"Did you visit her the other day?" Sir Albert asks Prince Adam.

"Who?" Prince Adam responds, confused.

"Who else, Lady Cathlen, of course," Sir Albert mentions, with a mocking face.

"Oh, yes I did,"

"Then? What happened?"

"She did not want to see me, and Duke Thranduil did not want me to visit her daughter for the meantime," Prince Adam reply.

"Oh... well, at least now you can see her and talk to her without boundaries, right?" Sir Albert mentions.

"Yeah," Prince Adam's brief reply.

"Well, then. I will leave now before uncle knows I am at his kingdom," Sir Albert mentions.

"Be careful on your way out, cousin,"

"Oh, look at the person who is eager to make me visit his father before..." Sir Albert teases his cousin before he leaves, grinning. Prince Adam looks at him, annoyed.

"You realize I can't refuse what my Father has ordered me to do, right? Is out of my league to refuse," Prince Adam argues back at him, then Sir Albert laughs at him.

"Pft! Ha hahaha, you are always serious. That is why I love to tease you always," Sir Albert responds, laughing at his cousin's serious reply. Prince Adam replies with an amused expression.

"Jajaja, I will go now," Sir Albert mentions. But Prince Adam only turned away from him, waving his right hand.

"Em, okay. Sir Ken, escort him in case something happened," Prince Adam command, facing his desk fixing all the paper have scattered to his table in front of his desk.

"Oh, no. I don't want to delay. I am a busy person after all," Sir Albert quip pointing his words to Prince Adam's guards, not done teasing him yet. Prince Adam turned around and look towards Sir Albert with a super annoyed expression.

"You!" Prince Adam pointed his right index finger towards Sir Albert, then turned around to get his ink pen at his desk and throw it away to Sir Albert, but the direction his pen pointing is towards his trusted guard and friend. Sir Ken almost got drub, but he dashes it away as fast as he can. And for Sir Albert, he already runs out from Prince Adam's chamber before the ink pen hit him.

"Your highness, do I still need to escort Sir Albert out of the palace?" Sir Ken asks.

"No!" Prince Adam responds with an angry voice, puffing from annoyance because of his cousin.

'Just because his people are more capable and strong does not mean my people are weak and not strong. Hmph! You'll see cousin, I'll show you,' Prince Adam thought, determined.

Sir Albert, on the other side. Sir Albert already inside the passageway that Prince Adam made them use before to get out of the Astrod Kingdom fast. Laughing, satisfied with what he has done to his cousin, Prince Adam.

After five minutes, Prince Adam calmed down and fixed himself back to himself as he then stands straight and looks straight at Sir Ken, serious.

"Before you come here, did you notice other strange things towards Lady Cathlen?" He asks.

"I didn't, Your Highness," Sir Ken brief reply and Prince Adam nod.

"What about my Father's eyes? Did they still monitor you?"

"No, I did not feel their shadow today and the other day," Sir Ken respond as Prince Adam then found it suspicious.

"Strange..." He mumbles while in deep thoughts about his Father.

"Do you want me to accompany you today, Your Highness?" Sir Ken mentions, and Prince Adam then looks at him with a straight face.

"Yes," He answers.

At the town, Cathlen and Angela already on the way to the Astrod Kingdom with five guards outside the carriage tailing them.

"Angela," Cathlen calls.

"Yes, Miss?" Angela responds.

"Ask the coachman to stop the carriage in front of-the-art store," Cathlen mentions as Angela looks at her, confused.

"For what, Miss?" Angela asks.

"Listen, sit beside me," Cathlen demands, serious. Angela then went to her and sat beside her.

"I want you to tell them to stop the carriage and tell the Knight guard I ask you to buy a painting at the art store," Cathlen mentions.

"Huh? What for, Miss?" Angela asks, confused.

"Because I want you to check on the searching condition of my lamp. There are guards right now, so I can't go out," Cathlen answer.

"Oh, but I don't have to buy a painting, Miss," Angela responded. Cathlen felt dumbfounded as she deep sigh.

"Don't worry. You only have to pretend. When the carriage moves again, and we are already far away, you get out the of-the-art store and go to Sir Arnold's location, understand?" Cathlen instructs her, then she nods.

"I understand," Angela responded.

"Be careful not to cause suspicion inside the art store," Cathlen mentions. 

"Huh? Why, Miss?" 

"Because the owner of that art store is Prince Adam's cousin," She mentions as Angela looks at her, surprised.


"Yes, so act normal like you are inside their searching and looking for something but don't exaggerate it, okay?" Cathlen advice. 

"Okay, Miss," Angela answer with a nod, then Cathlen smile and pat her head.

"Good, now. Are you ready?" She asks. 

"Yes, Miss. I am ready," Angela responds with full of determination. 

"Now," She demands as Angela then opens the carriage window and signals one guard to stop the carriage. The carriage stop running as a one-night guard then went over to her and ask. 

"Is there something wrong?" 

"The Young Miss, request for me to buy her a painting in the art store," Angela reasoned. 

"Oh," The Knight opens the carriage door for Cathlen to go out, but the only person who went out of the carriage is only Angela. The Knight looks over to Cathlen with a wondering gaze.

"Close the door. My servant will buy the painting I want alone," Cathlen demands. 

"But, Miss. What if she uses the money you lend to her into something else?" The Knight speaks out his concern. Angela looks at the Knight with a frown expression as she felt offended by the Knight's words. Cathlen saw it and looks over to the Knight with a haughty expression.

"Are you doubting my capability towards my servant? Sir Knight?" Cathlen asks with a bitter tone of voice. 

"N-no, I apologies, Young Miss," The Knight apologies, stuttering.

"So what if she uses my money for nothing is not your money is mine, are you the one who gives salary to them? How can you be so sure that she spent my money for nothing?  Are you the one who chooses her to be my servant? Did my parents choose you to be my servant's eyes?" Cathlen scolded him. The Knight vowed to her and apologies.

"I'm sorry for misunderstanding your superiority, Miss, please forgive me," The Knight apologizes.

"You did not owe me an apology, but my servant does. Apologies to her right this instant," Cathlen responds with a firm voice, then the Knight stands straight and goes to Angela in pace.

"Miss, please forgive my contempt," Sir Knight mentions, apologizing to Angela.

"Wh…" Angela got stunned. She looked over to her Miss and saw her giggling.

"Miss," She called.

[Go on, reply to him before he gets a stiff neck,] Cathlen mouthed to her. Angela then giggled as she nods with a smile to Cathlen. She then went to look at the Knight, who bowed and apologizes in front of her.

'I hate people degrading other people just because they don't have golden blood in their vein or they born as a low people. I hate it so much,' Alda thought, gritting her teeth pissed off, but she calms herself down because she does not want to cause a ruckus.

"I accept your apology, Sir Knight," Angela responds as the Knight then stands straight and smiles at her. Angela smiled back at him as a reply. The Knight then went back to Cathlen's side.

"Tell this to your other subordinate to never look down upon my servant or to anyone who is only born in a low state because if they do, I will not leave this world without degrading you all back under my Father's power, understand?" Cathlen threat words. The Knight looks at her with a fearful expression.

"I said, do you understand?" Cathlen repeats her words in a firm tone of voice. The Knight flinched and bowed to her with trembling hands.

"Y-yes, Miss. I understand," The Knight reply. Angela giggled upon seeing the Knight, afraid of her Young Miss. Cathlen felt good upon seeing the Knight tremble because of her words. She deep sigh and smirk, then turn around to look at Angela.

"Angela, we will meet you at the Prince Palace later with my painting," Cathlen mentions with a serious expression as she looks at Angela.

"Okay, Miss. Enjoy your day with the Prince," Angela responded, smiling. Cathlen smile back at her for a split second, then she looks back inside the carriage wearing a straight face.

"Let's proceed," Cathlen firm demand as the Knight then signals the entire crew to move again. Angela looks at them for a minute with a confused expression.

'Do I still need to get inside the art store?' She asks her thought as she takes a glimpse at the art store then back to Cathlen carriage.

"Oh, I think there's no need," Angela mentions as she saw Cathlen carriage with the Knight guard already far away from the town.

She walks passing through the art store, pretending to buy some fruits at the vendor fruit seller, so she won't cause any suspension as she proceeds in silence to Sir Arnold's location walking.

At the Astrod Kingdom, Cathlen arrived then stride towards Prince Adam's palace. When she arrived, Prince Adam then met her alongside his servants tailing him.

"Lady Cathlen, you arrived," Prince Adam happy upon seeing her again. Cathlen looks at him with a straight face.

"Yes, thank you for having me at your palace today, Prince Adam," Cathlen respond, bowing to Prince Adam as respect. Prince Adam then went over to Cathlen and clasped her left arm. His action caught Cathlen off guard. Cathlen tried to pull away, but Prince Adam's hold on her right arm is strong. So she gives up and convinces herself.

'Is fine, Alda, calm down. Allow him to do things he wants to you today for now because this is the last time he can get close to you,' She thought.

"Come, let's get inside my house garden. I prepare your favorite refreshment and snacks," Prince Adam mentions, excited like a five-year-old child as he dragged Cathlen with him to his house garden with their servants and guards tailing them.

To be continued.

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