Mary went to sit beside the small tree under the gigantic cherry blossom tree where some birds are singing and humming through their unique sound.

"Miss, is my posture okay?" Mary asks.

"Yes, don't move now, okay?" Vendia responds, then Mary nods. Vendia then paints further for two hours. When Vendia finishes her painting, she then stretches both hands to relax and wave at Mary, signaling Mary that everything is now polished and that she can now see the finished product. Mary smile, then stood up from her spot, fixing herself first. And run over to where Vendia, standing, then look at the finished product.

"Waaaaah... so pretty..." Mary mentions looking at Vendia's finished product.

"Thank you," Vendia reply, blushing.

"You are very talented, Miss," Mary compliment while looking over to the painting, smiling.

"Thank you, Mary, for being my model for today," Vendia reply, and Mary looks at her then nodded with a smile engrave on her face.

"Your always welcome, Miss," Mary responds as Vendia felt glad when a deep voice surprised and interrupted them.

"Hey, what are you both doing?" Sir Aloit asks, standing beside Vendia, scratching his head while yawning.

"Sir Aloit, look! Look! Miss Vendia made this, and I am in it too!" Mary mentions full of joy as she keeps pushing Sir Aloit to look at the painting that Vendia made an hour ago. Sir Aloit then went to analyze Vendia creation.

"Is... does... amazing... but this painting portrays a deep meaning," Sir Aloit utter amazed by Vendia creation as he then looks at Vendia with a concerned feeling.

"Right? Miss Vendia puts a deep meaning on it," Mary responded with a joy vibe.

'Is she longing for someone? Is it the prince again?' Sir Aloit thought, anxious.

"But that painting does not point to the prince at all," Sir Aloit uttered, bothered as he looks at Vendia with concern, not hearing Mary talking. Vendia looks at him smiling as Sir Aloit also smiles back at her, but his heart still bothered and concern.

"Sir Aloit, what do you think of my painting?" Vendia went close to him and ask. Sir Aloit look at her painting once again, analyzing the details and subject.

"Hmm... it has a deep meaning, but I can't figure out what it is," Sir Aloit responds, lying as he steps back away from Vendia painting a little, and looks straight at Vendia, smiling.

"May I know the meaning?" Sir Aloit add a question.

"Yes, of course," Vendia reply, happy.

"Young Miss said. That her painting means a floating heart," Mary beat Vendia from explaining her works.

"What? Floating Heart?" Sir Aloit asks, confused.

"Yes, it means th,"

"It means that no matter how far that special person may be, her heart will always, connected to that person, and her heart will always wait for that person to come back to her at the right time," Mary beat Vendia again by explaining her work.

"Right, Miss?" Mary added, asking Vendia.

"Y-yes," Vendia answered, smiling.

"I see. That's deep and somehow sad," Sir Aloit respond, and Mary looked at him with a clueless expression.

"What? Why would it be sad, Sir Aloit?" Mary asks, wondering. Sir Aloit look towards Vendia for a second and saw her smiling at him. He smiled back, then proceed on, answering Mary's question.

"Because sometimes waiting for someone is disappointing," Sir Aloit answer.

"Huh? Why would that be disappointing?"

"Because the person you were waiting to come back to you sometimes won't come back and show up. Then you will live full of wonder and, unfilled longingness tell that person who is waiting, dies," Vendia inserted as she looks up to the sky. Somehow her eyes showed bitterness and happiness as a strong wind passes by, sharing the emotions she held inside her heart. Longing, hoping and praying. The place filled silence for a minute as the ghost pain crosses through her heart like an invincible knife. Sir Aloit looked at her, full of concern and worry, while Mary felt sad at her words.

"It sucks, right?" A man's voice interrupts their heave moment. All of them then look to where the voiced leads to and saw.

"Oh, Sir Den, you are awake," Vendia mentions, surprised.

"Yes, Miss," Sir Den responds, smiling at all of them.

"Sir Den, why would you say it sucks," Mary asks while Sir Den stood up from the ground.

"It sucks because that person gives hope and love to a person but failed to fill it in the end," Sir Den answers.

"At least, that person gives hope and love to the other person who is waiting," Mary responded, arguing with him.

"Yeah, you have a point there. But waiting for that person for long can only mean internal suffering and uncertainty," Sir Den reply and Mary looks at him with sadness.

"You are right. Have you experienced that kind of relationship before, Sir Den?" Mary agreed as she asks another question again.

"Nah... I've been single for years now," Sir Den responds.

"What? Why? I thought you already have someone," Mary ask surprised.

"Eh? No, I don't have anyone, and I don't need one, because having a relationship, for me, is tiring, a waste of money and time. I prefer to be free and spending my time with my parents till I die," Sir Den respond, and Mary nod.

"Ha... what if I experience such relationship soon," Mary mentions, thinking.

"Then don't get attached and find somebody else," Sir Den advises.

"Easy for you to say, what if you love that person and no one can't seem to replace him or her ever into your heart what you will you do then?" Mary fire back with a serious question.

"I don't know. I am single, duh..." Sir Den responds with an eye rolled, and Mary looks at him dumbfounded as she deep sighs. Sir Aloit giggled upon seeing them arguing like a five-year-old as he then turned around to check on Vendia, and he saw her spacing out while looking up to the sky with a sad expression. Sir Aloit felt stress upon seeing it, and he deep sighs.

"Okay, enough talking and start packing. Come on, let's get ready to ride back home. Vendia gets your art material back to the carriage now. Mary and Sir Den help me with the other things to clean up," Sir Aloit instructed all of them, making Vendia back to her senses.

"Uh, yes," Vendia respond, then went to clean the things she uses and put them back to the carriage while the others are busy putting things back to their places. After one hour, Sir Aloit, Sir Den, and Mary have done getting things back to the carriage.

"Sir Den, how's our horse?" Sir Aloit asks.

"They're stable and ready to go," Sir Den answer.

"Good, Mary, is everything already inside the carriage?" Sir Aloit asks outside the carriage.

"Yes, Sir Aloit," Mary answer as Sir Aloit went over to the carriage door and opened it.

"Vendia, are you ready to go?" Sir Aloit asks as Vendia looks at him, smiling.

"Yes, let's go back home, Sir Aloit," Vendia answer.

"Okay," Sir Aloit responds, closing the door to the carriage and hopping up to his black horse as he then signals Sir Den to go. Sir Den receives his signal then he nods as a reply.

"YAH!" Sir Den shouts while whipping the two strong, built white horses in their butt, making the horse walk and run.

On the other side of the place, Sir Michael already on standby to follow them in silence.

"They're already running," Fen informs them all.

"Okay, let's go!" Sir Michael shouts, signaling all his people as they ride with their horses, following Vendia's crew in silence.

"Lay, how's the eagle?" Sir Michael asks while riding his horse beside his people.

"He has not come back yet," Lay respond. His eagle has features of a dark face, creamy-brown nape, and crown. The back of its wings is dark brown, while the underside and underwings are white. Its legs are heavy, have the color yellow with large, powerful, dark claws, and a prominent, large, high-arched, with the deep beak that is blush-gray.

"I see. The master has not received our message then, but there's no need to worry as long as Lady Vendia gets back home safe. Our mission will be a success and over," Sir Michael mentions, and Lay nods.

"They will arrive back to the Astrod Land later tonight, right?" Vin asks.

"Yes, they will, if no one interferes. Vin tells Ongi to release Maya up to the sky," Sir Michael demand. Vin nods as he then rides close towards Ongi and calls him.

"Ongi! Send Maya up to the sky," Vin command towards Ongi, who has calming features and a sturdy body figure like Lay and Fen. Ongi nod and went to instruct his bird, who is resting on his left shoulder.

"Maya, wake up. Work has called for us," Ongi wake his bird with a gentle tone of voice. Maya then woke up and shakes, all his small feathers responding to his master call.

"Maya, keep a lookout and be careful. Come back to me fast if you found something suspicious, understand?" Ongi commands over to his small brown Eurasian tree sparrow bird.

"Petwit!" Maya responds as if he understands his master order, then he flies up to the sky as a spy up above.

"Be on alert!" Sir Michael shouts to his people using his firm voice as his people then set their every self in a guarded mood.

To be continued.

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