HOTD: Legacy

Chapter 24 - Fort Morningstar

A/N: Guys, I am back... today I cut off the cast on my fingers and it was really sore. F.u.c.k... I don't want to experience this again... more than pain, the irritation of unable to use my hand and fingers is really annoying.

I also selected something normal and as simple as the base's name. @ShadowFlamePhoenix thank you for recommending the name.


It was almost morning, the bright and warm sunlight fell over the airport. It was a quite beautiful scene, usually, there would be flights taking off from the runway and the main airport building would be filled with travelers. Some might be taking a flight for a business trip and someone else might be taking a flight for some vacation along with their friends or families. Though the building was still filled with people but, none of them were traveling anywhere. All of them were here because they were seeking refuge here.

The whole place was filled with the groaning and growling of zombies who were crawling outside the concrete wall. Some men were still keeping watch, such four snipers were stationed on the room and two men were on the balcony by the 50 cal. Some men were even roaming outside the building. Every one of them was carrying assault rifles and a service revolver. A fire could be still seen burning over a heap, this heap was made up of dead bodies of zombies, nothing much was left now. Each time they open the main gates for someone, some zombies would enter the base. They were immediately disposed of and put up in a pile and lit up.

Inside a room, a young man with silver hair woke up due to sun rays hitting his face. He was sleeping with three women, he moved the pink-haired woman from the top of him with the utmost care and took out a cigarette from his space and lit it up. Feeling the bed moving the girls also woke up.

Saeko: Good morning Danna-sama.

Saeko said and kissed Nick on his lips, followed by Saya and Shizuka. Soon the four of them got up and sat on the bed looking outside at the rising sun. It would be really beautiful if the runways won't be filled with rising dead. It was quite a regular sight for them since it has been a week since they have taken over the base.

The Mayor's group of survivors have joined their base a few days ago after the mayor and his bodyguards died by falling on the floor or some unlucky event. At first, they tried to cause distress but soon were taken care of when they were told that if they don't follow the rules they would be thrown out of the base. Reluctantly they agreed with the arrangements were done for them.

Five days ago the leaders of the group had a meeting to determine the basic rules for their base.


Yuriko: Phew... finally...!! Now let's discuss the remaining stuff since everything else is taken care of.

Soichiro: Yes... so Nick, what do you think we should we do next?

Nick: Mother, did you get all the staff you needed?

Yuriko: Yes... currently, I have enough people to take care of the current population of our base.

Nick: What about you Shion?

Shion: I have also taken care of everything on my end.

Nick: So, now let's discuss about the rules that are needed. First of all, we need to divide the group of survivors into three groups... the soldiers, the citizens, and the refugees.

Soichiro: I still don't think that this will be welcome... this could cause distress within the survivors.

Nick: If we don't do this then by the end of this month we won't be having a single soldier to fight against the zombies.

Soichiro: ...Fine... go on.

Nick, Yuriko, and Shion nodded after Soichiro finally agreed. All four of them knew that this was necessary for the continuation of survival of their group. Shion was a policewoman, at first she didn't completely agree with this idea but after she saw how the Mayor's group of survivors reacted after joining them it was needed. All of them knew that this might not be fair to the survivors but the society was never fair. If you don't work then you don't get money, after the apocalypse the money has lost all the value and food has taken its place.

Nick: These will be only given daily food ration so that they can survive, the everyday products necessary for survival would also be minimum, they also cant approach the opposite gender with the exception of married couples...

Nick looked at the other three leaders and when they didn't show any reaction Nick decided to continue speaking.

Nick: Next will be the citizens, these people will receive 3 daily food rations. But in return, they must perform some work that this camp offers. The doctors and their family will be in this group if they continue to keep working and the family members of the soldiers who died will also be in this group. Their rations and everyday necessary products will be insufficient quantities so that they can lead a life without any problems, they can also approach the opposite gender when both the parties are agreeing. They don't need to fight against the zombies...

Nick again paused and looked at the other three leaders and saw them nodding so Nick continued speaking.

Nick: Finally the soldiers, will be able to eat they are completely satisfied, they don't have to worry about utensils and regular necessary products and their spouses will be also treated in the same manner and privileges. They can also approach the opposite gender but only if both parties have their consent. We will only recruit the total number of 300 soldiers including the ones we already have.

Yuriko: I think this will be fine... A lot of these survivors will be able to get these jobs. Some jobs need some training but i will take care of that.

Shion: Wait, we need to discuss about another topic. What do I do to the people who commit crime? I can't imprison them because it will just become our burden.

Soichiro, Yuriko, and Shion turned towards Nick. Nick understood the meaning of that, the three of them were waiting for his decision.

Nick: ...The people who will commit some minor crime like stealing or something similar to that, make them fight on the frontlines. The people who will commit serious crimes like **** or murder, just throw them out of the base.

Yuriko: Uhm... Shion-san, you can give me people who commit some minor crimes like fighting or stuff... i have some jobs for them.

Nick: And father, as usual, you will manage the soldiers and get some of your most trusted men to recruit the remaining vacancy. I think this will be enough.

Soichiro: I am fine with this... but when will we go for the military base? We dont have enough weapons for the 300 hundred soldiers.

Nick: Let the survivors settle down under the new rule, after they get used to this, then I will take my team and some of your men to raid the base.

Soichiro: Ok... then i will recruit the soldiers within this week and hand them some melee weapons or revolvers if needed.

Shion: I think that will be fine...

Yuriko: I think, that takes care of this... I will relay the rules to the survivors. Oh... and what do we call our base?

Soichiro: Do we need a name for our base?

Shion: I also think that we would need a name, in future our base will become huge and one of the major bases withing whole Japan. We need a name to be recognized.

Yuriko: Yes... I don't know if other bases have anyone with superpowers or not but we have already seen what these zombies can do. If not for Nick, we might have been already dead. And due to Nick, our base will continue to grow and flourish in future.

Nick: I also think that we should have a name... but I dont have any particular ideas.

Shion: ...Fort Morningstar... we can call this base Fort Morningstar since we are all alive due to Nick here and this base will keep standing because of Nick.

Yuriko: That's a good name...

Soichiro: I am fine with it.

Nick: Then let's call it a day for now.

After that the four them got up from their chairs and leave the room. Shion called Nick to talk privately.

Shion: I have decided to be with you... but i want to take things slowly if you dont mind.

Nick: Why would i mind that? Take as much as time as you want.

Shion: I won't make any excuses in front of you, as you can already see I have been made a leader of the base by you and now i dont have any time.

Nick chuckles hearing Shion's rant. Shion glares at Nick but Nick just pulls her into his arms and hugs her while patting her back. Shion didn't struggle within his embrace and rests her head on his chest. Nick continues to pat her head and kisses her forehead.

Nick: Don't worry, there is nothing to hurry... I made you a leader because I knew that no one will be better than you in this department.

Shion: If you say it like that, then I will do my best... now I need to go. I have a lot of things to do.

After saying that Shion walks away.


Since that day, Shion regularly spends some alone time with Nick. Most of the time she stays busy because of her duties but when she gets off of her duty she would find Nick and spend some time with him. Saeko, Saya, and Shizuka would usually leave her to spend some time with Nick, when she comes they would tactfully retreat to do other jobs and stuff.

Nick was brought out of his thoughts when his phone started to ring. Nick picked up the phone and saw it was his mom, only his family will call him so he has already accepted the call.

Ashley: How are you, Nick?

Nick: I am fine mom.

Ashley: We are having a family barbeque today... so why dont you join us along with your wives.

Nick: Let me ask them and I will text you.

Ashley: Ok... take care son.

After that Nick asks the girls that if they want to go or not and they redily agreed. Though they were slightly nervous since they were going to Nick's whole family but Nick assured them it will be fine. Nick decided to take Shion too, she was still a mortal but for him to make her immortal it wont take much time.

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