HOTD: Legacy

Chapter 40 - Yakuza Base (II)

POV (Nick)

Well I have to say they are quite fast to arrange everything. His men are really loyal if I have to say. I am not going to brag that I can read emotions like my mother but I can sense people's emotions. They have killed a few people but none of their souls are tainted. If I have to say... this is a good thing.

Currently Raiga, Jin, a man who introduced himself as Yashiro who was Raiga's right hand man, and a woman named Junko who was apparently the leader of the group of woman we saw before. Junko held a lot of power, it could be said that she was Raiga's third in command and she was Jin's mistress. Raiga's men set up a huge table and under the shade of a tree and also brought out whiskey for drinks. I appreciate that Raiga... you made a good impression. Raiga's wife also joined the meeting.

Saeko: So what do you think they will do?

Nick: 50-50... can't tell.

Saeko just snorted and chugged the liquor down. I decided not to join in their private meeting so I just asked Raiga's men to set another table at the side. They looked towards Raiga for confirmation who just nodded.

Saeko: There are none in their base who could fight me.

Nick: Is that so? I mean of course you are immortal and all.

Saeko: Even before I became immortal I they couldn't have defeated me. They have just strengthen in numbers, they lack individual quality.

Nick: But group battle also has its value.

Saeko: That they do...

Nick: So Saeko-chan, you have a secretary fetish?

Saeko looked away and blushed means she does and I hit the nail perfectly. She didn't look at me and just nodded her head. Damn Saeko... that's really lethal. We have done is so many times and in so many places, there is no need to hide anything but this side of ours makes me want to eat you now... ahem. I need to control myself I am not an exhibitionist.

Nick: Why don't we try that when returning?

Saeko immediately turned towards me and with a huge smile nodded her head. She looks pretty enthusiastic. We were brought out of our musings by Raiga's group, I guess they have finished discussing.

Raiga: We have decided but before that we have a few things to discuss which might make us change decision.

Nick: Oh... so what are the conditions?

Junko: The first and foremost you already know about my group and what we do. My group still wants to continue our current services to earn their food.

Nick: Why don't you guys give me list and I discuss with all our leaders and come to a decision?

They all looked at each other and nodded.

Nick: Being one of the leader is out of the question...

Raiga: I have thought that and I came to the decision that it isn't important like the safety of my group.

Nick: Well that's good then... let's continue.

After that they wrote down their demands on a slip of paper and handed me. I looked at the demands and thought that it was quite reasonable.

The first demand was what Junko asked me, the second demand was that Raiga wanted all his men who had experience with firearms must be given a position on soldiers, quite reasonable. The third was simple too if men die on the front lines then their families are needed to taken care of, they didn't know that we already have that rule. Of course this being a negotiation I don't want to tell them that this demand isn't needed.

Nick: The second and third demand are quite understandable. You really take care of your men Raiga... I like that. Though the first demand might have slight problems but we will see what can be done.

Raiga: Hahaha... as you said I really care about my men. Though none of those demands are non-negotiable.

Nick: I understand... then Raiga I will be leaving. I will inform you tomorrow of our decisions.

Raiga: Yes yes take your time.

I went towards a open space and took out the APC, both Saeko and me boarded the vehicle and drove out of the base. When we arrived everyone was eying the APC with greed but now none of them did that.

POV (Raiga)

Junko: So, Jin what are the chances of you beating that boy?

Jin: No idea... no freaking idea.

Raiga: What do you mean?

Jin: That guys was abnormal it seems... I didn't get any signal from him. That means two things either that guy is a show off and is useless or he is at such a level I can't even imagine.

Raiga: Then the second option in more understandable...

Yashiro: What about the woman?

Jin: I would have died before I could even know if she pulled out that sword out or not.

All of us were shocked to hear this. Its a good thing that I decided to show friendship towards him. My men will be safe within their group. Obviously some would die from time to time but that is also happening now.

Jin: Even if all of our fighters would have attacked her together we would lose the battle...

Junko: Cmon you must be joking, right?

Raiga: Nope... both of them were very strong. Or else they wouldn't have the courage to come to our base on their own.

Good grief indeed... I turned towards my wife. I really need a lap pillow from her.

POV (Nick)

I guess this is far enough.

Nick: Saeko-chan, stop the APC.

She stops the APC and I took out a secretary dress and gave it to Saeko.

Saeko: Fufufu... do you really like boss secretary that much?? Do you carry this clothes everywhere?

Nick: No comment... why don't you find that out?


Saeko: Fufufu... can we do this again?

Nick: Obviously.

Both of us laying over a blanket which I laid before we started our exercise. Saeko was currently lying over me while I was patting her head, my boss and her secretary clothes were lying by the side. Suddenly I was brought out of my thoughts when my phone started to ring.

Nick: Saya what's up?

Saya: Where are you?

Nick: On my way back...

Saya: Aren't you having your time with that horny dedicated wife?

Nick: ... well that I did.

Saya: Fine... but you need to satisfy us tonight.

Nick: Of course.

After saying that I cut the call and looked towards Saeko who was still grinning like a maniac.

Nick: Saeko-chan let's go back...

Saeko: Fine...

We immediately got dressed in our normal clothes and Saeko drove towards the base. After sometime we reached the base and I immediately called a meeting of leaders.

Yuriko: So what is this meeting about?

I didn't say anything and handed her the list of demands. She read the paper and raised her eyebrow towards me.

Nick: That is the list of demands they gave me if we want them to join their base.

Yuriko: I think it is really reasonable... what do you think Soichiro?

Yuriko handed the paper to Soichiro whose expression changed, I think he didn't like the first option. He handed the paper to Shion, she also didn't react like Yuriko.

Nick: So what do you say? I didn't gave them an answer, I thought that talking with all of you first will be better.

Soichiro: I can't accept with the first demand.

Yuriko: Why? What's the problem? That is their choice and all the soldiers don't have a partner so it is a good way to relieve their stress.

Shion: I also agree with Yuriko-san, even when we were in police we avoided those areas because we knew that those places are important. And in these conditions I think it will be appreciated by our soldiers and we aren't forcing them they want to do this to earn food.

Soichiro looked towards me for support but I just shrugged my shoulders. I completely agree with Yuriko and Shion. Soichiro finally released a sigh.

Soichiro: Fine... I also agree.

Yuriko: Then let's invite them tomorrow...

Nick: I am good with it...

Shion: So this concludes the meeting, right? then let's go.

After that the meeting was adjourned. That was pretty quick if I have to say.

Shion: Nick-kun you and Saeko-chan didn't have lunch right?

Nick: Don't worry I was just heading towards the cafeteria.

Shion: Oh... I was saying that I asked them to keep your favorite fried chicken.

Nick: Nice... thanks Shion.

I gave Shion a kiss before both of us headed towards our own way. I entered the cafeteria followed by Saeko. I went to the counter and they handed me a plate of curry rice and a full bowl of fried chicken. Saeko also got curry rice but she took a beef steak.

Both of us sat down and started to eat our food. Both of us were quite hungry after all the exercise we did. Ohh... this is heaven, the food is really nice. Nothing can go wrong with fried chicken.

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