HOTD: Legacy

Chapter 26 - Military Base (I)

Three days have passed since Nick and the girls came back from the trip. Saya wrote down everything about the trip in her diary which she gave to Nick so that he could keep in his storage space so that no one could see those notes about a different world and futuristic world. After they returned the Takagi couple asked Saya about Nick's world. After hearing everything from her the Takagi couple was happy that Nick's family accepted Saya.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, they still had enough resources for two months. Their fuel reserves were also more than enough for a few months since they acquired the fuel from the airport and Nick also brought barrels of fuel. They kept most of the generators off during the day and only used them for necessary things such as refrigerators and radio room. They only used vehicles if they needed to carry heavy stuff and things.

Since morning Fort Morningstar was completely busy, all the soldiers were roaming everywhere while helping with various stuff. Citizens were also doing their jobs. Today was the day the leaders have decided to raid the Military Base. Soichiro and Nick will be leading the team while Yuriko and Shion will hold down the fort. In these few days, their base had developed a lot but they still needed weapons and soldiers. Since Nick will be there, they decided to use the least amount of men in the reading team.

Nick: Is everything ready?

Nick asked Yuriko who was directing the men to load some emergency food for the team. Yuriko has decided to give each soldier some emergency ration that they could use whenever they feel like it. And the main ration for the team will be in Nick's storage space.

Yuriko: Yes... After Soichiro gets the men ready you will be ready to leave?

Nick: Good... Rika-san, you will be directing the whole team because only you know where all the resources are stored.

Rika: Nick-chan, how many times I have told you to call me Rika, and don't worry I will direct the team.

Nick has to commend Rika for her persuasiveness, he finally decided to give in and call Rika without using any honorifics. Nick never cared about these kinds of stuff due to his western culture but he found it nice when Rika got annoyed by this and Nick really enjoyed that.

Nick: Fine...

Soichiro: We are ready, we can go now.

Nick was about to say more but he was interrupted by Soichiro and decided to tease Rika later. Nick stored the crate for rations in his storage space and boarded his Range Rover, Rika took the shotgun while Saeko, Asami, Kohta, Misuzu, and Toshimi got on the back. Takashi was already scared and he left the front lines and decided to join the group of Citizens. Rei was not sure what to do since she was scared too after seeing everything happening around them. If it had been normal zombies than it would have been alright but now that evolved zombies have started to pop up they were scared completely. Nick's group talked with them a few times but since they have made their decision, Nick's group respected their choice and supported them.

Saeko: Rika, how long will it take us to reach the base?

Rika: Around a couple of hours since some roads are crowded with wasted vehicles.

Nick drove his car towards the main gate followed by Rika's humvee which was being boarded by Soichiro and his men. They didn't take any trucks since they knew that they could store everything in Nick's space.

As soon as the gate was opened the zombies rushed in when were instantly killed by Nick. The men guarding the gates knew that Nick would kill them instantly so they didn't react. Both cars drove out of the base after which the base was closed.

Nick: I have killed a lot of zombies but why the hell their numbers are not decreasing??

Nick asked completely astonished because Nick has killed a lot of zombies but their numbers don't seem to decrease. Nick even started to think that these zombies were popping up as they did in games. No matter how many zombies you kill they will keep up popping.

Rika: Do you even know the population of Tokonosu city??

Kohta: Near four hundred thousand.

Rika: Right... I know that there are nearly forty-five thousand survivors in the base of General Amami, there are around two thousand and five hundred survivors in our base. If there are ten more bases like ours then a total of twenty thousand survivors. So, a total of seventy-eight thousand survivors are there and found the rest as zombies.

Everyone except Nick and Saeko turned completely pale like a sheet of white paper while they continuously trembled.

Rika: So, more than three hundred thousand zombies are roaming in the city.

Nick: I got it...

Misuzu: But how does the military base have so many survivors?

Rika: As soon as the outbreak happened they locked their side of the city and started to evacuate citizens.

Toshimi: No... does that mean that they gave up on us??

Nick: It is a common military tactic. He had two options either he would try to save everyone within this city and the other one, save as much as he can, and give up on the rest of the city.

Rika: As all of you know when the outbreak happened, it started to spread like wildfire so he could only give up on this part of the city.

Nne of them wanted to agree with that but all of them knew that it was the truth in their hearts. Only Nick and Saeko didn't care about this and even if Rika cared she didn't mind because she knew that if General Amami was slightly late in his decision then he would have lost all of his men too. The rest nodded in understanding and became quite. Even someone like Asami understood their situation, even if she was scared she knew as long as she was in this group she would survive.

They finally reached the base and found that it was now crawling with zombies, many of them wore military uniforms. These were the soldiers who had decided to stay back and fight while some were the ones who were turned into zombies at the very beginning. Saeko didn't wait for any signal and jumped out of the car and started to slaughter the zombies. She looked like a death goddess with her blood crimson sword dripping in blood. The rest of the group didn't wait and started to shoot at the nearby zombies.

Nick stopped the car after he entered the premises and heard a loud roar and saw a charger running towards Saeko. Nick didn't bother with it since Saeko could easily kill it. And as Nick has expected Saeko cut the Charger in half vertically. Saeko was completely covered in blood now and she had a smile on her face which could even scare off veteran killers and assassins. Everyone knew about this so they avoided looking at Saeko who was still happily dancing around while cutting off zombies.

Nick: Saeko, you stay outside and kill every zombie you see.

Saeko: Thank you~ Danna-sama~.

Everyone shuddered after they heard Saeko's voice but decided not to bother with it and some even straight out ignored it. Saeko's smile grew wider when she heard that Nick allowed her to stay outside and have fun.

Nick and Soichiro entered the building first while Rika was beside Nick pointing towards the warehouse. Nick spread out his senses since the building was completely dark and didn't want to be surprised. Even if the chance of someone getting killed was extremely low, Nick still decided to keep his senses sharp since precaution was always better than regretting later. Nick didn't kill any zombies and let others kill them since they needed much experience in fighting and Nick could kill each one of them without even moving his hands.

Rika led the group towards the weapons armory first since it was the closest. Soon all of the reached the armory and Nick ripped open the door since they didn't have the key. Nick entered the armory and felt that it was good that they decided to raid this base because he didn't want some other group to have all these weapons. Each and everyone except Nick was completely stupid after they saw all these weapons.

Nick: Kohta, I want the inventory done... all of you help him.

All of the men nodded in understanding and started to spread out throughout the armory. Nick lit up a cigarette and was calmly smoking standing near the gate when suddenly he raised his hand and a huge tongue was stopped. The tongue was coming out of a vent. All of them noticed the tongue because when Nick stopped it, they started to hear nices from the vent. Everyone pointed their guns towards the vent and were about to shoot.

Nick: Wait... let's check first when it is...

Everyone lowered their weapons and nodded in understanding. Nick used his powers and ripped apart the vent and saw something which made everyone else in the room completely pale and they started to tremble while none of them were able to stop their legs from shaking.

Nick: You are one ugly motherf.u.c.ker...

(A/N: Can anyone guess what this zombie is?)

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