"Is fine. I can practice right now," Prince Adam responds. Butler Sed then looks back at Prince Adam with wide eyes.

"WHAT?" Butler Sed asks with a high pitch voice as he looks at Prince Adam with a surprised and blushing expression. King Phantrel laughs, seeing his lover's cute reaction.

"Erm... uh... Han! Stop your son from making me feel even more embarrassed, or I will explode!" Butler Sed demand as he fidgets, can't take all the emotions he feels inside anymore.

"Hahahhaahha," King Phantrel only reply with a loud laugh.

"Stop laughing! I'm serious!" Butler Sed complains to his lover as Prince Adam looks at them with a buffering and clueless expression, wondering what he did wrong.

"Hahaha ha," King Phantrel can't stop laughing as Prince Adam felt happy upon seeing his father laugh like that for the first time. Because he never, ever once saw his father laugh when he was still a young lad.

His father only wears a plain face. Not even once smiles at him or even laughs together with his mother in the past. But right now, his father is laughing like no one can stop him as he had now felt complete and free.

Prince Adam felt his heartthrob in pain for a minute upon thinking that. Maybe his father's actions are unfair towards his mother. But Prince Adam can't bring himself to hate his father because he understands his father had lost the person he cherishes the most for long and never once knew if he was still alive and for his father the king.

The days, time, year for him are more like a long endurance of agony and pain. And if he even experiences such a thing, Prince Adam thinks that he also might become the same as his father. Prince Adam continues looking at his father in slow motion as he smiles mixed with bitterness inside his heart.

'Nobody's perfects into this world,' He thought.

"So, this is what my father looks and sounds like when he laughs," Prince Adam utter to himself as he continues looking at the two men in front of him, admiring them together, then saw Butler Sed's uncomfortable expression.

Prince Adam thinks of a reason behind Butler Sed's discomfort expression.

'Maybe what I respond earlier was too much for him to take,' He thought. So he got an idea to make Butler Sed not feel embarrassed anymore and back to his usual, sassy.

"Fa- I mean Butler Sed, what you will do when you find out that my father is cheating on you with a woman," Prince Adam asks as his father looks at him with a pressured expression.

King Phantrel shakes his head, signaling his son not to ask that kind of question to Butler Sed as he wears anxious looks on his face. Prince Adam averted his looked to his father and looks towards Butler Sed. Only to see him wear a smirk while looking at his father, the king. He gulps and thought.

'Maybe is too much?'

"Well... if your father does that to me. I don't have to worry because many men want me after all. Am I right, Han?" Butler Sed answers as he continues looking at King Phantrel with a sassy expression. King Phantrel then nods and deep sighs.

"But, you know I will never do that to you," King Phantrel defend.

"I know that is why I am not worried at all," Butler Sed responds with a grin as Prince Adam felt shiver under his spine, feeling the dark emotions of Butler Sed towards the words he asks a minute.

'Maybe I should have just shut up instead of butting in, jeje,' He thought, worried as he speaks to defend his father.

"I'm sure father won't love another person other than you, father Sed," Prince Adam inserted as Butler Sed looks at him with a shocked expression.

'Oh, no. I said, father,' Prince Adam realizes as he sealed his mouth tight then gulp. Butler Sed saw Prince Adam's discomfort expression then smile at him as he replies, stuttering a bit.

"Y-yes, your right," Butler Sed reply, not denying it as Prince Adam felt a bit of relief upon defending his father's side and seeing Butler Sed smile at him. His father looks at him with a relieved expression as well.

"So what is your favorite cuisine at our Kingdom again fa- I mean," Prince Adam almost said the word father to Butler Sed again.

"Is okay, go ahead, you can call me father. Your right may be practicing it now is better than later," Butler Sed permits him at last as Prince Adam then nods and gives a sincere smile to him.

"Oh ho ho ho, don't be so sweet towards my son. I am here," King Phantrel complain as Butler Sed only look at him and reply an eye roll. Prince Adam looks at them as he chuckled, feeling overwhelmed upon seeing his father acting like a child for the first time.

'Accepting this person is not bad as I expected it to be because of him. I get to see the things that I haven't known or see to my father. My father seems different when he is with him. What a refreshing and heartwarming feeling. I love it,' Prince Adam thought.

"So what is your favorite cuisine at our Kingdom again, father Sed?" He asks his previous question for a third time as Butler Sed is now in his usual self and has felt no discomfort or uneasy feeling towards Prince Adam anymore. He smiles and replies.

"My favorite cuisine at our Kingdom is the buko pie and roasted pig," Butler Sed answer.

"A buko pie? That's my favorite too. My mother used to bake that every afternoon for me as a snack," Prince Adam responds, happy but Butler Sed and King Phantrel look at him with a sad expression making the room in silence and have a heavy atmosphere again.

'Uh... okay, maybe not the right choice of words, let's change it,' He thought.

"Um, maybe you can bake me some of your buko pie recipes, father Sed, for me to try next time we had breakfast," Prince Adam lightening the mood inside the dining room as Butler Sed and King Phantrel smiled again and got back to their cheerful self.

"Yeah, I can. You don't have any food allergy, right?" Butler Sed asks as Prince Adam nods, answering his questions. Then their morning continues with glee as King Phantrel looks at both of them full of happiness and delight, seeing his two people in his life getting along and accepting each other as they continue talking while eating their breakfast like a complete happy family.

At the Marquis residence, Vendia wakes up upon feeling someone caressing her head. She opened her eyes and saw her mother sitting beside her as her father, standing beside her mother, wearing a gentle smile. She sat up and blinked her eyes for clear vision.

"Mother? Father?" She calls within her sleepy voice.

"Did you sleep well, sweetheart?" Madam Rose asks as Vendia nods and hugs her.

"I miss you both, mother and father," She mentions.

"We miss you more, sweetheart," Lord Marthen inserted as he also joins their hug. For three minutes, they hug then went back on talking.

"Sir Aloit told us earlier that something happened to you. How are you feeling right now? Are you okay now?" Madam Rose asks concern as Vendia look at her mother, surprised.

"He already told you both about what happened to me?" She asks.

"Yes, he went to our chamber early this morning and told everything that happened to us about why you guys went back home," Lord Marthen answer.


"Yes, so how are you feeling now?" Madam Rose asks again.

"I am feeling well now, mother. Don't worry," Vendia answers as she smiles at them.

"Right, mother, the banquet is today, right?" She added, changing the topic and atmosphere inside the room.

"Oh, right? I almost forget about that. Do you want to buy a new dress to wear later?" Madam Rose asks as Vendia nods, full of excitement.

"That's great. I am not busy today. Maybe I can accompany you both today," Lord Marthen mentions as Vendia stood up from her bed, then embraced her father with excitement.

"Yay! Family bonding," Vendia mentions as Madam Rose looks at her daughter and husband's cute interaction while she giggled, happy upon having this moment with her daughter and husband when a knock on the door disturbed them.

"Who is it?" Madam Rose asks.

"Madam is me, Sebi. You all breakfast is ready at the dining room already," Sir Sebi responds outside the door, informing them.

"Okay, we will be right there," Madam Rose reply.

"I will get change first, mother and father. I will join you both after," Vendia mentions as she let go of her father. Lord Marthen and Madam Rose then nod as a knock on the door again rings inside her chamber. They all look at the door.

To be continued.

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