"So, they arrived safe," A man who wears a sleeping cloth asks the man who wears a commoner cloth with a sword tucked to his left waist, while other fourteen men wait outside the store with their horses and birds.

"Yes, My Lord,"

"Good, you guys can go back to Alfendra for now and rest. Thank you for all your cooperation. I will take care of the rest now. I call you all again if something urgent happened. But for now, I want you all to rest and be ready at all times," He instructed the man with the sword, then nods at him. After that, the man with the sword then went out of the of-the-art store.

"Sir Michael, what did Lord Albert say?" The man with an eagle bird dash at him, asking.

"Lord Albert said a good job to us all and that we must get back to the Alfendra for now. He will call us back again, so we must always be on alert," Sir Michael mentions as all his men then nod and hop back to their horses, wearing their cloaks covering their appearance as they then ride away back to the Alfendra Kingdom.

Back at the Marquis residence, Sir Aloit and Butler Sebi are on an opposite side of the couch, sitting, while having their evening tea inside his quarter.

"So, what happened," Butler Sebi asks as Sir Aloit looks at him, serious.

"To be honest, I don't know either," Sir Aloit answer.

"What? What do you mean, you don't know? You said you were with her the entire time. How come you don't know what happened," Butler Sebi asks within his impatient tone of voice.

"Calm down, okay? I was with her, but out of nowhere, she panics and collapses in front of us like a corpse. Her body turned stiff and pale. But she is still breathing, I thought. She only had an anxiety attack, but there's something else, is strange," Sir Aloit mentions as Butler Sebi looks at him with curious eyes.

"What? Strange? In what way?" Butler Sebi asks.

"When she was still panicking. She keeps saying that someone will snatch her soul away inside her body, that someone is taking her away from us. I can't understand why she is saying those words to me, but I can feel that something's making her scared. Because when I look at her eyes, she is so frightened, desperate, and wants to run away," Sir Aloit explains while Butler Sebi looks at him with a confused expression.

"What? Did something happen before you all arrived at the Marquis small mansion," Butler Sebi asks, hoping that he would find the root cause of the problem.

"Nothing happened, I only buy her favorite fruit, strawberry, at the wet market, and she eats it with Mary. After that, we went back to buying everything that we needed there for five days. Then we proceed to the Marquis mansion," Sir Aloit explains as Butler Sebi nods.

"It does strange. I can't find any trace of a problem," Butler Sebi mentions.

"I know me too. That is why I am still wondering and concerned," Sir Aloit confess as Butler Sebi nods.

"Lord Marthen and Madam Rose must know this problem," Butler Sebi mentions, and Sir Aloit nods.

"Yeah, I will tell them what happened tomorrow," Sir Aloit reply.

"What about the Physician who tends to her," Butler Sebi asks, somewhat concern.

"Don't worry, I already leave it to Mary," Sir Aloit answer.

"What? What did you guys do to the Physician?"

"As usual, we can't afford to leak an entertaining issue about the Marquis, daughter," Sir Aloit continues as Butler Sebi listens to him very well.

"So Mary already makes him quiet. Before he spread a spider web everywhere," Sir Aloit mentions answer as Butler Sebi looks at him stress upon hearing his response to the question. Butler Sebi deep sighs and asks another question again.

"What about the Physician family?" Butler Sebi asks.

"Are you doubting my capability to clean something right now?" Sir Aloit asks Butler Sebi as he feels offended by Butler Sebi's words.

"No, I'm not. I am only asking for your guy's safety. Even if you guys kill the poor man, do you think his family won't find justice for him? What if they found his body? What will you guys do then?" Butler Sebi reasoned out as Sir Aloit deep sigh then smirk at him.

"He's an old man already, and according to Mary, that middle-aged man was alone all his life, so we're safe," Sir Aloit answer Butler Sebi then sigh in relief, but his face still shows concern.

"Did Mary say that information to you on hand or after you guys dispatch the middle-aged man," Butler Sebi asks.

"After, why you got a problem with that?" Sir Aloit asks as Butler Sebi deep sigh again, super stressed now.

"That's very dangerous. The next time you guys do that. You all must remember to check the person's background first before cleaning them up, understand?" Butler Sebi reminded him.

"I know, I know your such a worry-wart person. You're a guy, don't be so overdramatic on things that are simple to deal with," Sir Aloit mentions as Butler Sebi sigh in relief.

"I'm only concern for your guys on well," Butler Sebi reason.

"Don't worry, I've been working for the Marquis family for long years already, and this field of work is not new to me," Sir Aloit mentions as Butler Sebi only looks at him with a worried expression. 

"Aiyooo, stop looking at me with those worried eyes. I'm old already when death comes at me. I am always ready. Come on. You take a rest now. I will go back home and rest as well. I see you all again tomorrow," Sir Aloit mentions as he stood up from the couch. Butler Sebi deep sigh and smile at Sir Aloit. 

"Okay, take care on your way back home, Sir Aloit," Butler Sebi mentions as he also stood up to the couch and went over to Sir Aloit, then hug him out of nowhere, which causes Sir Aloit to get startled and surprised. 

"What are you doing right now? Your acting weird," Sir Aloit panic.

"I'm sorry, but I can't help but to hug you because I remember my father to you," Butler Sebi reasoned as Sir Aloit then sighs in relief and relaxed, hugging Butler Sebi back. 

"Okay, hug me then, but make it fast, okay?" Sir Aloit respond.

"Em, I will," Butler Sebi reply, taking his time hugging Sir Aloit.

"But you know, I'm not that old, right?" Sir Aloit asks as Butler Sebi giggled at his words and nod. Sir Aloit then sighs in relief upon receiving Butler Sebi's response to his words. 

"But Sir Aloit," Butler Sebi call while still hugging Sir Aloit. 

"Hm?" Sir Aloit respond.

"About what you said a minute ago,"

"Hm? What did I say a minute ago?"

"About you being always ready when death comes at you,"

"Yes, what about it?"

"You know you didn't mean it, right?"

"Hm? How can you say that I didn't mean those words I said a minute ago?"

"Because I know you will never leave Miss Vendia alone until she builds her own family," Butler Sebi mentions as Sir Aloit breaks the hug and looks straight at Butler Sebi, smiling.

"Your clever, and you are right," Sir Aloit responds as Butler Sebi smile back at him.

"I am always clever," Butler Sebi reply.

"Right, I have to go now, sleep well," Sir Aloit mentions as he pats Butler Sebi's head and leaves.

"You sleep well too, Sir Aloit," Butler Sebi mentions as he went to change his clothes into a comfortable one to sleep.

On the Duke residence King Phantrel already inside their mansion, waiting in the guest room.

"Your Majesty, welcome," Duke starts the conversation as his wife sat beside him on the opposite couch.

"Yes, thank you for welcoming me into your warm and neat home, even though I came here without telling you all a headnote," King Phantrel responds.

"Oh, we are okay about it. We always sleep late here, Your Majesty," Duchess Aerwen mentions.

"Then I will intrude for a bit," King Phantrel reply, smiling.

"Your Majesty, before everything else, I want to apologize first because my daughter Cathlen can't join us today," Duke Thranduil inserted.

"Yes, she is already asleep," Duchess Aerwen mentions.

"Is okay. I won't be staying here long also, so I will get straight to the point. I came here to talk about my son's engagement to your daughter," King Phantrel mentions as they all look at him, shocked.

"Well, I presume you all already know, base on your reaction, and you both accept it already," King Phantrel added as he looks at them, serious.

"I apologize, Your Majesty. There are just some things that we can't predict and can't control," Duke Thranduil apologize as King Phantrel nod.

"But I want to ask something because my daughter came back home crying from the prince's palace. Did something happened at their dance practice earlier?" Duchess Aerwen asks, concern.

"I don't know the entire story, but all I can say is that my son is no longer wants your daughter to be his future wife," King Phantrel mentions. He doesn't want to share the things that he and his son were talking about earlier. Duke Thranduil and Duchess Aerwen look at each other, surprised.

"Wh-what? Is that for sure?" Duchess Aerwen asks for assurance.

"Yes, and about their dance practice. There's no need to do that anymore. I only want your daughter to escort my son on a grand entrance tomorrow and nothing more than that,"

"We understand," Duke Thranduil responds as Duchess Aerwen wears a disappointed expression.

"I will announce their break engagement to everyone. After I talk to your daughter alone inside my office to make sure there are no more denial aspects. Because there's no turning back after announcing it," King Phantrel mentions.

"Your right, thank you, your majesty, for considering my daughter," Duke Thranduil respond, feeling glad that the king is not against breaking the engagement.

"Your both welcome, well then. I don't want to intrude longer. I will go now," King Phantrel stood up from the couch, smiling at them.

"Thank you for coming here and for informing us, your majesty," Duke Thranduil respond.

"Oh, there's no hassle. You are my trusted friend and alliance after all," King Phantrel mentions.


"Take care on your way back home, your majesty," Duchess Aerwen inserted.

"Thank you. I will. I see you all tomorrow at my wife's anniversary banquet," King Phantrel mentions as he shakes hands with Duke Thranduil and Duchess Aerwen, then leaves the guest room with his two trusted guards tailing him.

Back to a guest room, Duke Thranduil and Duchess Aerwen both sigh in relief knowing, that King Phantrel accepts the whole breaking engagement thing in peace.

"I'm glad..." Duchess Aerwen mentions.

"Yeah, me too. But I wonder what happened. Why the Prince already agrees on breaking their engagement," Duke Thranduil mentions.

"Your right," Duchess Aerwen answer in deep thought for a second but averted it back to her calm mind as she continues talking.

"Well, whatever it is… I'm sure that's connected to our daughter's behavior earlier, and I am worried," Duchess Aerwen reply.

"Don't worry, we will ask her tomorrow, but for now. We must go rest is getting late," Duke Thranduil propose as Duchess Aerwen nod then they leave to go back to their shared chamber and sleep.

To be continued.

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