a question. Tell me," Vendia mentions as she saw Mary looking at her, bothered.

"An hour ago, Sir Aloit cry, may I know the reason?" Mary reply asking, and Vendia smile at her.

"He's only happy because I regained conscious again," Vendia answer, lying.

"I see,"

'I wish I can tell you, but I don't want you to look at Sir Aloit differently, so, is better for you not to know the reason,' Vendia thought.

"Mary, you can sleep for a while," Vendia speaks, changing the mood and the topic.

"No, I'm fine, Miss. Don't worry," Mary answer.

"Okay, but if you feel tired, you can take a rest. Our carriage is gigantic. After all, we can sleep in the chair. Is the same size as the small bed,"

"I will, Miss. Later," Mary answer.

"Okay, then I will sleep for a while," Vendia mentions as she yawns and stretches, both hands full of tiredness.

"Go ahead, Miss. I'll guard you while you sleep," Mary responds, and Vendia giggled.

"Thank you, Mary," She replies as her eyelids get heavy, then she meets the slumber.

"Sweet dreams, miss," Mary utter as she watches Vendia sleeping in peace. Mary then looks outside the window as she takes a glimpse at Sir Aloit, who rides his horse close to them, wearing a serious and guard mood expression.

'I know you are lying to me, Miss. I can sense something wrong. Is my first time seeing Sir Aloit cry like that,' Mary thought, still bothered.

"I should stop thinking about it. I'm only a servant. I must not break the law. I won't feel bothered about what happened anymore. I must abide by it," Mary murmur as she watches Vendia, who sleeps in peace and deep sighs. She then lay down in the carriage chair, yawning.

'Let's sleep and forget about it,' Mary thought as she closes her eyes then falls asleep. Vendia opens her eyes when she heard no sound inside the carriage and turned around to look at Mary with a sad expression as she turns around, deep sighing while looking up to the carriage ceiling reminiscence the words that Sir Aloit said to her.

"Well, to tell you the truth. I already buy those fruits before for my wife, but it still didn't work. Maybe becoming parents is not for us," Sir Aloit answer with a laugh alongside his words, but his voice still heard mixed with sadness. 

"Sir Aloit, can I ask you something?" Vendia asks for permission.

"Go ahead," Sir Aloit permits.

"Did you love your wife?" Vendia mentions.

"I don't," Sir Aloit confess.

"WHAT?" Vendia, shocked.

"I got married, but I didn't love her, and after three years, she died because of failure labor. She died alongside our premature son," Sir Aloit mentions.

Vendia deep sigh after she had done reminiscence all the words that Sir Aloit let go to her.

"Everything is a mess and scattered. Nothing is clear. I must ask Sir Aloit for clarification tomorrow. I don't want to feel doubt towards him. He's the person I trust inside this world," Vendia mention as she then closes her eyes once again and falls asleep with worried inside her head.

On the other side of the place, Sir Michael is riding his horse with his other people tailing him.

"I wonder what happened for her to get back home right away when they only arrived at Voldrone land earlier," One of Sir Michael's people asks.

"I don't know, but I know something is wrong because five hours ago I saw the Marquis coachman and Lady Vendia maid riding away from their mansion in anxious," Sir Michael answer, suspicious.

"Well, whatever it is. It must be alarming because going back home in haste, never been a good sign,"

"Your right," Sir Michael agreed.

'I wonder what happened to Lady Vendia,' Sir Michael thought, curious.

The next day comes, and Vendia, alongside the others, stops for a camp for a while. To the place full of green grass, gigantic cherry blossom trees have full bloom and many kinds of flowers. Mary and Sir Den were busy putting things for cooking later, while Sir Aloit is beside Vendia guarding her. Vendia went to relax under the gigantic tree that has cherry blossoms flowers blooming.

"Vendia?" Sir Aloit calls out for her as she sits under the gigantic tree taking shade from the sun's heat while looking at the blue sky, feeling the relaxing sensation of the wind brushing to her hair and skin.

"Are you okay?" Sir Aloit added a question as he sat down beside her.

"Sir Aloit?" Vendia responds, closing her eyes as she felt the relaxing sound of the place. But her heartfelt undissolved and bothered.

"Hm?" Sir Aloit answer.

"I feel bothered and unwell. My mind is stirring something that made me feel doubt," Vendia replied.

"What?" Sir Aloit looks at her, confused.

"I feel that way because of you, Sir Aloit," Vendia mentions.

"Huh?" Sir Aloit look at her with a puzzled expression.

"Why you lie?" Vendia mentions opening her eyes back and looks straight at Sir Aloit, who looks at her in a daze for a second then smiles at her.

"I didn't lie to you," Sir Aloit respond as Vendia look at him, blinking for one second, then wear a relieved expression and smile at him.

'I'm glad you didn't,' She thought, glad.

"Then explain the entire story to me," Vendia demands, smiling at him as Sir Aloit then nods.

To be continued.

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