HOTD: Legacy

Chapter 25 - Family Get Together

Shion: So, you want to make me an immortal so that you can take me with you to your world?

Nick: Yes!!

Shion: Umm... can I ask you something?

Currently, Nick has invited Shion in his room so that he could make her an immortal. But before he did that, he decided to tell her what happened. Saeko, Saya, and Shizuka weren't currently present here since they went to inform others about their trip. Only the Takagi couple would know the complete truth and the rest of the group will only know that they went out to have some alone time.

Nick: You don't need to ask my permission, just ask anything you want.

Shion: ...If you can take us to another world, can't we stay there permanently?

Nick: Nope... you can't, I can only stay here for such a long period because I am Death. If I have been a simple immortal than I couldn't have stayed here for more than a day.

Shion: ...Oh, so it is like that...

Nick: But, all of you can stay in my mother's realm permanently if you want.

Shion: Uh... no. I don't want to leave behind this world and run away from here. I just wanted to know since we will be going to another world.

Nick: Ohhh...

Shion: ...Ok, I am ready.

After that Nick gets up and touches Shion's forehead, darkness covers up her body completely and after a few moments the darkness fades away leaving behind a more stunning and beautiful Shion. Shion gets up and starts to check herself in the mirror.

Nick: So, what do you think of your new looks? Cause this will be permanent.

Shion: ...I cannot express my feelings through words...

Shion was about to speak again when suddenly the door opened and Saeko, Saya, and Shizuka came in.

Nick: Did you girls inform everyone?

The three girls immediately nodded their heads, after that, they went downstairs and Nick took his Range Rover and drove out of the base while Nick killed all the zombies around the gate before driving off.

After reaching some considerable distance all five of them got out of the car and Nick stored the Range Rover in his space before opening a rift in space. Nick asked the girls to enter first and he entered at last after Nick entered the rift it closed without leaving behind a trace.


The four girls were completely stumped after they came to Nick's world. They looked all around, the huge skyscr.a.p.ers, the huge displays showing different kinds of ads, flying cars and bikes and different kind of sh.i.p.s. Nick looked at them and chuckled, the girls even forgot how to breathe. Nick brought his fingers in front of them and snapped his fingers bringing the girls out of the trance.

Saya: ...This is amazing...!!!

Shion: Are those cars flying???!!

Saeko: Even I am impressed after seeing all these...

Shizuka: Hau~... I am feeling dizzy~...

Nick: Let's not wait here... we should head inside.

The five of them were standing outside a huge mansion and they were in the front yard. Luci made this mansion when his kids were small. He wanted them to have a nice house, it was beside the Cafe Morningstar. Even though they usually lived on the top floor of the cafe they treated this house like a vacation home or something similar to that.

Nick didn't knock on the door and directly entered the house, the door wasn't even locked. The five of them entered the house and found it completely empty. Nick already knew that his family and family friends were in the backyard. Soon Nick took the girls to the backyard. Nick's family immediately turned their heads towards Nick and his wives. Seeing all those gazes on themselves the girls became quite nervous but still followed Nick. Shion was the one who was most nervous because Ashley didn't pay her visit as she did to Nick's other wives.

Along with Nick's family, Tony's family and Maria's family was present there too, even Ancient One was there.

Luci: Welcome back, son... it seems that you have been enjoying quite a bit in the other world.

Nick: You can say that...

Only Saya was able to understand what they were speaking, the other girls were confused which was noticed by Tony. Tony took out some earbuds and handed them to the girls and gestured them to use it. As soon as they put in the earbuds they were able to understand English. The earbuds translated for them in real-time. This surprised them quite a bit but Saya was the least bit surprised since she has already seen flying cars and stuff so this wasn't something out of the world.

Soon the girls were greeted by Nick's whole family and their nervousness completely went away. They found Nick's family really welcoming as they treated the four of them as part of their family. They were soon accepted as part of the family too. Nick saw all this while drinking beer which he took out from a nearby cooler. Luci wanted to drink with his son but was completely shut down by his wives. They knew that Luci likes to drink but he was a lightweight so he wasn't allowed to drink.

Soon time passed as they kept enjoying themselves while having barbeque. Nick's girls completely forgot the gloomy environment of their world. They remembered how their world was so they took this time to enjoy themselves. After lunch, everyone decided to drink and get wasted which they did. Luci was the first one to get wasted followed by Maria. It was almost dark when they decided to end the party. Nick stopped Tony from getting wasted since he needed some weapons from him.

Nick: Uncle, can you get me some weapons with aim-bot?

Tony: Come with me kid... and bring your wives too.

Tony and Pepper left towards their house along with Nick and his wives. Tony's daughter was too small to attend these kinds of parties so she wasn't here. Soon all of them reached a huge and entered the building. The girls were stumped to know that this whole building was Tony's house. They entered the elevator and Tony took them to his lab while Pepper didn't wait and went to her daughter. Tony asked Jarvis to show schematics to the girls so that they can choose the designs of weapons they like.

As Nick already knew Saeko wasn't interested in weapons since Nick has already gifted her a weapon. Though she was much more interested in the cell phone which Nick used so Nick has already told her that he would buy her a cell phone. Saya and Shion were completely busy to choose their weapons.

Shizuka: Nick-chan~... You know that I am not good with weapons, right~?

Nick: Don't worry, there is a solution for that too.

Nick asked Tony for homing bullets which would be programmed for headshots. If a zombie with intelligence saw this deal then it would surely curse Nick and Tony about cheating. But there weren't any rules about that, so who cares. Soon everything was done, Tony gave Nick one hundred thousand homing bullets for handguns. Saya, Shizuka, and Shion choose handguns because that would be easy to carry. Tony programmed a kind of biometric locks on the weapons so that they could only be used by their respective owners.

After that, Nick took the girls towards the mobile store. He decided to give each of his girls' cell phones. Soon this was also taken care of, Nick has already told Ashley that he would be leaving. Nick entered a dark alley and opened a rift in space and went back to the world of Zombie World along with his girls. They came out in the middle of the street and found one or two zombies roaming around aimlessly.

Saya: Let's test these guns.

Saya voiced out her opinion, Shion also nodded her head in agreement since they really wanted to know how the homing bullets and aim-bot guns worked. Shizuka was also slightly interested even if she didn't like to use weapons and kill zombies.

Saya pulled out her gun and she was amazed to see that the gun forced her hand to point towards the zombie. Shion was also amazed when the sea thing happened with her gun too. Both of them fired their guns and saw the bullet blast the heads of the zombies. They forced their hands to turn slightly and fired again and stumped to see the bullet turn in the air and pierce the head of the zombies.

Saya: This is so amazing... if I didn't use this gun by my own hands then I would have never believed that these kinds of weapons could be made.

Shion: This is truly amazing and quite fascinating, if we could give these kinds of weapons to everyone in our group then it would be awesome.

Saeko: Shion-san, I have to disagree with you there.

Saya: Me too...

Shion: Why??!! A lot of lives will be saved if we give every soldier these kinds of weapons.

Saya: Yes... I also agree that we could save a lot of lives if everyone is given these kinds of weapons but our backward world isn't ready for these kinds of weapons.

Saeko: If people find that killing zombies is easy as this and without any risks then they will stop fearing this apocalypse, and if that happens they will start to abuse other peoples who don't have these weapons.

Saya: Nick could control people's soul but even one of them are able to get away with these weapons then he could easily overpower other groups to follow him and humans are always greedy and selfish didn't you see that a few days ago.

After both Saya and Shion finished speaking, Shion understood completely and nodded her head. Nick decided to not intervene in their conversations and Shizuka as usual was in her own world humming some unknown song. Nick felt that was really cute and starts to pat her head which made Shizuka even more happy. After that, the girls tested their weapons for a couple of hours and decided to return back. It was still morning because they returned at the moment they left.

Nick took out his car and went towards their base.

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