"Good question, but I can't answer. I am in a hurry. We will see each other again soon. Don't worry," The man said as he dashes to Mary like a flash, making Mary surprised. Then he punches through Mary's stomach and cuts through her right arm using his blade. Mary then falls to the ground, aching and hissing in pain to her stomach and her right arm as she looks over to the man who wears an assassin cloth with a fierce expression.

"That's cut in your right arm is for killing the variable person into our Kingdom, see ya, practice more so we can duet once again, okay?" The man mentions as he hops into the carriage and takes Sir Alfredo's body away with him.

"COME BACK HERE!" Mary shouts in her piss-off voice as she tried to stand up. But fail because the pain she feels still rule inside her body. Mary stays to the ground for three seconds, and when Mary feels the pain already easing. She then stands up and hops back to the carriage, then checks the wound in her right arms.

'Ugh... he cut deep into my arm! URGH! I will kill you if we ever meet again. I swear to god whomever you ar-' Mary thought, irritated as she hisses in pain.

"Ugh, I need to stop the bleeding first. I must not let Sir Den see this, or else I will cost another problem again. I already made a mistake today. I can't add another," Mary utter to herself as she cut half of his maid outfit and tied it to the wound on her right arm to reduce the blood flowing out. And it works, Mary then wipes all the blood that has scattered to the carriage, and after that, she then went inside the carriage to get a plain cloth to cover her arm part. When Mary's already settled and ready, Mary then rides back to the Marquis small mansion. When she arrived, Sir Den then dash to her in relief.

"Good, your back," Sir Den mentions as Mary goes down to the carriage.

"Yes, I'll be going inside now," Mary responds in pace as she refrains herself from showing discomfort in front of Sir Den. She hurried to go inside the mansion, not waiting for Sir Den's reply.

"What's up with her," Sir Den wonders as he felt something wrong about Mary's actions, but he shoved it off by feeding his horse a carrot.

"Are you guys tired already? I'm sorry I let her borrow you all for a second..." Sir Den continue talking to the horse while Mary went back to her room, changing her clothes, cleaning herself, and wiping off the blood to her arms as she then aids it. After that, she went downstairs into the kitchen to drink some water while she convinces herself to act normal in front of Lady Vendia.

After one hour, she calms down and saw Sir Aloit heading towards the kitchen.

"Sir Aloit?" Mary called, thinking about whether she tells everything that happened, but she saw Sir Aloit's hurried expression, so she tells herself.

Maybe later

"Oh, Mary. Pack up all the things we bought earlier and ask the coachman to put it inside the carriage," Sir Aloit instruct her.

"Huh? But why?" Mary asks, confused.

"Vendia wants to go home," Sir Aloit answer.

"Right now? But it's already night, and we just got here," Mary asks, surprised.

"I know, but I can sense something strange is going on," Sir Aloit suspicion.

"What do you mean, Sir Aloit?"

"The way she speaks to me, I can sense desperation and fear, but I don't know why. I need to figure it out, but for now, we need to leave because if this place causes it, then we need to go back home straight away," Sir Aloit answers.

"But, what about the person she wants to meet again?" Mary asks.

"She said not to worry about it," Sir Aloit answer.

"Okay, I understand," Mary replied.

"I need to go back upstairs to bring her some drinking water. I will go down to help you after I deliver this water to her,"

"Okay, Sir Aloit," Mary answer and then hurried on to do what Sir Aloit asks her to do.

Mary then went to meet Sir Den, who's feeding a horse at the moment. And everything goes smooth after that. Tell the next day comes.

"Sir Den, I'm back, and I caught a deer on my way back. Help me clean it u-oh, Miss and Sir Aloit, are you guys already hungry?" Mary arrived carrying dried woods and dead deer on her left shoulder. Vendia looks at her, stunned.

"Oh, yes, perfect. As always, you are amazing, Mary. Sir Den accompanies Miss Vendia for me. I will help Mary instead," Sir Aloit proposes, and they then went outside the tent and into the back.

"Sir Aloit, I'm sorry," Mary apologies kneeling as Sir Aloit looks at her confused.

"Why are you kneeling? Stand up this instant!" Sir Aloit demand as Mary then stood up but still looking down to the ground, ashamed for making a mistake.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me, Sir Aloit,"

"Why are you apologizing?" Sir Aloit asks as Mary raised her head and looks at him with tears in her eyes.

"I made a mistake," Mary confess, as Sir Aloit looks at her, shocked and anxious, but he maintains his posture.

"What kind of mistake?" Sir Aloit asks, using his calm tone of voice.

"Someone came after I kill the Physician," Mary mentions.

"WHAT?" Sir Aloit raises his voice from worried.

"I'm sorry, Sir Aloit," Mary apologies in pace.

"Who is it? Did you see the face of the person?" Sir Aloit asks can't control his anxious self anymore.

"No, because the person is wearing an assassin cloth, but his voice sounds like a man," Mary answers as she continues crying. Sir Aloit deep sigh stress.

"Fuck!" Sir Aloit curse, holding his head up with his right hand, anxious.

"I'm sorry, Sir Aloit," Mary apologies again within her sobs as Sir Aloit deep sighs.

"What about the physician body?"

"He takes it with him," Mary answer as Sir Aloit felt unbelievable right now.

"Haaa, what did you say?" Sir Aloit ask heaving a trembling sigh as he felt even more stress from Mary's response.

"I'm sorry, Sir Aloit," Mary kneels to the ground once again, crying and apologizing as Sir Aloit felt like he's going crazy. He holds his head, using his left arm while looking up at the sky, calming himself down. When he already calm, he looks back at Mary and speaks again.

"Stand up," Sir Aloit demand as Mary then stood up with her trembling body, crying.

"I'm sorry, Sir Aloit," Mary keeps apologizing as Sir Aloit keeps heaving a sigh.

"Is okay. Stop crying. Don't blame yourself is not your fault. I should be the one who had done the dirty job. Did you get the physician background?" Sir Aloit mentions, asking.

"Yes, his name is Sir Alfredo, no relatives, no family, and no lovers. But..." Mary stops in the middle of her sentence, looking at Sir Aloit with fear.

"But, what?" Sir Aloit asks, impatient.

"But the person I fought the other day said that Sir Alfredo is their variable person to their kingdom," Mary mentions as Sir Aloit heave a long sigh once again, feeling even more stress again.

"I'm so, sorry, Sir Al-"

"Stop apologizing, is all right. Don't worry. I will handle the rest, stop crying and calm down everything will be all right, understand?" Sir Aloit mentions as he pats Mary's right shoulder with his right arm, calming her down.

"Yes, I understand, Sir Aloit," Mary answer.

"Good, wipe away your tears. We need to stay alert because our enemy is still unknown to us," Sir Aloit mentions in a demanding tone of voice.

"Em," Mary answer nodding as she wipes her tears away.


"How's the wound in your right arm?" Sir Aloit asks, concern.

"My wound is not throbbing pain anymore, but it still stings pain sometimes when I do the work," Mary mentions.

"I see, don't worry. After, I explain things to Lord Marthen and Madam Rose. I'm sure they will give you time to rest," Sir Aloit reply.

"Thank you, Sir Aloit," Mary responded, smiling at him.

"Nah... don't mention it. Did you already clean your wound and change the bandage?" Sir Aloit asks, concern.

"Yes, I did," Mary answer.

"Okay, that's good then. I better go now. Rest well, don't think so much about what happened. I will handle the rest," Sir Aloit mentions as he went close to the door, then leave in haste.

Back at the Astrod Kingdom, King Phantrel arrived with his people at his palace and hopped down to the horse.

"You all can go back to your respective position," King Phantrel demand to all his people.

"Yes!" All his people reply in sync as they vowed at him, then leave.

After releasing his people, he then strides away to go to Butler Sed quarter alone. After three minutes of walking, he arrived in front of the door, then knocks.


"Come in already. Why are you still knocking? I know already that's you. Because you are the only person who comes at my quarter late at night," Butler Sed mentions as King Phantrel went inside, then locks the door from the inside.

To be continued.

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