"How's your visit to the Duke residence?" Butler Sed asks King Phantrel as he's busy changing the bedsheet that he used the other day. King Phantrel went over to him. Then back hug him.

"It went well, but..." King Phantrel stops in the middle of his sentence. Butler Sed wonders why then turned around as he clings to King Phantrel's shoulders using his hands while King Phantrel still hugging his waist.

"But?" He asks, curious.

"Kiss me first, and I tell you," King Phantrel tease him.

"Oh, you want to play trade?" Butler Sed mentions smirking at him as he continues clinging onto him.

"Yes, so much," King Phantrel reply, not denying it as Butler Sed then cling tight into him, tiptoes, and drowned his face close to King Phantrel to kiss him. When their lips already touch, Butler Sed then takes a glimpse at the lower tip of King Phantrel's lips and bites it, causing King Phantrel to be startled and trembled in pain.

"Ew! Ow! Ah! Okeh, okeh. I understand, stop biting my lip," King Phantrel plead while hissing from pain as he let go of Butler Sed's waist. Butler Sed also let go of his lower lip and stop clinging to him.

Butler Sed smile, feeling satisfied upon giving his lover his right medicine just now.

"Good, now. Sit on the couch and tell me everything that happened from start to finish. Make it short because, is already late, and I need to wake up early tomorrow for the preparations," Butler Sed demand as he pointed his right index hand towards the couch beside his bed. King Phantrel then nod while he caresses his lower lip, whose still throbbing pain.

"Sit," Butler Sed repeat demand as King Phantrel then went over to him, and they sat on the couch together.

"My son told me to break his engagement to the Duke's daughter because Lady Cathlen confesses to him earlier that she did not love him and that she is only using him for her father's benefits," King Phantrel explains as Butler Sed looks at him, confused.

"But you ask her before she signed the papers, right?" Butler Sed asks.

"Yes, I wonder what happened for her to change her mind and do things in rash without thinking twice," King Phantrel respond.

"Maybe you should ask her first before announcing their break engagement tomorrow," Butler Sed suggests.

"Yes, that is what I will do tomorrow," King Phantrel reply.

"So this means that you and your son are on good terms now," Butler Sed asks.

"Well, you could say that yeah. But still in process," King Phantrel respond.

"Good for you then, at least is progressing," Butler Sed reply.

"Yeah, your right. Thank you for pursuing me to talk to my son four hours ago,"

"Your welcome. Is that all the thing that you and your son were talking about earlier inside his chamber?" Butler Sed asks.

"No, there's one more thing," King Phantrel mentions.

"What is it,"

"He asks me why I choose you instead of his mother," King Phantrel mentions as Butler Sed looks at him, shocked.


"I explain everything to him from the very beginning, but it gets cut because he spaces out of nowhere. So I told him, let's talk further tomorrow, and I ask him if we could have breakfast inside the dining room tomorrow with you..." King Phantrel mentions, and Butler Sed only looks at him surprised.

"Wh-what did you say? Why would you request such a thing that your son can't approve of," Butler Sed asks and complains as he looks at King Phantrel with unbelievable expression.

"I know, I know, but you know what his response was?" King Phantrel asks, showing a pleasant and exciting aura.

"Tell me he rejected, right?" Butler Sed responds, not surprised.

"No, he accepted it," King Phantrel reply as Butler Sed looks at him, stunned. King Phantrel continues talking.

"Right? We have the same expression. I thought about his going to reject my request. That he will feel disgusted, but he didn't. My son looks at me with sincerity and a warm smile," King Phantrel mentions as he stood up from the couch full of delight and gladness, but Butler Sed still felt uncertain and worried.

"Are you certain that he accepted your request?" He asks for assurance as King Phantrel only nods as a response to his words.

"Don't worry. I'm sure my son meant nothing ill upon responding to my request. I'm his father," King Phantrel mentions sitting back on the couch as he shoulders Butler Sed and pats his head to calm his thoughts down.

"Okay, but I will sit beside you tomorrow," Butler Sed demand as King Phantrel nod.

"Okay, so can I get my genuine kiss now?" King Phantrel mentions, but Butler's Sed only gives an eye-rolled at him as a response.

"Awe... come on. Pleeease," King Phantrel, acting cute in front of him like a puppy.

"Stop it, is not cute is disgusting, your already old. Get out in my chamber now. I'm already tired," Butler Sed's bitter reply as he stood up from the couch then went to his bed, not knowing that King Phantrel is following behind him. When he lay down, King Phantrel then hover over him, making Butler Sed startled.

"Wh-" Butler Sed can't utter a right word because of so much surprise as King Phantrel only chuckled then grin.

"You said I am old. Shall we test it to confirm, shall we?" King Phantrel responds, smirking as he went on kissing Butler Sed's left neck.

"Hahaha, stop! It tickles," Butler Sed demand laughing as he keeps pushing King Phantrel away from him using his both hands while he feels tickles because King Phantrel keep kissing his both side of his neck, forehead, both eyes, nose, both cheeks, and chin. After two minutes, King Phantrel stops what his doing then stares at him with an intense stare. Butler Sed wonders King Phantrel stops as he looks at him for a second then smirks.

"What, tired already? See? I am right you are ol-" Butler Sed can't finish his sentence because King Phantrel deep kisses him, not giving any cautions or warning, and their night goes on full of fogs, smoke, and candies.

The next day at the Astrod Kingdom inside the dining room, silence and awkwardness failed the air for a while as Prince Adam then breaks it by clearing his throat and complementing the food that they are eating for breakfast.

"The meat is tender and juicy. Father, did the catering for the later event already ready?" Prince Adam asks.

"Ah, yes. Our people, already arranging all the things," King Phantrel answers.

"Great, what is your favorite cuisine in our Kingdom, Butler Sed?" Prince Adam mentions as he opens a conversation with Butler Sed. King Phantrel looks at both of them with a smile engraved on his face. Butler Sed looks at King Phantrel for a minute with a nervous expression while munching his food.

[Go ahead, just be yourself,] King Phantrel mouthed to him as Butler Sed swallow the food he munches a minute ago and look towards Prince Adam with an uncertain expression. King Phantrel holds Butler Sed's left hand, signaling him it will be all right. Prince Adam looks at Butler Sed with an innocent face waiting for his answer.

"Um, before I answer your question. I want to first apologize for being hard on you from the past few years," Butler Sed mentions, apologizing as Prince Adam sighs, then smiles at him.

"Yeah, you were so hard to me, and I know why. Father already explained everything to me the other day. So don't worry about it anymore. I understand why you did it to me, and I forgive you," Prince Adam accepting Butler's Sed apologies. Butler Sed looks at him, surprised for a second, then smiles.

"Thank you, and also, thank you for accepting me to be your father's lover too. I know it's difficult for you to accept the fact that your father is in love with a man," Butler Sed mentions as he averts his look to his plate, feeling nervous.

"Your right is hard, but as time and years pass by. I learned to understand and accept that for loving someone doesn't matter whether it will be a male or female because what matters the most is how much you love and cherish that person," Prince Adam responds as King Phantrel looks at his son, surprised.

"Your right," Butler Sed gives out a wistful smile to Prince Adam, feeling warm about his words.

"As for my mother. I already know that my father will never love her because my mother already told me when I was young that my father already has someone in his heart, and that is you," Prince Adam explains as Butler Sed blush and felt embarrassed for what Prince Adam mentions. Butler Sed got stiff on his chair for a minute. King Phantrel saw it and laugh.

"Pft! Hahahahaha, okay, that's enough, son. Don't make your father Sed explode from embarrassment," King Phantrel mentions as Butler Sed looks at him dumbfounded.

"Wh-what did you say? F-father?" Butler Sed asks, stuttering from shock while wearing the same expression.

"Yeah, you don't like it?" King Phantrel asks back as Prince Adam only looks at them with an admiration smile.

"I-I don't know, don't you think it's too early for that?" Butler Sed answer, blushing so much from the embarrassment.

To be continued.

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