Sir Aloit looks straight at her, smiling for a second, then turns around to look up to the sky smiling.

"I didn't lie to you. It's true that my wife was barren and that she died together with our premature child," Sir Aloit responds, explaining everything to Vendia.

"Back then, when your grandfather was still alive, he promises me that when I turn twenty-five years old. He will find a girl for me to marry, and he did. But, my heart was never happy because the only person I love is only him," Sir Aloit continues.

"After two years, I then figured that my wife was barren and can't conceal a child. Call me selfish, but receiving such a piece of news made me happy. But, I can't help but feel sorry for her is not her fault that my heart can't love another person. So I give my body to her and help her have something that can repay my sin to her,"

"All of its works, but in the end, consequences come, and they both die..." Vendia inserted, and Sir Aloit look at her with a sad smile.

"Your wrong, three of them die," Sir Aloit corrected, and Vendia looks at him with a painful expression.

"I'm sorry..." Vendia apologies and Sir Aloit nods, accepting her apologies.

"I didn't tell your parents about my situation. Because if I tell them about it, then your mother might find another girl for me to marry once again," Sir Aloit states his reason.

"What? Why would she do that? No, my mother would never do that to you," Vendia defend her mother's side.

"There are some things you haven't understood about your mother, Vendia. She treats me like an older brother, and she doesn't want me to be alone all my life. Your mother even promises your grandfather that no matter what happened, she must not let me be alone," Sir Aloit responds.

"Your mother is stubborn like your grandfather, so I can't always express my problems and concerns over to her," Sir Aloit added.

"But, you will come clean to them, right?" Vendia asks.

"Yes, don't worry, when we arrived back home. I will then confess everything," Sir Aloit promise, and Vendia smile at him then nodded.

"Sir Aloit, what is the name of your wife?" Vendia asks, curious.

"Her name was Althea. She died at twenty-nine," Sir Aloit answer.

"Thank you for telling me her name and the age when she dies, Sir Aloit. I hope she is happy now, together with your unborn child to heaven," Vendia wish.

"Yeah, I'm sure she is. I also hope that if I confess, your parents won't forbid me to guard you and be with you all the time," Sir Aloit added with concern written on his face.

"Huh? Why would my parents forbid you, Sir Aloit?" Vendia asks, confused.

"Well, I lie to them that my wife is still alive, right? And one of the Marquis rules we must abide by is that you must not lie. Because lying break trust between your alliance and family," Sir Aloit answer and Vendia look at him surprised.

"I didn't know that there's such a rule in our family," Vendia mentions.

'But from what I remember about this book. It didn't say such a thing...' Yerre thought.

"Well, now you know,"

"But, you have a valid reason maybe they can understand if you explain everything to them," Vendia mentions, and Sir Aloit looks at her with a daring smile.

"Nothing is certain and uncertain. But, I hope so,"

"I'm sure they will understand and forgive you," Vendia responds as Sir Aloit looks at her with daring eyes, then he deep sigh.

"Ahh... I'm so worried and scared right now. What if I am not beside you anymore and something bad will happen again? My words that I let go for your grandfather will be all for nothing," Sir Aloit confesses.

"Huh? Why would you say such words like you are going to leave, Sir Aloit?"

"Because nothing is certain and uncertain. I am scared that what happened to your grandfather will repeat, once again,"

"Huh?" Vendia looks at him, confused.

"When your grandfather died, I was not beside him," Sir Aloit mentions, and Vendia looks at him, somehow surprised and confused.


"What do you mean by that, Sir Aloit?" Vendia asks, confused.

"Your grandfather went on a voyage on the day of my wedding and on the way. A barbarian has ambushed his carriage, and he died alongside the guards who guard him on that day," Sir Aloit responds as he looks at the sky with a frown expression, forcing himself not to cry in front of Vendia again.

"Wh-what?" Vendia stutter as she looks at Sir Aloit's in a gasp, then tears fall on her cheeks like raindrops.

'Being inside the book you love, knowing the other supporting characters' past and their real-life story is more painful than what I have imagined,' Yerre thought as she cries for Sir Aloit stead, feeling a heavyweight inside her heart. Sir Aloit look back at Vendia and saw her crying, mess.

"Vendia... aish... why your such a crybaby, ha?" Sir Aloit mentions and embraces Vendia caressing her back to calm her down.

"Ha... *sobs*" Vendia cried a lot as she felt a much pain inside her heart for Sir Aloit.

"There, there," Sir Aloit embraces her tight as tears also skip in his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry for what happened, S-sir Aloit," Vendia apologies along with her mess sobs.

"Aigo... haha, why you apologies..." Sir Aloit responds with a trembling voice as tears now fall to his cheeks like a river.

"Is not your fault," Sir Aloit added, holding Vendia more close to him.

'Is my fault because I let him go being eaten by his stubbornness,' Sir Aloit thought as he continues hugging Vendia while he cries along with her.

"So, all those years, while you are away, you..."

"I wander and travel to find myself and to forgive myself," Sir Aloit responds, and Vendia cried even more.

Mary has already done putting the things in order and looks to where they were sitting and saw them hugging while crying.

"Miss? Sir Aloit..." Mary, utter surprise and concern.

"Mary, why you have a concern expression?" Sir Den asks as he stands beside Mary but didn't receive a reply. So, he turns around and looks in the direction where Mary is looking, then saw Vendia with Sir Aloit hugging and crying mess.

"Wh... what happened?" Sir Den asks, worried.

"Something that we will never know. Come on, help me prepare lunch for all of us," Mary responds, sound strict.

"But, wait. Mary, aren't you curious?" Sir Den asks, halting them to leave. Mary looks at him with a plain expression.

"Sir Den, we are only a servant and base on what we saw a minute ago. That was personal. And we servants are out of it. Do you understand?" Mary answer.

"You are right. I almost forgot about it. I've been warming up to Lady Vendia so much these days that I forgot my place," Sir Den responds, scratching his head.

"Me too, but we are still servants, and servants must refrain from asking and interfering to their master personal problems,"

'Even if I wanted to help. I can only wait for Lady Vendia to open up to me first because that is what we servants must do,' Mary thought.

"You're right, jeje,"

"Okay, come on, let's prepare lunch," Mary demands.

"All right, let's go," Sir Den responds as they then went to cook lunch for all of them to eat later.

After one hour, Vendia then relaxed, wipe her tears away and let go of Sir Aloit. Sir Aloit also does the same.

"Ahh... why do we always cry is tiring, ya know?" Sir Aloit complain, and Vendia laugh.

"I didn't mind," Vendia responds.

"Well, I did because it's exhausting," Sir Aloit's honest reply.

"Hahaha ha," Vendia replies with a laugh, and Sir Aloit felt relaxed upon hearing Vendia laugh as he then sighs in relief. Vendia calms herself and looks up at the blue sky with closed eyes. Feeling relax once again as the wind continues to brushes off her hair and skin.

"Sir Aloit," She called.

"Hm?" Sir Aloit hummed.

"When you open up to my parents. Let me know so I can stand beside you and help you," Vendia mentions as she opens her eyes and looks straight at Sir Aloit, smiling. Sir Aloit smiles back at her as a response.

"Or I can just not tell them, right?" Sir Aloit responds, quipping.

"WHAT?" Vendia looks at him dumbfounded.

"Kidding..." Sir Aloit reply.

"Jejeje. I can't believe that you also lie, Sir Aloit," Vendia mentions, teasing him.

"Yah! I am not a perfect person, and so do you," Sir Aloit fires back, and Vendia pouts at him.

"Sir Aloit..." Vendia calls out, pouting.

"What?" Sir Aloit asks, confused.

"Nothing. What are the things that you and my grandfather always do for fun?" Vendia asks.

"We do horse riding to the hail mountains, and we camp in the forest once a week," Sir Aloit answer.

"Oooh, then. Can you teach me how to ride a horse?" Vendia asks out of nowhere.

"What? Why would you ask such an obvious thing to me? Of course, why can't I?" Sir Aloit responds, and Vendia squeals with happiness.

"Eyi! Yay! haha,"

"Vendia, you're acting weird," Sir Aloit mentions, surprised by Vendia's sudden change of character?

"That is because my precious and amazing uncle wants to guard and be with me all the time, right?" Vendia responds with a sweet smile. Sir Aloit felt warm by her words and pinch her baby cheeks.

"Aiya!" Vendia hiss in pain.

"That's what you get for being cute in front of your uncle," Sir Aloit responds with a grin, satisfied with what he did to Vendia.

"Aiyo! Uncle!" Vendia shrugged his hand away from her throbbing cheeks as Sir Aloit laugh out loud because of her. Then, after three seconds, he calmed down.

"Why do I feel weird? Every time you call me uncle," Sir Aloit mentions, and Vendia smile.

"Aiyieee. You like it, right?" Vendia responds, teasing Sir Aloit further.

"Yeah, I do," Sir Aloit reply, not denying it as he smiled at her. Vendia blinks three times, surprised by Sir Aloit's reaction, then smiles back at him and hugs him.

"From now on. When we're alone, I will call you uncle, okay?" Vendia mentions, and Sir Aloit sigh.

"Okay, do as what you wish. Whatever you do. I will always support you and be with you no matter what it is," Sir Aloit responds, breaking the hug and made Vendia look straight at him as he smiles at her.

"Em!" Vendia nod then smile.

"Okay, do as what you wish. Whatever you do. I will always support you and be with you no matter what it is," Sir Aloit responds, breaking the hug and made Vendia look straight at him as he smiles at her.

"Em!" Vendia nod then smile.

"Your welcome,"

"But I didn't say thank you,"

"You will say it otherwise,"

"Your right, jeje," Vendia replied with a charming smile and warm laugh. Sir Aloit grin and patted Vendia's head.

"Don't be so cute otherwise. I will pinch your chubby cheeks again," Sir Aloit tease, and Vendia then shrugged away Sir Aloit's hand in haste from his head and pout.

"Aiyo! Uncle! Hemp!" Vendia fake sulking. Sir Aloit laughs a little and smiles at her.

"I'm only kidding," Sir Aloit respond, patting Vendia's head once again.

"Jeje," Vendia giggled and hugged him back while smiling.

To be continued.

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